

单词 ravings
释义 ravings 英'reɪvɪŋ美'revɪŋ ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷²⁹⁵⁰BNC⁵⁷¹⁶⁶
名词 raving:
declaiming wildly
用作名词A lot of his talk sounded like theravingsof a madman.他说的大部分话听着就像是个疯子的胡言乱语。as in.rage
同义词 animosity,bitterness,exasperation,excitement,frenzy,furor,fury,indignation,irritation,madness,mania,obsession,outburst,passion,resentment,temper,violenceacerbity,acrimony,agitation,apoplexy,asperity,blowup,bluster,choler,convulsion,dander,eruption,explosion,ferment,ferocity,fireworks,gall,heat,hemorrhage,huff,hysterics,ire,paroxysm,rampage,raving,spasm,spleen,squall,storm,tantrum,umbrage,uproar,upset,vehemence,wrathwingding
反义词 calm,calmness,happiness,indifference,love,peace,peacefulness,harmony,kindness,mildness,pleasure,sweetnessgleeas in.delirium
同义词 fever,hallucination,hysteriaardor,ecstasy,enthusiasm,fervor,frenzy,furor,fury,mania,passion,rage,raving,transport,zeal
反义词 apathy,calm,calmness,coldness,coolness,dislike,happiness,indifference,lethargy,peace,soundnessbalance,saneness Egged on by a hysterical blogosphere and the ravings of Fox News blowhards, the Republican Party has turned upon itself.
由于受到歇斯底里的博主们及福克斯新闻大嘴的怂恿,共和党将斗争的矛头对准了自己。 ecocn

Most of us in the scientific community have read the ravings of Mr Fang and dismissed them as the words of a man hell bent on revenge. We would not be surprised if he engineered this whole event.
在我们科学社会里,许多人都曾看到过方舟子攻击肖医生的胡言乱语,我们都会把它当作一个不顾一切寻求报复的人的话语,一笑了之。 blog.sina.com.cn

The critics concede that hundreds of wormhole solutions have now been found to Einstein's equations, and hence they cannot be lightly dismissed as the ravings of crack pots.
批评者承认,数以百计的虫洞解决方案目前已发现爱因斯坦的方程,因此他们不能轻易作为裂纹盆狂言驳回。 blog.sina.com.cn

Are you going to listen to her ravings?
你就听她的胡话吗? putclub

But I soon found her delirious strength much surpassed mine she was delirious, I became convinced by her subsequent actions and ravings.
可是我立刻发觉她在精神错乱时的体力大大超过我的体力她确是精神错乱了,我看她后来的动作与胡言乱语才相信的。 putclub.com

Egged on by a hysterical blogosphere and the ravings of Fox News blowhards, the Republican Party has turned upon itself see article.
被歇斯底里的博客圈和福克斯新闻的自吹自擂的胡言乱语怂恿着鼓动着,共和党最终兄弟阋于墙。 ecocn

Forget the rantings and ravings of those few who wish to perpetuate the old ways, as their influence no longer carries the power that it once had.
请完全忽视那少数依旧希望让老方式残存的人的咆哮和胡言乱语,因为他们不再有影响的力量。 blog.sina.com.cn

These are the mere ravings of megalomaniacs.
这是自大狂者的一派胡话。 yeshj

This can be inferred as Ishihara's ravings only leaked nuclear tests in Japan, and9, an earthquake in Japan is actually carried out nuclear tests.
这可以推论为石原的狂言只是为日本的核试验放风,而9日的地震其实就是日本进行的核试验。 newchannel




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