

单词 Rawlings
释义 Raw·lings 英ˈrɔːlɪŋz美ˈrɔlɪŋzAHDrôʹlĭngz 高COCA³⁷²²⁵BNC³⁵⁸⁴³
原型rawling的复数 And through Rawlings' fresh eyes, I hope to find new ways of seeing these familiar locations.
我希望透过罗林斯的双眼能找到新的角度,来观察这些熟悉的地方。 yeeyan

As we drive through what used to be known as the Triangle of Death, Nate Rawlings tells me about his near death experiences as a U.S. soldier patrolling Highway1 south of Baghdad.
车开过曾有“死亡三角”之称的地带时,奈特•罗林斯向我讲述了他在巴格达南部1号高速公路上巡逻时那些死里逃生的经历。 yeeyan

The candidate of his New Patriotic Party, Nana Akufo- Addo, was running neck-and-neck with opposition candidate John Atta- Mills of the National Democratic Congress of former President Jerry Rawlings.
他所在的新爱国党候选人纳纳.阿库福-阿多同反对党、前总统罗林斯领导的“全国民主大会党”候选人约翰.阿塔-米尔斯之间的角逐不分上下。 kekenet

The Yearling is a famous work by American female novelist Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings.
《鹿苑长春》是美国女小说家玛·金·罗琳斯创作的一部非常有名的作品。 cnki

They will be amplified by the populist and charismatic former president, Jerry Rawlings.
人民党人士与超凡魅力的国家前总统杰瑞•罗林斯将重点加强此事的落实。 ecocn

Rawlings and I are fortunate to have the guidance of Ali al-Shaheen, TIME's longtime Baghdad bureau manager and lead translator, who possesses the finest antennae for danger of any person I know.
他是时代周刊在巴格达的常驻负责人和首席翻译。在我所知的人中,他对危险是最为敏锐的。 yeeyan

Rawlings represents the life of ordinary people in new lands area of Florida after Civil War with her exquisite technique of writing, not only vividly but also movingly.
罗琳斯以其细腻的笔法将美国南北战争后佛罗里达州垦荒区普通人的生活描绘得生动感人。 cnki

A contest between Messrs Mills and Rawlings over the new government’s direction may be as intense as the battle Mr Mills has just won for the presidency.
米尔斯先生与罗林斯先生之间会就新政府的发展方向展开一场论战,而这场论战的艰难则不亚于其总统竞选。 ecocn

As we left Baghdad, I told Nate Rawlings he had experienced more of Iraq in nine days than most American soldiers had in a couple of yearlong rotations.
当我们离开巴格达的时候,我便告诉纳特·劳林斯,在伊拉克为期九天的日子里,他体验到的比那些在这服役长达几年的美国士兵体验的还要多。 yeeyan

But the last time I was in this area, in early2005, my main fear was being killed by someone like Rawlings!
但是我上一次在这里的时候,是在2005年年初,当时我最害怕的是被罗林斯这些美国兵给杀了。 yeeyan

Highway1 is one of Iraq's better roads, and there was relatively little traffic as we drove through Rawlings' old stomping grounds.
高速公路1是巴格达最好的道路,但我们和罗菱斯穿越这一地段时几乎没有交通堵塞。 yeeyan

In 2020, for example, a new generation of radio telescopes will be able to rule out or whether the nearest100 or so planets have intelligent life like our own, says Professor Rawlings.
比如,劳伦斯教授表示,到2020年,新一代射频望远镜将有能力进行筛选,或对100个左右距离我们最近的行星上是否存在类似人类形态智慧生命做出判别。 yeeyan

Loretta Rawlings, another dealer, says that around ten gypsy families, including her husband’s, now sell cobs to Australia, Brazil, American and eastern Europe: “ They have become luxury items.”
另一位商贩Loretta Railings称,大约有十户游牧家庭包括其丈夫一家,现在把这种马售到澳洲、巴西、美洲以及东欧地区。 “这些都能赚大钱的。” ecocn

Now Rawlings gets to experience that for himself.
现在罗林斯能自己体验一下了。 yeeyan

So while I'm delighted Ali and I were able to show Rawlings as much of Iraq as we did, I cannot with any degree of certainty promise that his next trip will be so inspiring.
所以,当我为我和阿里尽可能地向劳林斯展示了伊拉克而高兴时,我没有几分把握可以保证他的下一次旅行会如此鼓舞人心。 yeeyan

Techniques for detecting Earth- like planets are improving though, says Steve Rawlings, head of astrophysics at Oxford University in England.
不过,探测类地行星的技术正在改进之中,牛津大学天体物理系主任史蒂夫·劳伦斯表示。 yeeyan

They are joined for breakfast Saturday by former Ghanian leaders John Kufuor and Jerry Rawlings.
他们星期六将与加纳前领导人约翰·库福尔和杰瑞·罗林斯共进早餐。 ebigear

Rawlings is a fearless fellow, and would have relished the chance to experience the Red Zone at its reddest.
罗林斯是个大无畏的人,这货喜欢体验在红区最危险时候的感觉。 yeeyan




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