释义 |
reading Braille 基本例句 盲读布莱叶点字法 Methods Right-handed congenital blinds performed the tasks ofreading Brailleand differentiation senseless dots.方法实验组10例右利手先天盲生,分别执行盲文阅读和盲点鉴别任务。 The system uses a special kind of keyboard technology, with which the blind can get audio explanations and relating words whilereading Braillepublications, Chinese or ASCII.由中科院下属部门研制开发,一套汉语盲人用点字法计算机系统,已经成功的通过了核查。相信通过这一系统,盲人也能享受到由计算机带来的乐趣了。 Objective Functional MRI was used to detect the cerebral activation areas during the congenital blindreading Braille, and to explore occipital cortical functional reorganization of the congenital blind.目的利用磁共振功能成像显示先天盲生阅读盲文时大脑皮层的激活区,探讨盲生枕叶皮层的功能重组。 |