

单词 ran through
释义 ran through短语¹⁰⁴⁵³

名词 run-through:
an uninterrupted rehearsalA shudder of fearran throughhim.他吓得浑身哆嗦。
A quiver of expectancyran throughthe audience.全场引颈以待,群情鼎沸。
An angry murmurran throughthe crowd.群众纷纷气愤地抱怨著。
Sheran througha lot of money in her first term at university.她上大学第一个学期就花了很多钱。
Heran throughthe names on the list.他把名单匆匆地看了一遍。
Heran throughthe street.他很快穿过了马路。verb.use up;waste
同义词 blow,consume,dissipate,exhaust,expend,finish,fritter away,lose,spend,squander,throw away,wash up
反义词 hoard,save Instead, he ran through simulations on the mortgage implosion and insisted that the Fed could contain the fallout.
他模拟了抵押贷款危机的爆发,坚持认为美联储有能力抵御其不良后果. ecocn

It was an eerie walk down the smoky stairs, a path to safety that ran through the suffering.
沿着充满浓烟的楼梯下行是个恐怖的历程--通往安全的一段痛苦之路。 yeeyan

This was a belief that ran through society and derived from an understanding of history.
共和思想也是贯穿全社会、人们从对历史的理解中得出的一种信念。 yeeyan

As it ran through its routine, it was clear to me, even then, that this wasn't the right way to keep a wild animal.
就算在那时,当它做完例行表演时我就清楚地意识到这不是对待野生动物的正确方式。 yeeyan

But when Father whipped me, Hattie said that she could feel it too, that the pain ran through the backs of my thighs and across her shoulders.
但是,父亲鞭打我的时候,海蒂说她也能够感觉到,疼痛穿过我的大腿后部直达她的肩膀。 yeeyan

He ran through all the other aisles, then all the way to the cashier, but there was nothing.
他把其它通道都跑遍了,然后一直找到收款台,可是仍然没找到。 jukuu

In the example I ran through, I changed the text color for the hover state, but entire images could be swapped out to create interesting rollover effects.
快速的提一下,我改变鼠标悬停的文本色彩,但是真个图像可以替换掉以创造出更有趣的变换效果。 cnblogs

Presently the joke ran through the community, where there were many artists, who considered religion at best an unimportant accessory to good architecture and who disliked that particular church.
现在这个笑话传遍这个艺术家众多的街区。他们认为宗教最多是这个优美建筑的一个不那么重要的配件,也不喜欢这样那样的教堂。 yeeyan

There was a trout stream in his neighborhood that ran through a rich man's estate.
他家附近有条小溪盛产鲑鱼,但却流经一个富人的私人地产; ebigear

We soon started surf torture. We ran into the ocean until we were chest deep in water, formed a line, and linked arms as the cold waves ran through us.
我们很快就开始了魔鬼训练,扎进大海里直到海水淹没了我们的胸部,在那互相挽着手形成一条直线,任凭冰冷的海浪拍打着我们。 yeeyan




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