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词汇 ranting
释义 rant·ing 英rænt美rænt 高COCA³⁹⁹⁴²BNC⁴⁶⁵³²iWeb³⁴²⁵⁷Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotionpompous or pretentious talk or writing
talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory mannerrant and rave大声叫嚷
近义词 蠢话fume烟blah废话rage狂怒simmer炖stew炖汤夸夸其谈…go on继续shout呼喊seethe沸腾bluster咆哮storm暴风雨rave极力赞扬outburst爆发spoutC喷口fustian浮夸的bombast浮夸的言语fulminate大声呵斥rabbit on喋喋不休histrionics戏剧表演mouth off说某人坏话claptrap应付场面的话…harangue慷慨激昂地劝说…tirade长篇的攻击性演说…jabber快而不清楚地说话…ranting动词rant的现在进行式…

用作动词The old manrantedthat nobody paid any attention to his opinion.老人怒气冲冲地叫嚷说没人听他的意见。
You canrantand rave at the fine, but you'll still have to pay it.你闹也好,骂也好,罚金还是得交。
This actorrantshis lines.这演员背台词拿腔拿调。
Herantedat me about my mistakes.他大声数落我。
The mother-in-lawrantedat her daughter-in-law about her fondness for eating and aversion to work.婆婆大声斥责儿媳的好吃懒做。用作名词If they areranting, allow them torant.如果他们咆哮就让他们咆哮。
You can write about your friends, complain about your boss, or simplyrantabout what's gone wrong.你可以写写你的朋友,抱怨一下你的老板,或者就咆哮一下出错了的事。
What Henry said was justrant. Don't take it seriously.亨利所说的是夸夸其谈,不要当真。adj.raging
同义词 ravingangry,insane,mad
babblenoun trivial talk, often incessant
blubbering,burble,chatter,clamor,drivel,gab,gabble,gibberish,gossip,gushing,idle talk,jabber,jabbering,jargon,murmur,muttering,prattle,tattling
bombasticadjective pompous, grandiloquent
aureate,balderdash,big-talking,declamatory,euphuistic,flowery,full of hot air,fustian,grandiose,high-flown,highfalutin,histrionic,histrionical,inflated,loudmouthed,magniloquent,orotund,ostentatious,overblown,ranting,rhapsodic,rhetorical,sonorous,stuffed shirt,swollen,tumid,turgid,verbose,windbag,windy,wordy
fustianadjective pompous
arrogant,boastful,bombastic,conceited,flaunting,high-and-mighty,highfalutin,lofty,ostentatious,pontifical,portentous,pretentious,puffed up,ranting,self-centered,self-important,vain,vainglorious
inflatedadjective exaggerated
jabberwockynoun babble
blather,blatherskite,blubbering,burble,chatter,clamor,double talk,drivel,gab,gabble,gibberish,gossip,gushing,idle talk,jabber,jabbering,jargon,murmur,muttering,nonsense,prate,prattle,ranting,tattling,twaddle
jeremiadnoun tirade
anger,berating,censure,condemnation,denunciation,diatribe,dispute,fulmination,harangue,invective,lecture,malediction,philippic,ranting,revilement,screed,sermon,tongue-lashing,vituperation At first, when the poor beast began to sicken, we Tiger cubs set up a great roaring and ranting.
可怜的猛兽患病之初,我们这些虎崽子暴怒着,咆哮着。 ecocn

For seven years, cheerfully overflowing his ample apron, he hosted a TV cookery show called Chim Pai Bon Pai, “ Tasting and Ranting”.
七年来,他一直围上大围裙兴高采烈的主持一档名为《 Chim Pai Bon Pai》《边品尝,边抱怨》的电视烹饪节目。 yeeyan

I feel bad ranting a bit because at our hospital we have a corporate EHR and a cancer EHR that contains almost all information that is needed yet there is still tremendous room for improvement.
在我们医院,已经有了一套商业电子病历系统和一套癌症电子病历系统,包含了几乎所有的信息,但还有很大的改进空间。 yeeyan

The Irish rescue has sparked little of the populist ranting directed at lazy, early- retiring Greeks, who were told to sell their islands and the Acropolis.
爱尔兰援助计划已经引发了些许针对懒惰的人民说教,有人对那些过早退休的希腊人说,让他们卖掉他们的岛屿和卫城。 ecocn

The quality of writing is often a good guide to an entry’s usefulness: inelegant or ranting prose usually reflects muddled thoughts and incomplete information.
写作的质量通常可以作为作品的作用的风向标:不优雅或者是夸大的散文经常反映出混乱的思维和不完整的信息。 ecocn

“The modern Web 2.0 space is not about funny cat videos any more or about angry ranting blogs, ” Wales explained.
当代的 Web2.0的空间不再只跟猫咪搞笑视频或者口水博客有关,“ Wales说道。” yeeyan

And here I am ranting against somebody that doesn't have a chance to respond.
并且在这里我还要痛斥那些此时无法作出回应的人。 yeeyan

As Zuckerberg got out of the car to fill the tank, a man appeared from the shadows, waving a gun and ranting.
正当扎克伯格走出车门要去加油的时候,一个男人突然出现在了他的面前,这个男人手里举着枪并不断咆哮着。 yeeyan

Britain's Labor Party has particular problems with“ nationalizing” anything: the very word recalls the ranting hordes of Labor lefties whom Gordon Brown helped sideline more than a decade ago.
英国工党对于任何“国有化”都颇有微词:戈登•布朗在10多年前,正是利用“国有化”让夸夸其谈的工党左翼人士靠边站的。 ecocn

Britain's Labour Party has particular problems with“ nationalizing” anything: the very word recalls the ranting hordes of Labour lefties whom Gordon Brown helped sideline more than a decade ago.
英国工党对于国有化这个问题一直都有意见:“国有化”这个词让人们想起了在十多年前叫嚣着支持国有化的工党左派,随后在布朗先生的帮助下这些人成了“旁观者”。 ecocn

But even as America suffered its worst downturn in the post-war period, its legislators steered clear of ranting against China.
但是虽然美国遭受了战后最糟糕的下滑,其立法者没有把矛头指向中国。 yeeyan

Commodity traders are ranting about the coming super cycle in metals.
商品交易着咆哮着即将来临的金属价格的超级大周期。 yeeyan

If I sound like I am ranting, but I know from experience this is where one of the most sticky and tricky points is.OK.

If they are ranting, allow them to rant.

It’s crucial to keep state and local government in mind when you hear people ranting about runaway government spending under President Obama.
这一点很关键,要让州及地方政府记住,人民正因为奥巴马政府主政下失控的政府开支而咆哮。 yeeyan

Nobody wants to create a negative atmosphere with nonstop ranting about work, but talking about your frustrations or challenges is healthy.

Returns, not ranting, may be the tax havens’ biggest woe.
也许对于避税港而言,最大的敌人不是怨言呼声,而是它们所获得回报. ecocn

Some reviewers continue to dismiss songs like this as petty “ ranting” and“ paranoia,” but this is some deft social criticism for those who look beyond the surface.

Yet, despite all her raving and ranting, they always arrived late, surrounded by an angry cloud of silence.
然而,无论她怎么大喊大叫,他们总是迟到,于是最后全家人被气愤的沉默笼罩着。 yeeyan




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