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词汇 rat race
释义 rat race 英ræt reɪs美ræt reɪs ☆☆☆☆☆高短语⁵¹⁵⁸⁴

an exhausting routine that leaves no time for relaxationAfter Nigel left his academic post and went into business, it took him quite a while adjust to therat race.奈杰尔弃学从商后,过了很长时期才使他适应于那种竞争激烈的环境。
Dad want to get out of therat raceand move back to his hometown.父亲想离开无休无止的竞争,回到他的故乡。
At the age of60, my father was at last able to get out of therat racein the city and buy a house in the quiet country side.我父亲在60岁时终于得以摆脱城市中你争我夺的无情竞争,在僻静的乡下买了一幢房子。noun.competition in life
同义词 battle of life,daily grind,hamster cage,survival of the fittest,treadmill,vicious circle
callingnoun chosen profession
art,business,career,craft,day gig,do,dodge,employment,gig,go,handicraft,hang,life's work,lifework,line,metier,mission,métier,nine-to-five,occupation,play,province,pursuit,racket,rat race,slot,swindle,trade,vocation,walk of life,work
competitionnoun contest
antagonism,athletic event,bout,candidacy,championship,clash,concours,contention,controversy,counteraction,do-or-die,dog-eat-dog,emulation,encounter,engagement,event,fight,game,go for it,go for the gold,horse race,jungle,match,matchup,meeting,one-on-one,one-upping,opposition,pairing off,puzzle,quiz,race,racing,rat race,rivalry,run,sport,strife,striving,struggle,tilt,tournament,trial,tug-of-war,warfare
drudgerynoun hard, tedious work
backbreaker,chore,daily grind,elbow grease,grind,gruntwork,labor,menial labor,rat race,struggle,sweat,toil,travail,workout
existencenoun life
actuality,animation,being,breath,continuance,continuation,duration,endurance,entity,essence,hand one is dealt,individuality,journey,lifing,permanence,perseverance,presence,rat race,real world,reality,something,subsistence,survival,the big game,world
jobnoun employment
activity,appointment,assignment,berth,billet,business,calling,capacity,career,chore,connection,craft,daily grind,engagement,faculty,function,gig,grind,handicraft,line,livelihood,means,métier,niche,nine-to-five,occupation,office,opening,operation,place,position,post,posting,profession,pursuit,racket,rat race,situation,spot,stint,swindle,task,trade,vocation,work
jobsnoun employment
actions,acts,affairs,assignments,burdens,businesses,cares,charges,chores,commissions,concerns,contributions,deeds,devoirs,duties,efforts,enterprises,errands,functions,matters,missions,obligations,offices,operations,projects,provinces,pursuits,responsibilities,roles,stints,tasks,taskworks,things,tour of duties,undertakings,ventures,works What does sleep have to do with escaping the rat race?
睡眠与脱离这种竞争激烈的状态有什么关系吗? yeeyan

As for the rat race, while different, it's faster than ever.
至于商业竞争,不同的是,它比以往更激烈了。 yeeyan

Even if you don't think you are sleep deprived, if you live in the rat race you likely are impaired from sleep deprivation and just don't know it.
即使你并不认为你存在睡眠障碍,只要你生活在这种激烈的竞争当中,那么你很有可能已经受到睡眠障碍的损害,只是你不知道罢了。 yeeyan

I'd love to get out of the rat race and buy a house in some remote part of the countryside.

If you are sleep deprived you are going to be at a severe handicap in your quest to escape the rat race and live the life of your dreams.
如果你存在睡眠障碍,那么你所追寻的远离激烈竞争、过上梦寐以求生活的理想就会遇到严重的障碍。 yeeyan

If you want to escape the rat race you will have to reduce your working hours.
如果你想逃避异常激烈竞争,你就得减少工作时间。 yeeyan

If you're not already feeling defeated and humbled by life, try to think about the education rat race for Chinese children and how competitive their lives will be.
如果生活的磨砺并未让你感觉挫败和卑微,想想当下正在中国孩子身上火热进行的教育竞赛,还有他们未来那充满竞争压力的生活。 yeeyan

In our modern chaotic and rat race world, we are no longer sleeping in a naturally healthy manner.
在竞争激烈的当今社会,我们已经无法拥有一种自然健康的睡眠方式。 yeeyan

Instead of seeking everyone else’s validation in a rat race that you can keep running in for the rest of your life.
而不是在你这一生不断进行的激烈竞争中寻找他人的认可。 yeeyan

Moreover, they are never taught the power of passive income streams and how to really break free from the rat race of working9-to-5.
而且,从来没有人教我们认识消极收入流的能力,以及如何真正从朝九晚五的激烈竞争中解放出来。 yeeyan

This journey is a pause in the daily rat race, a sudden stoppage of life, a frozen moment that may reveal more about us than we know.
这样的时候是每天的疲于奔命的一个暂停,生活的一个突然停顿,一个停滞了的时刻,能够揭示出比我们所已经了解到的更多的自我。 yeeyan

This tiny harbour town is the perfect spot for people wanting to get away from the rat race, but not from the human race.
这个港口小镇是那些想从激烈竞争的生活中解脱出来,而又不想远离人群的人们选择休息的完美地点。 yeeyan

To me, the most important takeaway from Bernanke’s speech is the importance of staying out of the rat race.
对我而言,从伯南克演讲中吸取的最重要的部分就是置身激烈竞争之外的重要性。 yeeyan

We're all living in the rat race.

You want to end the rat race and stop climbing the corporate ladderand sacrificing your happiness.
你想结束四处寻找帮助的日子,想停止攀爬通向社会高层的阶梯那样做会失去幸福; yeeyan




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