

单词 readout
释义 read-out 英ˈriːdˌaʊt美ˈridˌaʊtAHDrēdʹout' ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³³⁹⁴⁶BNC⁶⁴²⁰⁰iWeb¹⁸⁴²⁵
the output of a computer in readable formthe information displayed or recorded on an electronic devicean electronic device the displays information is a visual formdouble readout加倍读出end readout最终读出direct readout直接读出alphanumeric readout字母数字读出…visual readout目视读出numerical readout数值读出nondestructive readout不破坏读出cyclical readout周期读出digital readout数字读出readout equipment读出设备optical readout光读出destructive readout破坏信息读出…readout system读出系统nixie readout数码管读出装置…readout instrument读数仪表readout device读出装置,显示装置…readout station读出装置analog readout模拟读出readout gate读出门read out大声读出来
read-out⇒n.计读出;示值读数n.读出;计读出装置;宣读;读数;指示数据;计算机结果输出值;数显示装置;读出器;宣告开除;资料解析;数字显示装置近义词 data数据info信息screen屏幕record唱片display显示monitor监视read-out读出retrieval取回information信息statistics统计学

用作名词For certain detectors, noise is introduced by areadoutsystem.对于某些探测器,读出系统会引起噪声。
Rate meters infer areadoutfrom a continuous stream.速率统量计是从连续不断的流注中推出指示数据。
By the end of this year he wants to expand thereadoutcapacity fivefold.到今年底,他希望将该机器的读取能力增加五倍。 Asynchronous image capture is achieved by utilizing the Inject Inhibit function to“ hold” the image momentarily until scanning of the next full frame begins, allowing readout of the complete image.
通过使用注射约束功能来即刻“控制”图像指导下一个圈帧开始扫描的时候可以取得不同时的图像,允许完整图像的读数。 www.rohssolution.com.cn

MWPC readout system is designed for a high trigger rate fixed target experiment E871 in Fermilib in US.
该多丝室读出系统是为费米实验室的高触发率固定靶实验 E871设计的。 cnki

The configuration of contact image sensor mainly consisting of scanning circuits, photodiodes and readout circuits is presented in this article.
本文首先介绍了主要由扫描电路、光电二极管和读出电路构成的接触式图像传感器的结构。 cnki

To their surprise, they discovered that its rate of bending depended on the liquid's viscosity, and moreover that this rate could be determined from the cantilever's electronic readout.
他们惊讶地发现,悬臂弯曲的角度和液体的粘稠度具有线性关系,而悬臂的弯曲度可以通过电子设备读出。 yeeyan

An integrated visual battery indicator provides the user with a continuous readout of the battery status.
一个综合指标提供视觉电池用电池的状态持续读出用户。 canjiren

Both are connected to a monitor, and the measurements are recorded on a digital and paper readout.
这两个装置都被链接在屏幕上,而测量数据会被电子方式或纸张记录下来。 yeeyan

By modifying the method employed to control the readout circuit timing, Canon successfully achieved the high-speed readout of sensor signals.
此次佳能通过改进读取电路的时序控制方法,成功实现了传感器信号的高速读出。 yeeyan




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