

单词 rapeseed
释义 rape·seed 英ˈreɪpˌsiːd美ˈrepˌsidAHDrāpʹsēd' 高COCA¹⁰⁹⁷⁹⁸BNC⁵⁸³⁵²iWeb³¹¹⁸⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
seed of rape plants; source of an edible oilrape,油菜,seed,籽。rape-seed⇒n.油菜籽
用作名词Most families userapeseedoil for cooking.大多数家庭里食用的都是菜子油。
We can easily raise plenty of corn andrapeseedin the fields.我们很容易在田间收获大量谷类及油菜子。
In the southern part of the country wheat is earing andrapeseedis in bloom.南国的小麦正在抽穗,油菜正在开花。 Canola rapeseed, used in biodiesel, is an important local crop.
用来生产生物 柴油的油菜籽正是当地一种重要的农作物。 ecocn

Straining to control a deafening, bucking, fuel- powered plough, Qing Zhongxing prepares a strip of land ahead of sowing next season's harvest of rapeseed.
秦中兴音译正在学习使用一台轰鸣震动的燃料动力犁,把油菜地划成一条一条,为来年的油菜籽收成作准备。 yeeyan

The present rapeseed production situation were described comprehensively in Qinghai and domestic and abroad. Some countermeasures were suggested according to problems in Qinghai rapeseed production.
综述了国内外及我省油菜的生产现状,针对青海省油菜发展中存在的问题提出对策。 jukuu

The associated problems with this weed include its competitiveness, difficulty of control, and the reduction of quality through genetic contamination of pure lines of rapeseed and the like.
与自生油菜杂草相关的问题包括杂草的竞争性、难以控制以及通过对油菜纯系的基因混杂造成油菜品质的下降等等。 cnki

The CHP engine would run on vegetable oil squeezed from local rapeseed, though2OC is experimenting with other fuels, such as synthetic oil made from wood.
热电联产发动机的运转依靠从当地油菜籽中提取的植物油,尽管2OC公司正对其他燃料进行实验,如从木材中提取合成油。 yeeyan

The flat lands grow rapeseed and wheat.
平坦的土地种植油菜籽和小麦。 jukuu

The purplish soil of the warm and humid Sichuan Basin is green with crops in all four seasons, including paddy rice, rapeseed and sugarcane.
四川盆地多为紫色土壤,气候暖湿,农作物可四季生长,盛产水稻、油菜和甘蔗。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The rapeseed is the valuable, harvested component of the crop.
油菜籽是油菜具有收获价值的部分。 iciba

This paper briefly introduces the utilization and research of biotechnology such as gene engineering, molecular markers and so on in genetic improvement of rapeseed.
概要介绍了基因工程、分子标记等生物技术在油菜遗传改良方面的应用研究情况。 cnki

“ This is a much- needed boost to our economy, our farms,” said Marcello Pini,50, a farmer, standing in front of the rapeseed he planted for the first time.
马塞罗•宾尼是一位农民,现年50岁。他站在其首次种植的油菜前说:“这对我们的经济和农业都产生了急需的促进作用。 ecocn

Eat' good' fats to burn fat. Eggs, walnuts and rapeseed oil are all good for this, and also help cut the risk of heart disease.
吃良性油脂来燃烧脂肪。鸡蛋、胡桃和菜籽油都有利于减肥,还能帮助降低得心脏病的风险。 yeeyan

Eggs, walnuts and rapeseed oil are all good for this, and also help cut the risk of heart disease.
鸡蛋、胡桃和菜籽油都有利于减肥,还能帮助降低得心脏病的风险。 yeeyan

Ingredients to embrace: Veg, fruit, extra- virgin olive oil, rapeseed oil, fish especially oily, lean meat such as rabbit and chickenno skin, skimmed milk, oats, wholemeal bread, brown rice.
放手去用的食材:蔬菜,水果,初榨橄榄油,菜籽油,鱼特别是含油的,瘦肉如兔肉和去皮的鸡肉,脱脂奶,燕麦,全麦面包,糙米。 yeeyan

One day in1995 in Allen Good's laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta, a student made a serendipitous mistake: she forgot to add nitrogen when she watered some experimental canola rapeseed plants.
1995年的一天,在位于艾伯塔省埃德蒙顿的艾伦古德实验室里,一个学生犯了一个偶然发现的错误:她在给实验用的油菜油菜籽浇水的时候,忘记了添加氮元素。 ecocn

Since then, GM strains of maize, soybeans, rapeseed and cotton have been marketed and traded nationally and internationally in several areas.
从那时起,玉米、大豆、油菜籽和棉花的转基因株系开始在国家和国际的若干地区进行销售和贸易。 who

The weather has also accelerated food inflation because of the damage caused to winter crops such as rapeseed and wheat.
恶劣天气还损坏了油菜籽和小麦等冬季农作物,从而加快了食品价格通胀。 ebigear

Therefore, those relative products of rapeseed peptides will become a study emphasis in further research.
因此,菜籽肽相关产品的开发和应用将是下一步研究的重点。 iciba

Zhang Yuankui had harvested his rapeseed; now he fretted over whether he could plant rice in time for September's crop.
张元贵音译已经收获了他的油菜籽,现在他忧心的问题是他是否可以在九月份赶上种水稻。 yeeyan

Zhang said he and his wife had made “ a good living” from potatoes, rice, corn, wheat and rapeseed.
张元贵说,他和自己的妻子过去“过的不错”,他们种植马铃薯,水稻,小麦和油菜籽。 yeeyan




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