

单词 Rashad
释义 Rashad ˌrəˈʃɑːd COCA³⁸⁸⁹⁹
As of16 November2005,404 cases and118 deaths were reported from different localities in South Kordofan State Abu Gebiha, Rashad, Dilling, Kadugli, Talodi.
截止2005年11月16日,南科尔多凡州不同地区 Abu Gebiha、拉沙德、迪林、卡杜格利、 Talodi报告了404例和118例死亡。 who

On May23rd of this year, Lyoto Machida beat Rashad Evans to become the light- heavyweight champion in the UFC.
今天五月23日,他打败拉沙德埃文斯,成为 UFC的轻量级冠军。 yeeyan

Rashad Mobley, Truth About It: Bulls- Mavs is OK, but Miami at Cleveland is an ideal opening-night game.
公牛对阵小牛这将是个不错的选择。但是迈阿密客场对阵克里夫兰骑士队则会是一个更加理想的揭幕战。 yeeyan

After her divorce from her first husband, El Saadawi was pressured by her family into marrying Dr. Rashad Bey, who disapproved of El Saadawi's writing and her feminist viewpoints.
离婚后,她从她的第一任丈夫,萨尔瓦多 Saadawi是压力,她的家人到结婚博士拉沙德贝,谁不赞成萨尔瓦多 Saadawi的写作和她的女权主义者的观点。 lwdx123.com

Hoda Rashad is Director and Research Professor of the Social Research Center of the American University in Cairo.
Hoda Rashad是开罗美国大学社会研究中心主任和研究教授。 who

Osama bin Laden had decided to marry for the fifth time and had charged Rashad, one of his closest aides, with the important task of finding him the right woman.
奥萨马·本·拉登决定第五次结婚,并将为其寻找合适的妻子的重任交给了拉施德,他最信任的副手之一。 yeeyan

Today Rashad believes the fate of Bin Laden's family, especially his wives, is as, if not more, important to al- Qaida than Bin Laden's death.
今天,拉施德相信,对于基地组织而言,本拉登家人的命运,尤其是他妻子们的命运,至少会和本拉登之死同样重要。 yeeyan

When caught off guard by insults last week, Rashad Hussein, a legislative aide, reminded his accuser that Islam is about peace.
一位立法机关的助手罗沙·胡盛为一位被侮辱的门卫打官司时,提醒原告道伊斯兰教是以和平为宗旨的宗教。 ycwb

Rashad says he anticipates further US strikes on Yemeni soil in the near future.
拉施德说,可以预料,在不远的将来,美军将在也门的领土上展开更大规模的袭击。 yeeyan




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