

单词 rapid
释义 rap·id 英ˈræpɪd美ˈræpɪdAHDrăpʹĭd ★★★★☆中高四六研IM牛4八COCA³⁸⁸¹BNC²⁴¹⁹iWeb³²⁰²Economist²⁴⁹²


happening, moving, or doing sth at great speed; fast

a part of a river where the current is very fast
done or occurring in a brief period of time;

a rapid rise through the ranks

characterized by speed; moving with or capable of moving with high speed;

a rapid movement

a speedy car

a speedy errand boy

rapid, fast, hasty, quick, sudden, swift


1.quick指运动动作发生或完成的迅速、敏捷,强调的是单一动作的突然性或短暂性,也指才智和反应的敏捷和灵敏; swift意为“快”或“突然发生”,所指的运动速度最高,同时强调运动的平稳潇洒和轻捷、不费力气等,有时带文学色彩,为较正式的用语; fast多指运动的物体,位置移动的迅速,强调物体运动的方式; rapid是正式用语,多指运动本身,强调运动的高速度,所指的速度有时有“对人有益”的含义,常常可与fast互换使用,但语气比fast强; hasty指“草率,匆忙”; sudden则指“突然”。

2.swift, fast和rapid一般都指运动的速度,通常动作都有持续性和连续性。hasty一般都不指运动的速度。例如:

He gave me a quick response to my question.他对我的问题给出了迅速的回答。
The swift fading of autumn into winter.秋色迅速退去,随而进入冬天。
The fast train was exchanged for a local one.快车被换成了慢车。
He made such rapid progress that his parents were very glad.他取得了如此快的进步,以至于他的父母都很高兴。
She's too hasty—if she would only think before speaking she wouldn't have so much trouble.她太性急了,要是她讲话之前多考虑一下,就不会有那么多麻烦了。
A sudden clap of thunder woke me.一阵突然的雷声把我惊醒了。来源于拉丁语形容词rapidus迅速的。
词根词缀: -rap-抓 + -id形容词词尾
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词rapid current急流rapid decline急速下降rapid development飞速发展rapid heartbeat过快的心跳rapid march急行军rapid pace快步rapid progress飞快的进步rapid pulse过快的脉搏rapid reading快速阅读rapid results速见成效rapid train快车rapid words急促不断的话语rapid worker做起事来动作快的人,快手
非常记忆rap饶舌说唱〖熟词〗+id身份〖编码〗⇒迅速查明饶舌说唱者的身份rap突然抓取+id形容词后缀→突然抓取的⇒迅速的,急促的,飞快的。近义词 fastbriskquickswift反义词 slow
~+ n.The tailor made allowances for the boy's rapid growth and cut the cloth accordingly.裁缝考虑到孩子长得快,因此在裁衣时,相应地放大了尺寸。
They asked their questions in rapid succession.他们连珠炮似地提出了一系列问题。
Some countries envy us our rapid development of light industry.有些国家羡慕我国轻工业的飞速发展。
The rapid train was exchanged for a local one.快车被换成了慢车。
He made such rapid progress that his parents were very glad.他取得了如此快的进步以至于他的父母都很高兴。
The school promised rapid results in the learning of languages.那所学校可望在语言学习方面速见成效。
His rapid ascent in the social scale was surprising.他的社会地位提高之迅速令人吃惊。
I often jump over a line or two in rapid reading.我在快速阅读时常常跳过一两行。
He has a rapid pulse.他的脉搏跳动很快。
He walked down the street at a rapid pace.他快步沿街走去。
I heard my name among those rapid words.在那些急促不断的话语中,我听到了我的名字。
He noticed a rapid tapping noise.他注意到急促的敲击声。
The patient made a rapid recovery.病人恢复得很快。
S+be+~The current wasrapid.水流得很急。
The improvement was veryrapid.改进极为迅速。
My watch israpid.我的手表快了。
His progress towards promotion was smooth andrapid.他的提升过程又平稳又迅速。Prapidsn.急流湍流Prapid-firea.速射的Pultrarapida.超速的Prapid-firern.速射枪Prapidityn.迅速急速速度Prapidlyad.飞快地迅速地赶紧地Prapid-firinga.速射的讲话快而尖声的Prapidnessn.快动作敏捷动作快迅速陡险峻急流湍滩




