释义 |
RDF Schema 基本例句 RDF模式 For the purposes of automated consumption,RDF Schemawill be used to specify the DOAP vocabulary. It will be augmented by prose as much as possible.出于自动化消费的目的,将使用RDF Schema来规定DOAP辞汇表,并尽可能地增加一些平叙作为补充。 A further goal is to wrap up the RDF schema specification, which is currently still in limbo as a candidate recommendation.更进一步的目标是完成RDF模式规范,该规范当前作为一个候选推荐仍处于中间过渡状态。 RDF/RDF Schemais a sound and complete formal system, which has BNF formal syntax and model theory based formal semantic.RDF/RDFS是一个完整的形式化系统,具备BNF形式语法、基于模型理论的形式语义,是一个完备、可靠的形式化系统,从而保证了RDF描述语义推理的形式正确性。 This is a specification of a precise semantics, and corresponding complete systems of inference rules, for the Resource Description Framework andRDF Schema.这是一个RDF及RDF计划精确的语义说明书和相应完善推理法则系统。 Integrating Ontologies and Thesauri forRDF SchemaCreation利用本体和主题词表的集成构造RDF模式 Integration Ontology and Thesauri forRDF SchemaCreation利用本体和主题词表的集成查询元数据 |