

单词 ravenclaw
释义 ravenclawCOCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺
“ It's not over yet, ” said Fred. “ We lost by a hundred points, right? So if Hufflepuff loses to Ravenclaw and we beat Ravenclaw and Slytherin…”
“比赛还没有结束,”弗雷德说,“我们丢了一百分,对不对?所以,如果赫奇帕奇输给拉文克劳,而我们又打败了拉文克劳和斯莱特林…” hoolee8

And a point will be taken from RAVENCLAW House for your impolite, Potter.
拉文克劳学院将因为你的失礼行为而扣去一分,波特。 gosky

But if they beat Ravenclaw…
但如果他们打败了拉文克劳… hoolee8

Chapter Twelve mentions Slytherin's narrow defeat of Ravenclaw in their match in January.
第十二章中提起在一月的比赛中斯莱特林小比分战胜了拉文克劳。 hoolee8

Knox plays Ravenclaw student Marcus Belby in the upcoming film “ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” the sixth installment of the popular series set for release in November.
Knox《哈利波特与混血王子》中,饰演一个拉文克劳的学生马卡·贝尔比,该片是哈利波特系列的第六部,将于11月正式上映。 hjenglish

No longer will we have to wonder about the past lives of Dursleys and McGonagalls, about the secrets of Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin houses or the details of wand wood.
我们不用再猜测德思礼和麦戈纳格尔过去的生活,赫奇帕奇、拉文克劳、斯莱特林学院的秘密和黑森林的详细情况。 yeeyan

Rowling clearly states in Chapter Seventeen that Gryffindor played and lost a match to Ravenclaw, since Harry was unconscious at the time.
之后罗琳女士清楚地在第十七章中说明了格兰芬多和拉文克劳比赛了而最终输了,因为那时哈利还不醒人世。 hoolee8

So how do we know that the Grey Lady is the Ravenclaw ghost?
那么,我们是怎么得知灰白女士是拉文克劳的常驻幽灵的呢? hoolee8

Who is the head of Ravenclaw House?
拉文克劳学院院长是谁? jh-led

Clearly visible on that page was the list of house ghosts which indicated that the Ravenclaw ghost was the Grey Lady.
在那个单子上,清晰可见每个学院的常驻幽灵的名字,标明灰白女士正是拉文克劳的常驻幽灵。 hoolee8




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