用作形容词Cats haverapidreflexes.猫的反应很敏捷.
The pound'srapidappreciation is creating problems for exporters.英镑急速升值给出口商造成困难。
Therapidspread of the disease is alarming the medical authorities.这种疾病的迅速蔓延使医疗当局感到忧虑不安。
With therapideconomical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。
The intercession has made arapidprogress.调解已经取得了很大的进展。
The student is showingrapidprogress in his studies.这个学生学习上进步很快。
The old man had difficulty climbing therapidascent.这位老人攀登这条陡峭的上坡路有困难。用作名词The firstrapidwe went through was the easiest.我们经过的第一道急流是最简单的。adj.very quick
同义词 accelerated,breakneck,brisk,expeditious,fast,hasty,speedy,swiftactive,express,fleet,flying,precipitate,prompt,ready,screamingagile,double-time,expeditive,fleet of foot,hurried,in nothing flat,light-footed,like a house on fire,lively,mercurial,nimble,on the double,quick as a wink,quickened,really rolling,split-second,spry,winged
反义词 delayed,slow,sluggish,tardylanguishing,leisurely,slack
activeadjective very involved in activity
aggressive,agile,alert,alive,animated,assiduous,bold,brisk,bustling,busy,chipper,daring,dashing,determined,dexterous,diligent,dynamic,eager,energetic,engaged,enlivened,enterprising,enthusiastic,eventful,fireball,forceful,forcible,fresh,frisky,hard-working,high-spirited,hyper,industrious,intense,inventive,jumping,keen,lively,nimble,on the move,perky,persevering,purposeful,pushing,quick,ready,resolute,sharp,sprightly,spry,whiz,zealous
agileadjective physically or mentally nimble, deft
active,acute,alert,athletic,brisk,buoyant,bustling,clever,dexterous,easy-moving,energetic,fleet,frisky,limber,lithe,lively,mercurial,prompt,quick,quick on the draw,quick on the trigger,quick-witted,rapid,ready,sharp,spirited,sportive,spright,sprightly,spry,stirring,supple,swift,twinkle toes,vigorous,vivacious,winged,zippy
breakneckadjective extremely fast
at full tilt,dangerously fast,excessive,flat out,headlong,high-speed,lightning,precipitate,rapid,reckless,speedy,whirlwind
chutenoun ramp, slope
cursoryadjective casual, hasty
brief,careless,depthless,desultory,fast,half-assed,half-baked,haphazard,hit or miss,hurried,offhand,passing,perfunctory,quick,random,rapid,shallow,short,sketchy,slapdash,slight,sloppy,speedy,summary,superficial,swift,uncritical
dizzyingadjective giddy
bewildering,confused,dizzy,faint,fainting,fast,fleet,flying,lightheaded,quick,rapid,shaky,speedy,swift,swimming,unsteady,vertiginous,woozy A mob can steer itself, and in the territory of rapid, massive, and heterogeneous change, only a mob can steer.
民众能够引导自己,而且在快速、大规模的异质性变化领域中,只有民众能引导自己。 yeeyan

It will be years before Haitians have access to clean water and proper sanitation. Until then, they will have to rely on their own awareness and the rapid response of the aid industry.
海地人能使用洁净的水源、合适的公共卫生设施可能还需要几年时间,到那时,他们可能需要依靠自己的卫生意识以及救助业对疾病的快速反应。 ecocn

The problem of pollution arises along with the rapid development of industry.

