

单词 rapeseeds
释义 rapeseeds
The oil extracted fromrapeseedsis yellowish-brown.用油菜籽榨出的油颜色是土黄色的。
Based on the mainly shaped and propertied evolution ofrapeseeds,the author completed and perfected the classified system ofrapeseedsin China.在分析中国栽培油菜主要性状进化趋势的基础上,对中国栽培油菜的分类系统进行了补充完善。
The tax incentives apply to biodiesel made from soybeans, sunflower seeds, corn, cottonseeds, canola, crambe,rapeseeds, safflowers, flaxseeds, rice bran, mustard seeds, or animal fats.税收优惠适用于由大豆、葵花籽、玉米、棉籽、无毒菜籽、海甘蓝、油菜籽、红花、亚麻籽、稻糠、芥茉籽或动物脂肪加工而成的生物燃料。
To the shin layer drying research, set a relative humidity to simulate the drying environment, and take drying velocity, air temperature as the factors, and take the rewettingrapeseedsas testing object.对油菜籽薄层干燥试验,设定某一相对湿度模拟干燥环境,并选择热风干燥速度、热风温度为试验因素,以加湿油菜籽为研究对象;
The wet-heat inactivation of endo- myrosinases in intactrapeseeds, stability of glucosinolates during heat treatment and the optimal conditions for enzymatic hydrolysis were investigated.同时对菜籽内源硫苷酶的湿热灭活条件及硫苷的湿热稳定性进行了研究,并优化了酶解的工艺条件。




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