

单词 auxin
释义 aux·in 英ˈɔːksɪn美ˈɔksɪnAHDôkʹsĭn SBNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb³⁶⁷⁶²

a plant hormone that promotes root formation and bud growth来自词根aux,同aug, 增长。-in, 化合物后缀,同vitamin.auxin migration植物激素转移…auxin-kinin balance生长素与细胞分裂素平…free auxin自由生长素,自由生长…natural auxin天然生长素synthetic auxin合成生长激素…bound auxin束缚生长激素…
aux增长+in=an,形容词和名词后缀,在此表化学物质→导致增长的化学物质⇒植物生长素。GRE难词记忆auxin→aux=to grow 生长+in…素→生长素Panti-auxins抗生长素Physterauxin女性促长素Pantiauxinn.抗植物生长素Pheteroauxin吲哚乙酸杂茁长素异植物生长素杂茁长素吲哚乙酸

用作名词These buds themselves also produceauxin.这些叶芽本身也产生生长素。
The results also showed thatauxincould raise the amount of root RNA.试验中发现生长素提高根系核酸的含量。 The media for maintaining cells in culture is optimized for each species and cell type and will include auxin and cytokinin to stimulate cell division.
对于每种植物和细胞类型,必须尽可能的维持好培养细胞的培养基,培养基必定要包含刺激细胞分裂的生长素和细胞分裂素。 jxzy.lynu.edu.cn

The plant GH3 gene family is a typical auxin- responsive gene family, which is involved in plant growth and development.
植物 GH3基因是一种典型的植物生长素原初反应基因,此类基因与植物的生长发育密切相关。 dictall.com

Another chemical in leaves, auxin, controls a special band of cells at the base of each leaf stem, called the abscission layer.
叶子中另外一种化学元素,生长素,控制着每片叶茎低端处一组特殊的细胞,叫隔离层。 cpcwi

Apical buds produce a growth hormone called auxin.
顶芽分泌出叫做生长素的生长类激素。 koolearn

Differentiation to form roots, shoots and plantlets can be induced by selecting an appropriate auxin: cytokinin ratio for the medium.
通过配置培养基中生长素和细胞分裂素合适的比例可以诱导分化形成根、茎和小植株。 jxzy.lynu.edu.cn

During the growing season, auxin prevents this layer from fully developing and blocking the tiny, internal tubes that connect each leaf to the rest of the tree's circulatory system.
在生长的季节,生长素控制这一层的完全发展,阻碍细小的内部导管将每一片叶子参与树体循环。 cpcwi

How wood vinegar pyroligneous liquor or pyroligneous acid affects the pathway of signaling in which auxin and cytokinin affect the growth of arabidopsis?
在植物生长素和细胞分裂素影响拟南芥生长的细胞信号传递路径中,木醋酸或称焦木酸是咋样起作用的? bestzhishi

In fall, however, cooler and shorter days trigger an end to auxin production, allowing the abscission layer to grow and cut off the circulation of water, nutrients and sugar to the leaves.
然而,在秋天,天气变冷、变短,这使得生长素停止生长,进而,隔离层自由生长,从而阻断了叶子的水、养料和糖的循环。 cpcwi

Many plants may thrive in extra light but light also destroys auxin.
许多植物可以茁壮成长,但额外光灯也摧毁了生长素。 cfli

Normally, the T- DNA region contains genes for auxin and cytokinin biosynthesis and for amino acid and sugar derivative production.
通常 T- DNA区都含有生长素和细胞分裂素合成基因以及氨基酸和糖类衍生物合成基因。 jxzy.lynu.edu.cn

Plants that are overexposed to light can produce weak stems because of low auxin levels.
这已经不堪重负光可以产生弱的植物茎,因为生长素水平低。 cfli

Researchers have known since the 1930s that the actively growing tip of a plant releases a hormone called auxin.
自从20世纪30年代以来,人们知道了正在生长的植物顶部会放出一种叫做生长素的激素。 hjenglish

Scientists say the auxin has an indirect effect on buds on the side of thestandstem to prevent branching.
科学家们表示茁长素对阻止茎杆一边的芽分支有着间接的影响。 hjenglish

Scientists say the auxin has an indirect effect on buds on the side of the stem to prevent branching.
科学家们称生长素可以间接作用于植物侧面的叶芽,以阻止其分枝。 hjenglish

The new research shows that the buds on the side cannot export their auxin into the main stem because it is too full.
这项新的研究显示,由于主茎内充满了生长素,所以侧面的叶茎无法将生长素输送过去。 hjenglish

These buds themselves also produce auxin.
而这些叶芽本身也可以生成生长素。 hjenglish

You must be auxin, cause you are causing me to have rapid stem elongation.
你一定是生长素,因为你让我的茎迅速的延长。 yeeyan

Auxin levels differ along a shoot and affect which flowers grow, the auxin levels themselves being affected by day length, temperature and quantity and quality of light.
一条茎上的生长素水平存在差异,这也可能影响到长出什么样的花,生长素本身的水平受到日长、温度、光强和光质的影响。 jxzy.lynu.edu.cn




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