

单词 raptors
释义 raptors
After Gibson didn't play well at the point in Tuesday's opener, Brown had James play more at point forward against the Raptors and put Gibson in the shooting guard role in most of his minutes.
吉布森在周二的揭幕战中得分并不多,在对猛龙队的比赛中,布朗让詹姆斯控球,让他有更多的时间去充当得分后卫,获得投篮机会。 lebroncn

On a serious note, no matter if you are a Nets fan, Raptors fan, or indifferent, you can't deny the fact that this was a great game.
认真地说,无论你是网队的球迷还是猛龙的,或是中立的,不可否认这真是场伟大的比赛。 vc15.cn

The following Tuesday, the Senate voted58-40 to stop production of the Raptors.
随后的星期二,美国参议院投票58-40,停止生产猛禽。 yeeyan

The new Air Force secretary told Wyoming senator Mike Enzi he didn't want any more Raptors anyway.
新的空军司令告诉怀俄明州参议员麦克·恩兹,无论如何,他不想再要猛禽。 yeeyan

The striking Philippine eagle is the world's largest eagle and also one of the world’s most threatened raptors.
引人注目的菲律宾鹰是世界上最大的鹰,也是世界上最危险的猛禽。 yeeyan

“ Primatologists have observed large raptors taking monkeys from trees,” Jenkins said.
“灵长类学家曾经观察到过猛禽捕捉树上的猴子,”Jekins说道。 yeeyan

“ Raptors look quite a bit like dinosaurs but they have much more in common with birds than they do with other theropod dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus, ” Ruben said.
“迅猛龙 raptor看起来有点像恐龙,但是它们与其他兽脚类恐龙theopod dinosaur比如暴龙 Tyrannosaurus相比,与鸟类更相似,”鲁本说。 yeeyan

A sign-and-trade with the Raptors would allow Bosh to receive the larger contract.
波什即使选择同猛龙先签后换,也会获得一份更大的合同。 amazing-network-marketing

Analysis of tooth pits, de-fleshing marks, bone breakage patterns, gnawing and other damage to the primate bones indicate that raptors were also hunting down these distant relatives of humans.
通过对齿痕、肌肉缺失、骨头破裂模式、咬痕和其他损伤的分析,科学家们发现猛禽同样会捕获这些人类的远亲们。 yeeyan

Before choosing Houston, Ariza said he also received strong interest from the Cleveland Cavaliers, Portland Trail Blazers and the Toronto Raptors.
阿里扎说在选择火箭之前,克里夫兰骑士,波特兰开拓者以及多伦多猛龙都表达了对他的兴趣。 yeeyan

By signing Gasol to an extension, they can now offer either Bynum or Gasol to the Raptors who might not have been as interested in Gasol when he only had one more year left on his deal.
通过续约加索尔,湖人就可以用拜纳姆或者加索尔与猛龙进行交换,因为如果不续约加索尔,猛龙并不见得会对一个只有一年合同在身的西班牙人有什么兴趣。 hoopchina

Drafted by the Toronto Raptors with the second overall selection in the1996 NBA Draft after a stellar career at the University of Massachusetts, Camby was named to the1996-97 All- Rookie First Team.
在马塞诸赛大学度过了一个闪光的赛季后,坎比于1996年被多伦多猛龙在第二轮选中,并入选了96至97赛季新秀的第一阵容。 yeeyan

In Billings, Montana, at a game between the Billings Mustangs and the OgdenUtah Raptors, Marcus caught his first foul ball.
在蒙大拿州的比林斯,在比林斯野马队同奥格登暴龙队的比赛中,马克斯获得了他的第一个界外球。 yeeyan

Moseley, a former fighter pilot, said that such a risk was unacceptable, that he needed those Raptors.
前战斗机飞行员莫斯利说,这种危险是不能接受的,他需要那些猛禽战斗机。 yeeyan

Tasting clear, light, crisp and fresh, Guangdong cuisine, familiar to Westerners, usually chooses raptors and beasts to produce originative dishes.
广东菜系,味道清,淡,脆,鲜,为西方人所熟知,常用猛禽走兽来烹饪出有创意的菜肴。 putclub

That would have anchored enormous thigh muscles, which may have been used to deliver powerful kicks to raptors and other enemies.
那块髋骨将会用来固定巨大的大腿肌肉,这块肌肉用来给予猛禽和其它敌人有力的一踢。 yeeyan

There was no candidate better suited to help the Raptors than Barnes, especially considering the huge hole they have at small forward.
没有谁比 Barnes更适合猛龙尤其是考虑到他们在小前锋位置上的巨大漏洞. yeeyan

Raptors, they said, were essential replacements for the aging US aircraft fleet.
他们说,正在老化的美国飞机机群必不可少的替换物就是猛禽战斗机。 yeeyan

Raptors like the red-tailed hawktop left are rare victims.
像红尾鹰这样的猛禽是罕见的牺牲品。 yeeyan




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