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词汇 reader
释义 reader. 'riːdə


a person who reads a stated thing or in a stated way


the job of a person who reads books to put mistakes right before printing


a type of school book for beginners

a person who enjoys readingsomeone who contracts to receive and pay for a service or a certain number of issues of a publicationa person who can read; a literate personsomeone who reads manuscripts and judges their suitability for publicationsomeone who reads proof in order to find errors and mark correctionssomeone who reads the lessons in a church service; someone ordained in a minor order of the Roman Catholic Churcha public lecturer at certain universitiesone of a series of texts for students learning to read注意后缀-er除了可以表示动作的施动者,少数情况下还可以构成动作的承受者,常表示适合……的、值得去……的人或事物。
用作名词 n.
动词+~amuse the reader逗乐读者inform the reader of给读者提供…信息interest the reader引起读者的兴趣名词+~French reader法语读本mind reader能猜出别人心思的人readers of China Daily 《中国日报》的读者
非常记忆read阅读〖熟词〗+er儿子〖拼音〗⇒正在阅读的儿子是读者蒋争熟词记忆read读-er人/物⇒读者;读本;读物read阅读+er者,可以被…者⇒读者,阅读器;读物。近义词 book书text正文editor编辑club俱乐部member成员reader读者copy复制品bookman学者first第一的textbook课本manual手工的reporter记者censor检查员second第二的prelector讲师reciter背诵者referee裁判员bookworm书呆子lector助理牧师lecturer演讲者copyreader编辑reviewer评论者subscriber签署者bibliophile爱书者proofreader校对员copyholder校对助手Copy editor文字编辑booklover喜爱读书的人,爱好书的人…反义词 author作家
用作名词n.I don't think the book will appeal to the averagereader.我认为一般读者对这本书不会感兴趣。
My brother is a greatreader.我弟弟是个很爱看书的人。
Miss White is a mindreader; she surely knows what you are thinking about now.怀特小姐能读懂别人的心思,她肯定知道你现在想什么。
She works as a publisher'sreader.她在出版社当校对员。
Open your poetry readers at page 14.把你的诗选翻到第14页。Pcopyreadern.编辑Plip-readern.视话者Pmitreadern.看手相者Pnewsreadern.新闻广播员Preader-sorter阅读分类器Preader-printer阅读印刷机Preadershipn.读者读者人数Pmicroreadern.缩影胶片阅读器Preader-writer读写器读写程序Preader-interpreter读入-解释程序Pnonreadern.不能阅读的人阅读能力很差的孩子

用作名词He writes with thereaderin mind.他写作时把读者放在心上。
I am a regularreaderof this newspaper.我是这份报纸的长期读者。
Thisreaderis supplementary to the textbook.这本读物是补充教科书的。
Your coursereaderwill have most of the required articles and book chapters.课程读物包含大部分的必读书籍和章节。
I'll buy you an Englishreaderby all means.我一定给你买本英语读本。 who reads habitually
同义词 bibliophile,bookworm,editor,proofreaderbibliomaniac,book reviewer,literary who makes a profession of reading aloud
同义词 announcer,elocutionist,lector,lecturer,monologist,reciter,rhetoriciansoliloquistnoun.anyone admitted to a library
同义词 browser,scholar,student,userlibrary patron,research workernoun.person who reads
同义词 anthology,bookworm,editor,elocutionist,lector,lecturer,primer,proofreader,reciter,scholarperuser
booknoun published document
Bible,album,atlas,bestseller,booklet,brochure,codex,compendium,copy,dictionary,dissertation,edition,encyclopedia,essay,fiction,folio,handbook,hardcover,leaflet,lexicon,magazine,manual,monograph,nonfiction,novel,octavo,offprint,omnibus,opus,opuscule,pamphlet,paperback,periodical,portfolio,preprint,primer,publication,quarto,reprint,roll,scroll,softcover,speller,text,textbook,thesaurus,tome,tract,treatise,vade mecum,volume,work,writing
bookwormnoun booklover
lecturernoun teacher
primernoun textbook
prophesiernoun prophet
astrologer,augur,auspex,bard,clairvoyant,diviner,druid,evocator,forecaster,foreteller,fortuneteller,haruspex,horoscopist,magus,medium,meteorologist,oracle,ovate,palmist,predictor,prognosticator,prophetess,reader,seer,seeress,sibyl,soothsayer,sorcerer,tea-leaf reader,vaticinator,witch,wizard
prophetnoun person, thing that predicts future
astrologer,augur,auspex,bard,clairvoyant,diviner,druid,evocator,forecaster,fortuneteller,haruspex,horoscopist,magus,medium,meteorologist,oracle,ovate,palmist,predictor,prognosticator,prophesier,reader,seer,seeress,sibyl,soothsayer,sorcerer,tea-leaf reader,witch,wizard An ambitious reader might finish off one a month without disrupting a personal reading program already in place. That means he or she would cross the finish line in the year 2063.
一个有雄心的读者可以每个月读完一本书,并且不间断这个个人读书计划,并且已经行动到位,这就意味着他或她将在2063年完成目标。 yeeyan

