

单词 reactions
释义 reactions 英ri'ækʃənz美rɪ'ækʃənz COCA⁵⁴⁶¹BNC³⁶⁹⁷Economist⁷⁹⁰³
n.反应reaction的复数原型reaction的复数 One wonders why this should surprise anyone, since these seem to be perfectly reasonable reactions under the circumstances.
这很奇怪,因为这些似乎是人在这种情况下最合情合理的反应,这不应该会使任何人吃惊。 ebigear

The relevant chemical reactions have complex causes which involve both heredity and the environment.
相关的化学反应,有复杂的起因,它涉及到遗传和环境因素。 yeeyan

“ I would have expected the GP to be aware of the possibility of adverse drug reactions, but he never offered this as a possible explanation,” says Robert.
罗伯特说,“我本来期望那位全科医生会知道有可能出现不良药物反应,但他从未对此做出一种可能的解释。” who

All of these feelings and reactions are OK— but what can people do to get through them?
所有这些感觉以及反应都是很正常的--但是人们应该怎么做才能从悲伤中走出来呢? yeeyan

Because most primitive guy reactions to women are a mixture of terror and stupidity.
因为原始人大多数对女人的反应是恐怖和愚蠢的混合物。 yeeyan

But, hey, people have all kind of reactions. We have to focus on our organization purpose and role.
不过,人们的反应总是各不相同,我们得专注于标普自身的使命和角色。 fortunechina

He says that one of the first reactions of students reading the first book is incredulity that the killing happened in their lifetime.
他说学生们读到他的书的第一反应就是难以置信他们所生活的世界上发生着大屠杀。 ecocn

However, any unusual reactions or side effects that interfere with normal functioning should be reported to a doctor immediately.
不过,身体正常机能产生的任何不寻常的反应或副作用都应该立即报告给医生。 yeeyan

I take those visceral reactions to be a good sign, and something that should then compel us to explore the root of those feelings.
这些发自本能的反应,我认为是一种好的标志,是某些可以强迫我们去深悉那些情感的根源的东西。 yeeyan

If people do something together at the same time synchronous behavior it bonds them together—there are actually chemical reactions in the brain.
如果人们同时在一起做事同步行为,这会把大家团结在一起——事实上大脑也会有一些化学反应。 yeeyan

If you pause for a second and think of the many colours, shapes and textures around us, they are all the product of specific and unique chemical reactions that take place within.
如果你停顿一秒钟,考虑一下我们周围的许多色彩,形状和质地,它们就都是这些叶子体内发生的具体而独特的化学反应产物。 yeeyan

Let's do some reactions.

Pack the fuel rod into an assembly, and lots more atoms can affect one another— which means the reactions can release more energy.
把燃料棒组装成一个组件,许多更多的原子可以互相影响,这就意味着反应能释放更多的能量。 yeeyan

Scientists don't yet know what the effects of those reactions might be.
科学家们还不清楚这些反应会具体产生什么样的结果。 yeeyan

Sitting together in a circle as everyone had a chance to speak, we all began to realize that none of us was alone in our struggle to cope with our reactions.
坐在一个圆圈一起每个人都有机会发言,大家都开始认识到,我们没有一个人在我们的斗争,以配合我们的反应。 iask.edu.sina.com.cn

So when you think about it, all of the elements in our bodies originally formed from nuclear reactions in the centers of stars, long ago.
因此当你思考这个问题,你就会发现,我们身体中的所有元素,最初都是来自很多年前恒星中心的原子核反应。 yeeyan

Talk about your feelings and reactions to the divorce with someone you trust.
跟你信任的人谈谈你对于父母离婚的感受和反应。 yeeyan

That limits what they can be used for, since you need different combinations of pipes to bring chemicals together in the right order for different sorts of reactions to take place.
这一特点限制了他们的用途,因为你需要不同的通道组合来把化学物质按照一定的顺序组织起来,以使不同种类的反应能够发生。 ecocn.org

The reactions of the amygdala are so quick that they are for all intents automatic.
杏仁核的反应是如此之快以至于它们几乎是无意识的。 yeeyan

These are all normal reactions.
这些,都是正常的反应。 yeeyan

Yet experts say the result of these reactions can be depression and other emotional problems.
然而,专家说这些反应的结果可以导致抑郁和其他情感问题。 hjenglish

You cannot be hurt by criticism when you know that you are master of your thoughts, reactions, and emotions.
当你确信你是自己的想法、反应和情绪的主人时,你不可能受到批评的不良影响。 yeeyan

Reactions vary.; vary in reaction;




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