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ra·pa·cious 英rəˈpeɪʃəs美rəˈpeʃəsAHDrə-pāʹshəs ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝COCA⁴²²¹⁰BNC³⁹⁴¹⁵iWeb³⁵⁷²⁴Economist¹⁷⁶¹⁴ 基本英英词源记法近义反义例句Thesaurus例句 adj.贪婪的⁸⁴;强夺的¹⁶副词rapaciously名词rapacity 抢劫盗窃掠夺贪婪剥夺、霸占
Adjective: living by preying on other animals especially by catching living prey;a predatory bird the rapacious wolf raptorial birds ravening wolves a vulturine taste for offal excessively greedy and grasping;a rapacious divorcee on the prowl ravening creditors paying taxes to voracious governments devouring or craving food in great quantities;edacious vultures a rapacious appetite ravenous as wolves voracious sharks 来自拉丁语 rapax 的所有格形式 rapacis,劫掠的,贪婪的,来自 rapere,抓住,抓取,词源同 rob,rip,rape.GRE红宝书源于: rapev /n 抢劫; 强奸acious-贪婪的 rap 抢,抓;rape 洗劫,掠夺,强奸 rap抓取+aciou→ 抓得多→贪婪的GRE难词记忆rapacious→rap=to seize 抓住, 夺取+acious→掠夺词根记忆rap抓取+acious → 抓得多 ⇒贪婪的词根记忆rap+acious多…的=夺得多的=强夺的近义词 avid渴望的greedy贪婪的vicious恶毒的harmful有害的violent猛烈的wolfish狼似的ravenous贪婪的grasping贪心的covetous贪婪的damaging有害的esurient贪婪的dangerous危险的edacious 贪吃的predatory掠夺的commercial商业的avaricious贪财的gluttonous暴食的aggressive侵略的vulturine秃鹰似的insatiable不知足的acquisitive想获得的voracious狼吞虎咽的destructive破坏性的raptorial捕食生物的vulturous象秃鹫的贪婪的…ravening尤指狼群贪婪而饥饿的…
形容词100% 用作形容词Several of the Arab countries represented in the President's office needed the United States to fend off threats fromrapaciousneighbors.有几个阿拉伯国家派人到总统办公室声称,它们需要美国的援助,来抵挡贪得无厌的邻国的威胁。 Hawks and otherrapaciousbirds prey on variety of small animals.老鹰和其他贪婪的鸟类捕食各种小动物。 Mr Brown said there was also a global perspective to America'srapaciousmodel of consumption.布朗先生说,还有一个研究美国掠夺资源模式的全球视角。adj.plundering 同义词 ferocious,greedy,marauding,predatory,ravenous,voraciousavaricious,furious,murderous,preying,ravening,savage 反义词 satisfied acquisitiveadjective eager to obtain knowledge or things avaricious,avid,covetous,demanding,desirous,grabbing,grabby,grasping,greedy,predatory,prehensile aggressiveadjective belligerent, hostile advancing,antipathetic,assailing,attacking,barbaric,bellicose,combative,contentious,destructive,disruptive,disturbing,encroaching,hawkish,intruding,intrusive,invading,martial,militant,offensive,pugnacious,quarrelsome,rapacious,threatening,warlike avariciousadjective greedy covetous,gluttonous,hoarding,money-grubbing,pleonectic,predatory,rapacious,selfish,tight avidadjective enthusiastic ardent,athirst,avaricious,breathless,covetous,desirous,devoted,dying to,eager,fanatical,fervent,gotta have,grasping,greedy,hungry,impatient,insatiable,intense,keen,passionate,rapacious,ravenous,thirsty,voracious,zealous carnivorousadjective eating animal flesh flesh-eating,omnivorous,predatory,rapacious covetousadjective greedy;very desirous acquisitive,avaricious,avid,close-fisted,eager,ensurient,envious,gluttonous,grabby,grasping,green-eyed,grudging,hogging,itchy,jealous,keen,mercenary,piggish,prehensile,rapacious,ravenous,selfish,swinish,voracious,yearning The idea behind the initiative is that Japanese animal spirits are merely in hibernation, and a spurt of cash is all it takes to awaken rapacious entrepreneurs from their garages. 该倡议背后的想法是,日本的生机只是处于休眠状态,现金的冲击是要唤醒所有有需要现金的贪婪的企业家。 ecocn The rapacious expansion of China’s exports has come at the expense of others, including Canada, the third NAFTA membersee chart. 中国掠夺性的出口扩张是以牺牲别国为代价的,包括北美自由贸易区第三大成员国加拿大。 ecocn They often end up 50% higher than recommended, and are then usually disregarded by rapacious fishermen. 超过50%的提议不被采纳,然后其余提议也被贪婪的渔民所漠视。 