

单词 raskin
释义 raskin ˈræskən COCA⁴⁹⁶⁵⁸
A number of his projects never gained much traction, though; Ubiquity and Jetpack were Raskin- initiated Firefox technologies that never felt finished and didn't seem to go anywhere.
虽然他做的很多项目并未引起注意,但 Raskin所发起的 Firefox项目得到的普及和火箭般上升的使用率,大概他自己也没想到会有一天完成,然后离开。 yeeyan

A frequent and fascinating public speaker, Raskin's efforts to move into the much maligned health care sector could really shake things up.
作为一个经常在公众面前讲话的迷人演讲家, Raskin努力进入饱受指责的医保项目,也许他真的能够撼动什么。 yeeyan

If you hated Top Sites because it's such a resource hog, you may well appreciate New Tab's basic approach, one Raskin says is a “polite” way of dealing with users.
如果你因耗费资源而讨厌 Top Sites,你会喜欢 New Tab的简介方法, Raskin称这是对待用户的礼貌方式。 cnbeta

London always had the latest technologies, including a telephone, telegraph, fire engine and12 cameras, so it was not surprising he had two Dictaphones for composing letters, Raskin said.
伦敦总是有最新的科技发明,包括电话,电报,灭火机和十二台照相机,所以他拥有两台写信用的录音电话机就不足为奇了。 拉斯金这样说。 yeeyan

London's voice“ creates a more direct and personal connection with the person; it is another piece of the puzzle to hear what he sounded like, ” Raskin said.
伦敦的说话录音“创建了对他本人更为直接,私人的联系,通过对他的录音的倾听,对他是怎样一个人的了解就又多了一条线索。” yeeyan

Philip Raskin, MD, Department of Internal Medicine, Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas; and Christopher G. Parkin, MS, Carmel, Indiana.
菲利普拉斯金博士,内科学,西南医学中心,达拉斯部和克里斯托弗 G帕金,硕士,卡梅尔,印第安纳州。 tnbz

Victor Raskin, founder of the academic journal Humor: International Journal of HumorResearch, is more blunt:“What McGraw has come up with is flawed and bullshit— what kind of a theory is that?”
维克多·拉斯金 Victor Raskin是幽默学术期刊《幽默:国际幽默研究杂志》的创建者,他更加直言不讳:“麦格劳提出的东西是有缺陷的,简直是狗屁不通——那是什么乱七八糟的理论?” www.youfind.com.cn

Raskin is an accomplished technologist, having developed projects ranging from the Firefox Mobile concept to the original W3C Geolocation standard.
Raskin是一个成功的技术专家,带领过的项目跨度不小,从 Firefox的手机概念版到万维网的定位标准。 yeeyan

Raskin now is a professor emeritus.
Raskin现在是一名名誉教授。 blog.sina.com.cn




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