At the outset he warned his reader not to waste his time with the scribblings to follow.
故事的一开头他就警告读者说不要为跟读他杂乱无序的文字而浪费时间。 ecocn

At this modest length, any reader can work through the book and do all the examples.
在这种篇幅适中的情况下,任何读者都能轻松看完,并且做完全部示例。 cnblogs

Distortions like this are only possible, or plausible, or worth risking, in an environment where the reader is actively deprived of information.
在读者被主动地剥夺了信息的情况下,像这样的歪曲仅是可能的,或貌似真实的,也或许是值得冒险的。 yeeyan

Each reader handles these tasks and tools in a slightly different fashion, so if your goal is critical reading, be sure to do your homework.
每个阅读器处理这些任务和工具以些许的不同的方式,所以,如果你的目标是批评性的阅读,一定要做好准备。 yeeyan

Either way, you will want to leave your reader with a sense that your argument is stronger than opposing arguments.
无论哪种方式,你需要给你的读者这样一个感觉,就是你的论点要比相反的论点更有力。 yeeyan

For example, if you decide to display help information as a tool tip rather than in a separate window that would open by user request, the tool tip might not be accessible to screen reader users.
例如,如果您决定将帮助信息作为工具提示,而不是在由用户请求打开的单独的窗口中,工具提示可能对屏幕阅读器用户是不具有易访问性的。 ibm

For the blind, at least one screen reader should be available on targeted execution platforms and work well with the application.
对于盲人,至少要有一个屏幕阅读器在目标执行平台上是可用的,并且要与应用程序配合得很好。 ibm

From then on the reader, too, is alert for him, doffing his robe to dance, dominating the tiltyard, until in 1509 he throws the windows open and sweeps his father’s miserly dreariness away.
读者也是从那时候起对他心生警觉,他不穿长袍跳舞,在骑士比武场上称霸,直到1509年他洞开所有的窗户,一扫他父亲满是吝啬的凄凉。 ecocn

He decided to draw the general reader into his subject with the sheer beauty of its images.
他决心利用极其美丽的图片将普通读者吸引到自己的专业领域中。 yeeyan

I challenge the reader to confirm that the client side framing and the server side framing are symmetric and implement the same data framing!
我质疑到读者能否确认客户端的数据帧和服务器端的数据帧是对称的,并且由相同的数据帧实现。 infoq

I leave a couple of rather obvious extensions to this tool as an exercise for the reader.
我给这个工具留下了两个非常明显的扩展,作为读者的练习。 ibm

If the common reader can spot these errors, what about an expert?
即使普通的读者都能指出这些错误,何况那些专家呢? ecocn

If there’s one thing that most e- reader enthusiasts want from the next generation of devices, it is color.
如果说有一件事是大多数电子阅读器爱好者们想从新一代装置中看到的,那就是色彩。 yeeyan

Inside books there is perfect space and it is that space which allows the reader to escape from the problems of gravity.
书中自有完美的空间,就是这个空间,让读者能够逃避地心引力的诸般问题。 ebigear

Milton wants the reader to know that she's fallen, we are all fallen, and any problem that we have in understanding the theology of heaven and hell is our problem as fallen readers.

Note, though that the reader does not know this.
需要注意的是,读者并不知道这些。 yeeyan

So what ends up in your e- Reader is good but not as good as it might be.
所以,您得到的电子阅读器最终版本虽然不错,但还有改进的空间。 ibm

The magazine she gave me is Reader's Digest.

Through your insights or your take on something, the reader can connect with the experience you write about.
读者能够透过你对某一样事物的理解和看法,跟你的写作经验产生共鸣。 yeeyan

When I write a book I write a book for myself; the reaction is up to the reader.
我在写一本书的时候,我是在为我自己写这本书,而反应却是取决于读者。 yeeyan

You can also manipulate images in some way before they are delivered to the reader.
在图像交付给读者之前,您也可以用某些方式对它们进行操纵。 ibm




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