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rat. ræt 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 n.老鼠;耗子;讨厌的人;卑鄙的小人v.责骂;脱党;不参加罢工;做特务abbr.=rocket-launched antisubmarine torpedo火箭发射式反潜鱼雷🌏仿藤编织工艺品
n.名词 C大老鼠a long-tailed animal related to but larger than the mouse C卑鄙小人,叛徒a worthless disloyal person v.动词 vi. 捕鼠hunt rat vi. 变节; 食言; 叛变break an agreement, a promise, etc.; fail to do sth one has undertaken to do; betray sb Noun: any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mousesomeone who works or provides workers during a strikea person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible;only a rotter would do that kill the rat throw the bum out you cowardly little pukes! the British call a contemptible person a `git' one who reveals confidential information in return for moneya pad usually made of hair worn as part of a woman's coiffure Verb: desert one's party or group of friends, for example, for one's personal advantageemploy scabs or strike breakers intake the place of work of someone on strikegive hair the appearance of being fuller by using a ratcatch rats, especially with dogsgive away information about somebody;He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam n.名词 rat, mouserat指“田鼠”;mouse指“家鼠”,一般比rat小。 mouse,rat这两个名词均可表示“老鼠、耗子”之意。 mouse一般指体形较小的家鼠。 rat一般指生活在室外体形较大的一种老鼠。 来自中古英语rat,老鼠。来自古英语raet,老鼠。来自原始日耳曼语*ratto,刮,咬。来自原始印欧语red,刮,咬,词源同rodent, eraser。 rat来自中古英语rat,老鼠。来自古英语raet,老鼠。来自原始日耳曼语*ratto,刮,咬。来自原始印欧语red,刮,咬,词源同rodent, eraser。 red来自古英语read。来自原始日耳曼语*raudaz。来自原始印欧语*reudh,红色的,词源同ruby, rouge, russet。red-向后,往回,再,重新,来自re-在元音前的变体形式,字母-d为拉丁语古离格特征,如prod-为pro-的离格形式,见prodigy。 rodent来自拉丁语Rodentia,啮齿动物目。来自拉丁语rodere,咬,啃。来自原始印欧语red,咬,抓,刮,词源同rat, raze, eraser。 erasererase,擦除,-er,表物。 用作名词 n. 动词+~catch a rat捕鼠get rid of rats消灭老鼠smell a rat怀疑其中有诈形容词+~brown rat棕色鼠dirty rat卑鄙的人名词+~the water rat水鼠介词+~like a rat in a hole像瓮中之鳖,很有把握like a drowned rat淋得像落汤鸡,浑身湿透用作动词 v.~+介词rat on密告…rat on one's friends背叛朋友 用作动词v. rat on v.+prep.
〈口〉背叛,告发; 食言 betray or inform on (sb; go back on sth) rat on sb/sthThat coward ratted on his fellow-workers.那个胆小鬼告发了和他一起干活的工人。 The police know we're here.Someone must have ratted on us.警察知道我们在这儿,一定是有人背叛了我们。 We shouldn't rat on our promise.我们不应该违背诺言。故事记忆有一个 Rat老鼠非常地 Fat肥胖跳进了 Vat缸偷吃了 Salt盐变成了 Bat蝙蝠气坏了 Cat猫咬破了 Hat帽子当成了 Mat垫子小学英语速记音律记忆:一只cat猫,拿着bat球拍,追打rat老鼠故事记忆有只 Cat猫咪非常 Fat肥胖专吃 Rat鼠近义词n. mouse 用作名词n.The rats have eaten holes in those bags of flour.大老鼠把那些面粉袋嗑出了窟窿。 He looks like a drownedrat.他看上去像一只落汤鸡,全身都湿透了。 But you promised to help us, yourat!可是你答应过要帮我们的忙,你这言而无信的小人!用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AThe dogs wentratting.狗都去捕捉老鼠了。 They said they'd help us but they'veratted.他们答应帮助我们,但他们食言了。Pmuskratn.麝鼠Pratsbanen.灭鼠药Prat-tails鼠尾样肿Pratfinkn.卑鄙的人Prat-facen.阴险的人Prattrapn.捕鼠机绝境Prattern.捕鼠者叛变者Praticiden.杀鼠药灭鼠药Pratproof避鼠防鼠防鼠的Pratlikea.老鼠的像老鼠的Prattya.像老鼠的鼠臭的破烂的易怒的
rat用作名词时意思是“鼠”,转化为动词意为“捕鼠”,引申可表示“背叛”“告发”“食言”。 rat只用作不及物动词,在口语中常与介词on连用。 rat的过去式和过去分词均为ratted。 名词90%,动词10% 用作名词He was regarded as arat.大家叫他变节者/叛徒。 The dog was worrying arat.那条狗撕咬著一只老鼠。 The dog nosed out arat.那只狗闻到了老鼠的气味。 Now I can see why people say he is such arat.现在我知道了为什么人们说他是卑鄙小人了。 But you promised to help us, yourat!可是你答应过要帮我们的忙,你这言而无信的小人!用作动词The little boy likes torat.这个小男孩喜欢捕鼠。 They said they'd help but they haveraton their friend.他们说他们会帮忙的,但他们却背叛了朋友。 Why did heratout on his friends?他为什么背弃了朋友们呢? We should notraton our promises.我们不应违背诺言。noun.informer 同义词 betrayer,blabbermouth,canary,double-crosser,fink,informant,sneak,snitch,source,squealer,stoolie,tattler,tattletale,turncoat,whistle-blowerbackstabber,deep throat,stool pigeon Judasnoun traitor Benedict Arnold,backstabber,betrayer,conspirator,deceiver,turncoat,two-timer,weasel accusernoun person laying blame indicter,informer,prosecutor,rat,tattletale apostatenoun traitor backslider,defector,deserter,dissenter,heretic,nonconformist,rat,recreant,renegade,turncoat betrayernoun informer Benedict Arnold,backstabber,deceiver,double-crosser,fink,narc,nark,rat,snitch,spy,stool pigeon,traitor,turncoat,weasel blow the whistleverb inform on finger,rat,sell down the river,sell out,snitch,spill the beans,squawk,squeal,weasel cadnoun sly, dastardly person boor,bounder,clown,creep,cur,dog,heel,louse,lout,rake,rascal,rat,rotter,rounder,scoundrel,stinker,worm And as a result of this, Little Albert grew afraid of the rat. 这样做导致的结果就是,小阿尔伯特开始惧怕老鼠。163 The hungry rat ravened down the poison bait. 饥饿的老鼠一口吞下毒饵。《21世纪大英汉词典》 To this day bats live in caves, hanging upside down. And because they don’t want to meet Bird or Rat, they come out only at night to hunt for food. 直到今天,蝙蝠都生活在岩洞里,白天将自己倒挂着休息或睡觉,因为怕遇到鸟和老鼠,他们只在晚上才出来找食物。 yeeyan |