

单词 read aloud
释义 read aloud短语²¹³⁵⁹
The student read aloud each word and wrote it down without knowing what it meant, week after week, until he attained the highest speed.
学生在不理解单词意思的情况下大声朗读并默写这些单词,一周复一周,直到他们能快速的朗读默写。 yeeyan

With the Odyssey, I found at first that it was hard to take in as much when I read aloud as when I read silently to myself. But that changed.
当初我读《奥德赛》时,我发现不论是我大声朗读,还是默默咏读,都很难使人理解。 yeeyan

After all, many studies attest to the value of allowing students to hear books read aloud; there is even evidence that students whose parents read to them are even more likely to become able readers.
无论如何,很多研究证实了让学生听大声朗读的教材的作用;甚至还有证据表明那些由家长为他们朗读的学生阅读能力更容易提高。 iciba

Back at the penthouse, he insisted they sit down to read aloud.
回到公寓,他坚持让他们坐下来大声朗读。 yeeyan

But books read aloud also stayed long in my memory.
而且大声朗读也在我的记忆中停留的时间长一些。 yeeyan

Lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives are to read aloud the U.S. Constitution Thursday, one day after Republicans took control of the chamber.
美国国会众议员星期四将在众议院大声朗读美国宪法。一天前共和党人重掌众议院。 tingvoa

On Valentine's Day that year, Mrs. Skala read aloud Burns's poem“A Red, Red Rose.”
在那年的瓦伦丁节,斯嘎拉夫人大声朗读了彭斯的诗《一朵红红的玫瑰》。 edu.sina.com.cn

Printing the full number would require a G2 page about30 miles long, and it would take more than two months to read aloud all the digits.
完全打印出整串位数的话,需要约30英里长的卫报G2副刊页纸,而且需要两个多月的时间来朗读所有的位数。 yeeyan

Research shows weaker readers get so stressed out about taking turns to read aloud that anxiety interferes with their ability to concentrate.
研究表明不太会阅读的人当轮到他们大声朗读时会变得很紧张,这种焦虑的情绪干扰了他们集中精神。 yeeyan

The students prepared a speech that one of the two colonels will read aloud for the rest of us.
学生们准备了讲稿,其中一个带队的长官向其余的人大声朗读了这份讲稿。 ecocn

Whenever possible always read aloud.
如果可能,尽量大声朗读出来。 hjenglish

Whenever possible always read aloud. This helps your speech, memorization, and makes you start thinking in the new language.
只要有可能总是要大声朗读,这有助于你的口语,记忆,使你开始用新的语言思维。 yeeyan

Write a glowing, incredible eulogy you would like to have read aloud at your funeral.
写一篇热烈,难以置信你愿意于你的葬礼中被大声朗读的悼词。 yeeyan




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