

单词 raw sewage
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Heterotrophic bacteria eat most of the carbon-based materials in raw sewage while autotrophic bacteria consume ammonia and nitrogen compounds.
异养细菌可以吃掉未处理污水当中的大部分碳基物质;而自养细菌则会消耗掉氨氮化合物。 yeeyan

Several decades ago, Americans dumped raw sewage into rivers and many industrial plants are now still dumping chemical pollutants into lakes, rivers and oceans.
几十年前,美国人把经处理的污物、污水倾倒入江河,许多工厂如今仍在把化学污染物倒入湖泊、江河和海洋。 wwenglish

The experiments show that the layer height, the particle size of zeolite, the quality of the raw sewage and the flow velocity are the main influence factors.
实验结果表明:影响改性沸石除铵的主要因素是改性沸石层的装填高度、改性沸石粒径大小、原水水质、流速等。 cnki

The bricks in Vaultj1 were made from100 percent recycled material— including industrial waste and raw sewage.
拱顶201使用的砖,完全由可回用材料制成,包括工业废料和废水。 yeeyan

The manual examines numerous real- world operating scenarios, including the intake of raw sewage and the treatment of water via residual management.
本手册审视了现实世界中无数的运行方案,包括原水进水和采用剩余氯?管理的水处理。 www.cuwa.org.cn

The water you're drinking has to not be the same water, in your mind, as that raw sewage going in.
在你的头脑中,那些污水在流,你在喝的水必须不是同样的水。 yeeyan

Raw sewage is pumping on the beach in open drains, with children playing on the edge and families sitting nearby.
污水用明沟排放在海滩上,孩子们在明沟边玩耍,家人们就坐在附近。 yeeyan




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