The roots of this rapid growth, though, do not lie in China’s centralised planning.
尽管如此,这一迅速发展的根源却不在于中国的集中型计划经济。 ecocn

“The Palestinians should understand that they have in our government a partner for peace, for security, and for rapid economic development of the Palestinian economy, ” he said.
他说:“巴勒斯坦人应该了解,我们的政府将是他们的和平与安全伙伴,也是巴勒斯坦经济快速发展的伙伴。” ebigear

Blood can pool in your feet and legs when you sit or lie down and can cause a rapid, but temporary blood pressure drop.
当你坐或躺的时候,血液会聚集到你的脚和腿部,会引起一次迅速的但是暂时的血压的下降。 yeeyan

But then I also remember that times of rapid change can bring pain and confusion, even destruction, as well as progress and excitement.
但是,我也记得迅速变化的年代带来的不仅是进步和兴奋,它同样能带来痛苦和困惑,甚至是破坏。 ebigear

But some analysts worry that this one-off restructuring may be almost complete. So even when the world economy recovers, the rapid expansion of container trade may not resume.
但也有一些分析家担心这种一次性的结构调整几乎已经结束,即使世界经济回暖,集装箱贸易也不太可能立即有一个快速的扩大。 ecocn

Design patterns gave me the confidence to run a rapid that would otherwise be beyond my skill level.
设计模式给予我信心,使我能够通过一个原本超越我技能水平之上的急流。 ibm

For someone to realize the value of information, you need to organize data to permit rapid discovery and utilization.
要使某人实现信息的价值,您需要相应地组织数据以允许快速的发现和利用。 ibm

He has made rapid and brilliant progress in his studies.

Hence the rapid growth of an alternative.
从此,另一选择的快速增长。 ecocn

In this approach, those who best understand the business problem at hand develop rapid solutions without the overhead and formality of traditional IT methods.
在此方法中,最了解手头业务问题的那些人员可以快速开发解决方案,省去了传统 IT方法的开销和形式。 ibm

Italy wants more“ carrots” to encourage orderly but rapid change, including an upgrade of relations with Egypt and Tunisia and a new system to manage migration.
意大利想要更多的“胡萝卜”,以鼓励有序而迅速的改变,包括同埃及和突尼斯以及新移民管理系统的关系升级。 ecocn

Not only are they well capitalised and well funded, they are really big— and are enjoying rapid growth.
它们不仅资本雄厚并且资金充足,他们真的很大而且正享受着快速增长。 ecocn

That could not be said of its rapid response to the tsunami.
那不能够与其面对海啸的迅速反应同日而语。 ecocn

The results I have seen show an impressive and rapid impact on health outcomes.
我所看到的结果表明,这对健康产生了深刻和迅速的影响。 who

The rapid growth of Asian traffic is one reason for this.
亚洲交通的快速发展的原因之一就是这个。 yeeyan

This allows you to demonstrate the application to end users and other stakeholders, or have them use the application directly, enabling them to provide rapid feedback on how you are doing.
这使得你能够向终端用户和其它涉众演示应用程序,或让他们直接使用应用程序,使他们能够对你的工作做出快速的反馈。 ibm

This information permits the rapid identification of model and query optimizations which could be applied in order to achieve better performance.
该信息允许快速识别模型和查询优化,应用该优化的目的是达到更好的性能。 ibm

This solution is particularly beneficial at the start of a project, where tables and fields are changing constantly, and keeping up with rapid changes is crucial.
这个解决方案在项目开始的时候特别有用,因为这时表和字段不断地变化,所以跟上迅速的变化是至关重要的。 ibm

We and our partners took rapid action to ensure the safety of water, the adequacy of nutrition, and the reliability of disease surveillance.
我们及我们的伙伴采取了迅速的行动以确保提供安全的水、充分的营养以及可靠的疾病监测。 who

We see the results of rapid modernization on the roads.
在道路上,我们看到快速现代化的结果。 who

While you may not be able to hear the heartbeat through a sonogram or Doppler for a few weeks yet, when you finally do, the rapid staccato beats will be concrete evidence of the life inside you.
在几周内,你可能还不能够通过声波图或者多普勒超声听到婴儿的心跳,但当你最终听到时,那快速的断断续续的节奏巩固你身体里有个小生命的证据。 yeeyan




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