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词汇 rations
释义 ra·tion·s 英'ræʃn美'ræʃn COCA²⁴⁰⁷³BNC¹⁸¹⁷³Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

a small,equal amount of food gasoline,water,etc. given to each person in a group

vt. 限量供应;配给供应

limit the amount of food and other items especially by governmental order

the food allowance for one day especially for service personnel;

the rations should be nutritionally balanced

a fixed portion that is allotted especially in times of scarcity
restrict the consumption of a relatively scarce commodity, as during war;

Bread was rationed during the siege of the city

distribute in rations, as in the army;

Cigarettes are rationed

rations, diet, food, provisions, table

这五个词都可作“食物”解。其区别在于:food是一般用语,在科学上指把植物作为营养的东西,常有plant food那样的用法; diet指惯常的或规定的食物,特指维持健康的定量或定质的食物,又指疗养时规定的食物,也指肉食或素食等食物。常指病人,犯人,减肥者等吃的食物; provisions意为“一批粮食”,指即时应用或储藏备用的食物; rations指配给的定量食物; table指陈列于桌上的食品,一般是较丰盛的。例如:

Milk is the natural food for young babies.牛奶是婴儿的天然食物。
I like a simple diet best.我最喜欢粗茶淡饭。
I'm going to buy provisions for the holidays.我要去买一些假期所需要的食物。
People in some countries live on rations.一些国家的人们靠配给的定量食物为生。
He keeps a good table.他备盛宴以待客。
用作动词 v.
~+名词ration meats配售肉类ration 2 eggs a week每星期供应两个鸡蛋ration water限制用水
近义词 curb路边quota限额limit限度allot分配supply供应budget预算amount数量portion部分measure措施control掌控helping帮助allocate分派restrict限制regulate调整allotment分配allocation分配ration out配额allowance零用钱share分享,共享prorate比例分配contingent代表团
用作名词n.The country cut the bread ration last year.那个国家去年削减面包配给量。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.The government rationed each of them to an egg weekly.政府每周配给他们每人一个鸡蛋。
We are rationed with sugar.我们的白糖是定量供应的。
Eggs were rationed during the war.战争期间,鸡蛋限量供应。
Have you used yourrationof petrol for this week?你用了这星期给你定量的汽油了吗?
The country cut the breadrationlast year.那个国家去年削减面包配给量。用作及物动词They had torationpetrol during the war.战时他们不得不限量供给汽油。
We wererationedto two eggs a week.每周配给我们两个鸡蛋。as
同义词 aliment,bite,comestibles,commons,edibles,fare,goodies,menu,nourishment,nutriment,nutrition,provisions,snack,subsistence,sustenance,viands,victualsdaily bread,grubbery
反义词 deprivation,starvationindulgenceas in.eats
同义词 grubchow,comestibles,eatables,fare,meals,nosh,nourishment,nutriment,provisions,snacks,sustenance,tidbits,victualsvittlesas in.fare
同义词 menucommons,diet,eatables,eats,edibles,meals,provision,slop,sustenance,swill,table,victualsas in.foodstuff
同义词 aliment,comestible,comestibles,eatables,edibles,fare,fodder,groceries,grub,nourishment,nutriment,nutrition,pabulum,provender,provision,provisions,staples,sustenance,viand,viands,victual,victuals
反义词 deprivation,starvationas in.grub
同义词 eatschow,comestibles,edibles,feed,nosh,nurture,provisions,sustenance,viands,victualsvittlesas in.provisions
同义词 board,chow,fare,feed,fodder,food,forage,groceries,provender,stores,viands,victualsas
同义词 food,foodstuffs,items,material,materials,necessities,provender,replenishments,stock,store,storesraw materialsas in.victuals
同义词 aliment,bread,chow,comestibles,eatables,eats,edibles,fare,feed,foodstuff,goodies,groceries,grub,larder,meal,nourishment,provender,provisions,refreshments,snack,supplies,viandsvittles
dietnoun daily intake of food
aliment,bite,comestibles,commons,daily bread,edibles,fare,goodies,grubbery,menu,nourishment,nutriment,nutrition,provisions,snack,subsistence,sustenance,viands,victuals
eatsnoun food
farenoun food served at meals
foodstuffnoun food
grubnoun food
provisionsnoun supplies
boards,chows,fares,feeds,fodder,foods,forage,groceries,provender,rations,stores,viands,victuals The miners had survived by eking out two days’ rations.
经过两天的定量补给,矿工们幸存了下来。 ecocn

The next plane is very eagerly awaited, as we're currently down to half rations.
我们热切地盼望着下一班补给飞机的到来。因为现在,我们只剩下一半的口粮了。 yeeyan

The worst off are those living in the smaller cities in North Korea's impoverished, remote northeast, who do not have the means or connections to supplement their diminishing rations, experts say.
更糟糕的是那些生活在朝鲜东北遥远的贫困小城市里的那些人,他们没有谋生之道,或者说联系不到补充他们日益减少的口粮的渠道。 yeeyan

