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词汇 razed
释义 razed 英reɪzd美reɪzd COCA⁴¹⁸⁸⁹BNC⁴⁴¹³⁴Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
torn down and broken up近义词 dismantled动词dismantle的…demolished动词demolish的过…
Or that Japan suffered terribly from the ruthless bombing and nuclear attacks that razed its cities and killed huge numbers of civilians.
日本也曾遭受无情的炮轰和核袭击,城市被夷为平地,大批市民被杀。 yeeyan

After old buildings are razed, “ scrappers” sort through the rubble collecting metal and other parts to sell.
在老房子被铲平以后,“拾荒者”会在这些瓦砾中分拣出金属和其他的东西来卖。 yeeyan

An entire village was razed to build Central Park.
为了修建中央公园,整个村庄被夷为平地。 ecocn

As in Darfur, the government unleashed local militias to do its dirty work, and the militias razed villages, raped women, massacred civilians and kidnapped children to sell as slaves.
在达尔富尔,政府派出民兵组织竟做一些肮脏的勾当,民兵们毁坏村庄,欺凌妇女,屠杀村民,并拐骗儿童卖给人贩子。 yeeyan

As Japan’s “blood-spot flag” advanced, thousands of villages were razed to the ground.
日本的“血点旗”所到之处,数以千计村庄被夷为平地。 yeeyan

But with most survivors living in the socialist block, “ imperialism would be razed to the ground”, and the world would belong to the Reds.
但是,由于大多数的战争幸存者都生活在社会主义大旗下,帝国主义将灰飞烟灭,普天之下都是无产主义的地盘。 ecocn

It could also be deployed in earthquake stricken zones to quickly reinforce damaged buildings and reduce the number of structures that have to be razed after a disaster.
该发明也可用于地震多发地区,帮助快速修复受损建筑物,减少因自然灾害受到损坏而不得不在后期被人为摧毁的建筑物的数目。 cri

It is not unheard of for buildings to be razed after10 or15 years.
建筑物在10年到15年之后再夷为平地,这并不是前所未闻的事。 yeeyan

Roland Schoeffel, the deputy mayor of Wunsiedel, told AFP news agency that the monument had been razed“ in an operation not open to the public”.
文西德尔副市长 Roland Schoeffel告诉法新社,墓地遗址将会“在非公开操作下”夷为平地。 yeeyan

That city was razed to the ground by an earthquake.
那座城市被地震夷为平地。 kekenet

That week, I stared out the classroom window at the modern office towers built atop razed lanes that rim our shrinking island.
那个星期,我从教室里的窗户往外眺望,现代化的办公楼鳞次栉比,只留下我们这一个日渐缩小的小岛。 yeeyan

This week he ordered a scandal- tainted apartment block in Mumbai to be razed.
这周他命令拆除孟买一栋饱受丑闻的公寓大楼。 ecocn

When the last Infested building is razed, the mission is complete.
当最后一个感染建筑被干掉的时候,任务就完成了。 yeeyan




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