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词汇 RBC
释义 RBCCOCA⁷⁶⁰⁰³BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
abbr.红血球=red blood cell

a mature blood cell that contains hemoglobin to carry oxygen to the bodily tissues; a biconcave disc that has no nucleus近义词 erythrocyte红细胞red blood cell医 红血球
A decreased RBC mass anemia may be caused by blood loss, hemolysis, or decreased production.
红细胞数量降低贫血可能是由于失血,溶血,或产生数量减少。 yeeyan

Removal of aged RBC normally occurs by phagocytosis by the fixed macrophages of the spleen.
老化的红细胞通常由脾脏巨噬细胞吞噬。 yeeyan

The cellular elements supply oxygen RBC, protect against foreign organisms and antigens white cells, and initiate coagulation platelets.
血细胞提供氧气红细胞,抵御外来微生物和抗原白细胞,并启动凝血血小板。 yeeyan

The function of RBC is to carry oxygen to the tissues at pressures sufficient to permit rapid diffusion of oxygen.
红细胞 RBC的功能是携带氧气并保持足够压力以使氧气在组织中快速扩散。 yeeyan

“ October was the most uncomfortable moment in my career,” recalls Gordon Nixon, the boss of Royal Bank of Canada RBC. “ There was a possibility that the entire global banking system could go under.”
“10月是我职业生涯中最不安的时刻”加拿大皇家银行 RBC的老板 Gordon Nixon回忆到,“有可能整个全球银行体系都沉没。” yeeyan

As the RBC ages it may change antigenically, acquiring senescent antigens and losing its flexibility due to impaired ATP production.
红细胞的老化导致抗原性改变,产生 ATP的功能受损使表面抗原老化并令细胞膜失去弹性。 yeeyan

Erythropoiesis is regulated by erythropoietin, which increases in the presence of hypoxia and regulates RBC production.
红细胞受促红细胞生成素调节,促红细胞生成素在缺氧情况下增加,并调节红细胞的生成。 yeeyan

For example, in immune-mediated hemolytic anemia, antibodies are produced against the host’s own RBC.
例如免疫介导的溶血性贫血,产生了对抗自身红细胞的抗体。 yeeyan

Glucose enters the RBC by an insulin- independent mechanism, and most is metabolized to produce ATP and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide NADH.
葡萄糖通过胰岛素依赖机制进入红细胞,大多数经代谢产生 ATP,和还原型烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸 NADH。 yeeyan

In acute blood loss anemia, RBC are lost, but mortality is usually related to loss of circulating volume, rather than to loss of RBC.
在急性失血性贫血中有红细胞丢失,但通常是循环血量减少导致死亡,而不是红细胞数量损失。 yeeyan

Inherited deficiency of pyruvate kinase, a key glycolytic enzyme, causes ATP deficiency, which leads to reduced RBC life span and hemolytic anemia.
糖酵解的关键酶--丙酮酸激酶,如果它有遗传缺陷,就导致会 ATP缺乏、红细胞寿命缩短和溶血性贫血。 yeeyan

Interference with synthesis or release of Hgb, production or survival of RBC, or metabolism causes disease.
血红蛋白的合成和释放、红细胞的产生和生存、或代谢机制受到干扰则会导致疾病。 yeeyan

Mature RBC have a finite life span; their production and destruction must be carefully balanced, or disease ensues.
成熟红细胞的寿命是有限的,它们的产生和凋亡必须保持精确平衡,否则会发生疾病。 yeeyan

Some disorders are the direct result of abnormal RBC metabolism and interference with glycolysis.
红细胞异常代谢和糖酵解被干扰会直接产生某些疾病。 yeeyan

The principal metabolic pathway of RBC is glycolysis, and the main energy source in most species is glucose.
红细胞的主要代谢途径是糖酵解,而大多数物种的主要能量来源是葡萄糖。 yeeyan

There also may be a silver lining: Banks may end up in better shape if weaned from an over- reliance on securitization, said Gerard Cassidy, an RBC Capital Markets analyst.
RBC Capital Markets的分析师杰拉德•卡西迪 Gerard Cassidy说,也许还有一线希望,如果银行不再过分依赖证券化,以后的情况可能会好一些。 ebigear

Two mechanisms exist for removal of senescent RBC;
衰老的红细胞通过两种机制去除; yeeyan

Two mechanisms exist for removal of senescent RBC; both conserve the principal constituents of the cell for reuse.
衰老的红细胞通过两种机制去除;它们都能使细胞的主要成分得到循环利用。 yeeyan

RBC analyst Howard Tubin said recently that Lululemon's results were among the strongest he'd seen this reporting season.
加拿大皇家银行 RBC分析师霍华德•图宾最近表示,这个季度他看过的财报中,数 Lululemon的业绩最强劲。 fortunechina




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