What normally happens is that we wait for a famine, and then rush in with emergency rations.
通常,我们都是这样做的:等待饥荒发生,然后紧急分配口粮。 yeeyan

“ All the scouts have new sleeping bags, boots and rations supplied by the Owenses, ” she wrote.
“所有的巡防队员都有了欧文斯夫妇提供的新睡袋、靴子和定量供给的口粮,”她写到。 yeeyan

As they grow stronger they move on to World Food Programme rations and fresh vegetables grown in the centre gardens from seeds provided by FAO.
随着他们日益强壮,他们开始领取世界粮食计划署分配的口粮并享用该中心菜园里种植的新鲜蔬菜,这些蔬菜是利用粮农组织提供的种子生产的。 fao

Citizens of a superpower again had to bear the indignity of sugar rations.
超级大国的公民不得不又一次忍受食糖定量供应的羞辱。 yeeyan

During their six- to12- week voyages they lived on meager rations.
在6到12周的航行中,他们依靠微薄的口粮生存。 yeeyan

Emergency Rations For The Emergency Rations!
紧急口粮紧急使用! yeeyan

Following his appeal, the WFP did boost rations in the Dagahaley refugee camp, albeit citing other reasons.
根据他的诉求,世界粮食计划署确实给达伽哈莱难民营增加了配给量,虽然他们列举了其它理由。 ecocn

He docked the workers off part of their rations.

His D- group prisoner designation the lowest gave him the fewest rations and severe visitation restrictions one visitor and one letter every six months.
在那里他是最低等的囚犯:享有最少的口粮和严格的探访制度每六个月一位探访者和一封信的待遇。 yeeyan

I travel with some sort of emergency rations.
所以我旅行时会带些紧急口粮。 yeeyan

In some hotspots troops are short of rations and depend on local people for food.
在一些热点地区军队口粮短缺只能依靠从当地群众中征粮。 ecocn

Iraqi Finance Minister Bayan Jabr says the additional spending is needed for food rations, fuel for power plants, and higher salaries for civil servants.
伊拉克财政部长长贾布尔说,额外支出用于口粮、发电厂的燃料,以及公务员工资的提高,这些都是必需的。 iciba

Llamas, along with alpacas, also provided meat, leather, and fiber for clothing. They were jeeps, K rations, and fatigues all rolled into one— crucial military assets.
美洲驼以及羊驼还能提供肉类、皮革和纤维,它们集吉普、应急口粮和杂役多重角色于一体,是关键的军队资产。 yeeyan

Nobody stole, nobody grumbled over his rations, the quarrelling and biting and jealousy which had been normal features of life in the old days had almost disappeared.
没有谁偷吃,也没有谁再为口粮而抱怨,过去那些习以为常的争吵、撕咬和嫉妒再也见不到了。 yeeyan

The last time London hosted the Olympics, in1948, locals subsisted on rations, there was no budget for new sports venues, and many competitors slept in military huts in Richmond Park.
上次伦敦举行奥林匹克运动会是在1948年。 当时,当地人依靠定量的口粮度日,新体育会场也没有新的预算拨款,而许多参与竞赛的人就睡在里士满公园的临时军事营房里。 yeeyan

The World Food Program reports it has distributed one- month rations to2.2 million people affected by the floods and to another500,000 refugees and people displaced by conflict.
世界粮食计划署报告说,他们已经向220万洪水灾民、另外50万难民和因冲突而无家可归的人分发了一个月的配给口粮。 voanews

The rations they had packed for the arduous dog-sled journey across Antarctica proved insufficient, so Amundsen and his men decided to shoot and eat some of their dogs.
在这次用狗拉雪橇穿越南极洲的艰苦之旅中,由于他们带的口粮不够,阿蒙德森和他的队员决定射杀几只狗作为食物吃掉。 yeeyan

Their rations are biscuits and canned food.
他们的口粮是一些饼干和罐头食品。 ecocn

They were complimentary in part because the Owenses had outfitted them with superior equipment and rations.
他们对他都充满了敬意,部分原因是欧文斯夫妇为他们提供过全套精良装备和给养。 yeeyan

They may also be put on half- rations.
他们也会被削减一半配额的口粮。 yeeyan

Unlike the well- equipped, albeit poorly-run, air force, the nominally 50, 000-strong Libyan army mostly conscripts has long been distrusted and kept on short rations.
不同于虽然无法充分调动但装备精良的空军,号称50,000人的利比亚军队主要是义务兵长期以来一直不被信任,且始终短缺口粮。 ecocn

Yet they did not rape her as she had been led to expect. Instead they shared their thin rations with her.
然而事情没有向她预想的那样,僧伽罗人没有侮辱她,相反,他们把只有少量的配给口粮分给她。 ecocn

Rations were served to the troops.




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