ecocn “ Hatoyama dreams of an Asian union, a utopia free of rapacious American capitalism, a region bound together by fraternity and a common currency, ” wrote Tim Kelly in Forbes magazine. “鸠山由纪夫梦想构建一个亚洲联盟,一个脱离贪婪的美式资本主义的乌托邦,他试图让亚洲成为一个被友爱和共同货币捆绑在一起的地区,”蒂姆·凯利 Tim Kelly在《福布斯》杂志上写道。 yeeyan A more practical worry is that reform might quickly be exploited by the very forces it is meant to constrain: rapacious local governments and developers. 更实际的担心是改革可能快速地被其意在限制的力量利用:贪婪的地方政府和开发商。 yeeyan A deregulated industry is useful: ministers can bask in the benefit of low prices while deflecting blame for price rises on to rapacious energy giants. 一个放松管制的产业非常有用:大臣能充分享用低价的好处,同时把对涨价的指责推给贪婪的电力巨头。 ecocn Both of these companies are rapacious capitalists, and I’m not swayed by either Steve Job’s impeccable taste or Google’s “Don’t be Evil” slogan. 这两家公司都是贪婪的资本家,不管是乔布斯对完美追求的品味或 Google不作恶的口号,都不能左右我的这种看法。 yeeyan But legislation to protect consumers from rapacious bankers has had unintended consequences, too. 然而,从贪婪的银行家手中中保护消费者的立法也会可能会好心做坏事。 ecocn But Mr Stone is more interested in skewering rapacious financiers than rash homeowners. 但斯通更关心那些贪婪至极的金融家而不是盲目追逐股市的散户们。 ecocn He cites Alexander Hamilton, who wrote that human beings are“ ambitious, vindictive, and rapacious.” 其中一个住在亚历山大汉密尔顿,写过人类是“野心勃勃的,相互仇恨的,贪婪的”。 yeeyan Japan, instead, adopted a policy of rapacious requisitioning, driving many farmers to give up. 相反,日本因为拥有一个贪婪腐败的政府导致了很多农民放弃耕种。 ecocn Like others, Mr Sageman believes the Iraq war, which appeared to legitimise the idea of a rapacious West in conflict with Islam, was a spectacular own-goal for America. 赛格曼和别人一样,都认为伊拉克战争看似使得贪婪的西方与伊斯兰之间的冲突论合法化;可实际上,这场战争是美国射进的一粒精彩的乌龙球。 ecocn Locals often have bitter memories of rapacious Western colonialists and Arab slave traders. 当地人普遍对贪婪的西方殖民者和阿拉伯奴隶贩子有着苦涩的回忆。 topsage Many on the left, including Mr Obama, argue that reform must include a “ public plan” that would provide an alternative to rapacious private insurers. 包括奥巴马在内的许多左派认为改革必须包括“公共计划”,“公共计划”能够为贪心的私人投保者提供多一个选择。 ecocn Many rivals would be taking a rapacious interest if such a performer was presently stranded on the fringes of Inter's squad. 换做现在,如果有这么一位有潜质的新人最近挣扎于国际米兰的板凳上,那么许多竞争对手会出手要求买入这位新人。 yeeyan Maybe not surprisingly, the language of anti- elitism has often been a useful tool of the most rapacious and merciless among the elite. 也有可能不会让人感到惊讶,反精英的语言经常是对付那些精英中非常贪婪无情的人们的有力工具。 yeeyan The lovers attract the attentions of a rapacious gang, who descend on them, searching for non- existent booty. 这对爱人引起了贪婪的刚的注意,为了寻找并不存在的宝藏他袭击了他们。 yeeyan The root cause of all these trends is the same: a rapacious human economy bringing the world swiftly to the brink of chaos. 造成所有这些趋势的根源是同一个:贪婪的人类经济迅速地将世界带到混乱的边缘。 yeeyan There is little reason to believe that holding a special passport would protect migrants from rapacious cops and stingy employers, says HRW’s Phil Robertson. 世界人权的菲尔‧罗伯森 Phil Robertson表示:几乎没有什么理由相信只要持有特别护照就能保护移工不受贪婪警察与吝啬雇主的迫害。 ecocn They might also usefully improve transport by, say, building bridges over rivers prone to flooding, which would cut out rapacious middlemen. 他们也可能采取一些措施有效地提高运输,比方说,在易发生洪水的河段建设跨河桥,这将撇开贪婪的中间商。 ecocn Those tourists, too, had less fun than they let on: they grumbled about the food, their rapacious guides and the discomforts of travel. 那些旅游客,同样,对这些东西知之甚少,并总是不断地抱怨食物难吃,导游贪婪,以及旅行的各种不舒适。 yeeyan Thus governments would take in their land revenues in instalments over very long periods a schedule of little appeal to rapacious officialdom. 因此,政府的土地收入在很长一段时期内只能分期获取一这个安排对于贪婪的官场可没什么吸引力。 yeeyan |