

单词 raped
释义 raped 英reɪpt美reɪpt 高COCA¹⁰²⁰¹BNC¹¹⁴⁹⁶iWeb⁴⁰⁶³⁴Economist¹⁰¹⁷⁵
having been robbed and destroyed by force and violence;

the raped countryside

近义词 sacked动词sack的过去式,动…pillaged动词pillage的过去…ravaged动词ravage的过去式…despoiled动词despoil的过去…

用作形容词Raskolnikov intervenes in behalf of a young girl who has evidently beenraped, engages a policeman to help her, then suddenly tells the policeman to mind his own business.拉斯可尼可夫介入一个被强暴的女孩与帮助她的警察之间,但又突然告诉警察管好自己的事。adj.assaulted
同义词 abuseddespoiled,ravished
ruinedadjective rendered unchaste
defileddeflowereddespoiled,forced,ravished,violated She was drugged and raped one night when she absconded to a hotel, when she believes she became pregnant.
一天夜里她躲到一家旅馆,被麻醉后强奸,她认为自己就是在那时怀的孕。 yeeyan

The people raped in our prisons are our fellow citizens, family members, and neighbors.
在监狱中被强奸的人可能是我们的同胞,家庭成员或邻居。 yeeyan

And although wanton depredations certainly occurred, I discovered almost no instances in which white Southerners were killed, assaulted, or raped.
尽管肆意破坏当然发生了,但是在所有情况下,我几乎没有发现南方白人被杀害、殴打或强奸的例子。 yeeyan

Bloomberg is reporting that the former IMF head will be released on his own recognizance while facing charges that he raped a hotel maid on a visit to the United States in May.
彭博通讯社报道,前国际货币基金组织的总裁卡恩将不用担保获释,尽管他面临被控在今年五月,在访问美国期间强奸一名酒店服务员。 yeeyan

But he was assigned to a parish with a school and later assigned to another school, where he raped Billy.
但他被分配到一个有学校的教区,之后又被分到了另一个学校,就是在那儿他强奸了比利。 ecocn

But she apparently never made a run for it, returning each day instead to a shed in the backyard of the man who allegedly kidnapped and raped her.
但是出人意料的是,她从来没有逃生,而是按时回到绑匪加里多的后院纳凉休息,尽管据说加里多绑架并强奸了她。 yeeyan

He refused and was killed. So they raped me.
他拒绝了,被杀害,他们就强奸了我。 yeeyan

He violated me and raped me.
他违背了我的意愿,强奸了我。 yeeyan

I would turn around and find them staring at me like I habitually raped them both.
我转过身去,发现她们看我的目光就像我经常强奸她们两个似的。 yeeyan

I admit it. I raped you.
我承认我强奸了你。 edu.sina.com.cn

In 1993, during the course of a gang initiation, José Medellín and several other men raped and murdered two teenage girls in Houston.
1993年,在加入帮会的过程中,乔斯*麦德林和几个同伙在休斯敦强暴并谋杀了两名十几岁的少女。 ecocn

In May, however, a senior general admitted it had been done so that the women would not later claim that they had been raped by soldiers.
然而,在五月份的时候,一名上将承认为了确保妇女们以后不会说出她们被士兵强暴的事实,他们确实这样做过。 ecocn

Then, one day, he raped her.
之后,有一天,他把她强暴了。 yeeyan

They tied her up, beat and raped her.
她们把她捆起来,打她,强奸她。 yeeyan

Raped you.
强奸你。 yeeyan




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