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词汇 Rasul
释义 RasulCOCA⁹²⁴⁵³BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
At the same time, Rasul also expresses his fondness for Russian writers Pushkin, Lermontov, Sholokhov and Tolstoy: “ I admire Tolstoy for his stand against violence.”
同时,拉苏尔还表达了他对俄罗斯文学家的喜爱普希金,莱蒙托夫,肖洛霍夫和托尔斯泰我钦佩托尔斯泰对暴力的无畏抗争。 yeeyan

In the days after the metro attacks, police leaked ghoulish photos showing the heads of the two women bombers. Rasul immediately recognised the first bomber as his daughter.
地铁袭击事件发生数天后,警察泄露出了当时血肉模糊的照片,照片显露了两个女炸弹袭击者的头部,拉苏尔立刻认出了第一个是她的女儿。 yeeyan

Sitting cross- legged on the carpet, Rasul tells me he finds it impossible to believe that his daughter was a suicide bomber.
盘腿坐着,拉苏尔一直在沉思,他告诉我,他没法相信女儿是一个自杀式炸弹袭击者。 yeeyan

Back in Balakhani, Rasul talks eloquently of the300- year struggle that has been waged in the mountains of Dagestan against Russian occupants.
回到 Balakhani,拉苏尔雄辩地讲述了达吉斯坦 地区的山区中300年以来发动的战争,来反抗俄罗斯占领者。 yeeyan

Mr Karzai has also enlisted as an adviser Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, an Islamist militant who welcomed Osama bin Laden to Afghanistan in1996.
卡尔扎伊还招募了一位曾在1996年欢迎奥萨姆•本•拉登来阿富汗伊斯兰教激进分子阿卜杜尔•拉苏尔•萨亚夫 Abdul Rasul Sayyaf作顾问。 ecocn

Summing up the new mood, Rasul Jan, a black-turbaned elder, said: “ Let God remove Karzai today—and America give us someone different.”
总结了最新的情况后,戴黑头巾的 Rasul Jan长老说到:“让真主现在把 Karzai赶下台吧,美国人应该给我们另外找一个。” ecocn

Then, on28 March, the day his daughter vanished, Rasul was himself arrested at gunpoint.
接着,3月28号,拉苏尔的女儿消失的这一天,拉苏尔自己也被逮捕。 yeeyan

Rasul rejects the official account, and the media's portrayal of his daughter as a terrorist zombie.
拉苏尔拒绝官方的说法,而媒体也把他的女儿刻画成了恐怖分子妖怪。 yeeyan

Rasul shows me the verbs she was busy noting down in her exercise book on7 February, weeks before her death.
拉苏尔给我看了她死前几星期的练习册,2月7号上面记录着她忙着练习的动词。 yeeyan




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