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词汇 ran off
释义 ran off短语⁵⁸⁷⁷

名词 runoff:
the occurrence of surplus liquid as water exceeding the limit or capacitya final election to resolve an earlier election that did not produce a winnerThe thiefran offwith an angry crowd at his heels.那小偷在前面跑,一群愤怒的人在後面紧追。
Every man jack of themran offand left me!他们一个个都跑了,把我撇下了!
Heran offwith the money.他携款潜逃了。
At her approach the childrenran off.她走近的时候,孩子们都跑了。
The thiefran offdown the road, so I chased him for all I was worth.那个贼顺着马路逃跑,我就拼命紧追不舍。
The carran offthe road into a ditch.汽车驶离道路跌进沟中。
He had hardly seen me when heran off.他一看到我就跑掉了。
The little boyran offto get his brother.这个小男孩跑去找他的哥哥。as in.abscond
同义词 bolt,break,decamp,disappear,escape,fade,flee,get,hightail,jump,leave,quit,scram,skedaddle,slip,split,vamoose,vanishbeat it,clear out,cut and run,dog it,duck out,fly the coop,go AWOL,go south,make a break,make off,make scarce,pull out,run off,skip out,sneak away,steal away,take off
反义词 appear,arrive,come,continue,face,join,remain,stay,strengthen,waitabide,endure,give up,stop,yieldas in.make off
同义词 abscond,bolt,clear,cut and run,decamp,depart,escape,fly,go,leave,make away,quit,retire,run,run for it,run off,scamper,scoot,skedaddle,skip,withdraw
反义词 stay,waitas in.print
同义词 disseminate,engrave,imprint,mark,publish,reissue,reprint,stampcompose,impress,issue,letter,offset,setgo to press,let roll,publication calligraph,put to bed,run off,set type,strike offas in.jump bail
同义词 escape,flee,leave town,run offas in.lam
同义词 abscond,avoid,blow,bolt,circumvent,decamp,depart,desert,disappear,dodge,double,duck,elope,elude,emerge,evade,flee,fly,leave,pass,run,shun,skip,slip,vanishbail out,break out,burst out,cut and run,cut loose,duck out,fly the coop,get away,get away with,get off,give someone the slip,go scot-free,make a getaway,make getaway,make off,make oneself scarce,play hooky,run away,run off,run out on,slip away,steal away,take a powder,take flight,take it on the lam,take on the lam,work out of,wriggle out
反义词 accept,aid,appear,arrive,assist,come,come in,confront,continue,encounter,face,help,meet,remain,stand,stay,stop,take on,wait,walkas in.drain
同义词 diminish,flow,leak,ooze,reduceabate,decline,decrease,dwindle,effuse,exude,percolate,trickle,wellfilter off,flow out,leave dry,osmose,run off,taper off
反义词 expand,extend,grow,increase,develop,enlarge,risefill,pouras in.elope
同义词 run offabscond,bolt,decamp,disappear,escape,flee,fly,leave,skipgo secretly,go to Gretna Green,slip away,slip out,steal away
反义词 continue,face,meet,remain,stay,waitas in.enumerate
同义词 calculate,itemize,recite,specify,spell out,take account ofcite,compute,detail,figure,identify,inventory,mention,name,number,particularize,quote,recapitulate,reckon,recount,rehearse,relate,specialize,sum,tally,tell,totaladd up,count noses,keep tabs,run down,run off,tick off
反义词 conceal,estimate,guess,hide,neglect,subtract,not countas in.escape
同义词 avoid,depart,disappear,dodge,elude,emerge,evade,flee,fly,leave,run,slip,slip away,vanishabscond,bolt,circumvent,decamp,desert,double,duck,elope,pass,shun,skipbail out,burst out,cut and run,cut loose,duck out,fly the coop,get away with,get off,go scot-free,make getaway,make off,make oneself scarce,play hooky,run away,run off,run out on,steal away,take a powder,take flight,take on the lam,work out of,wriggle out
反义词 appear,arrive,come,confront,continue,encounter,face,meet,stand,stay,take on,wait,walk,accept,aid,assist,helpcapture,remain A beautiful but insubstantial girl, in 1943 she ran off with the much older Charlie Chaplin.
1943年,这位充满幻想的美丽女孩与比其年长许多的查理·卓别林私奔。 yeeyan

And Sir Henry ran off, calling for his wife to come and see his achievement- his achievement of simplicity.
亨利爵士跑了起来,叫他的妻子来看他的成功之作--他的单纯纯朴的成功之作。 ebigear

A few months later, she ran off with another teacher, John Paschal, the president of the local NAACP.
几个月后,她和另一个老师,当地全国有色人种协进会的会长约翰.帕斯卡私奔了。 yeeyan

Ace ran off into a snow- covered field and was nuzzling something hidden there, barking furiously.
满分跑到一片被雪覆盖的田间,似乎嗅到了藏在雪里的什么东西,它努力地叫。 yeeyan

Caught cheating at cards, he ran off to join the army, and then deserted— but not before he connected with the Green Gang, the notorious gangsters who controlled the Shanghai underworld.
他在被抓到出千后,逃跑去参军了,然后又当了逃兵——不过这都是他与青帮——臭名昭著的上海黑帮——有所关联之后的事情了。 yeeyan

I can affirm that I was too busy making sure no child ran off down the wrong trail to have time to “ advocate” for anything, except perhaps snack time.
我可以确定我在旅程中一直忙碌观察的结果是:除了就餐时间,孩子们根本没有时间和精力去对任何事情进行“认同”。 yeeyan

In the months that followed, six of its commercial tenants ran off. They did not want to be in the tallest anything, anywhere, anymore.
在接下来的几个月,六家帝国大厦的商务住户搬走了,他们再也不想住在最高的楼里了,无论在什么地方。 ebigear

My brother escaped capture and ran off to parts unknown--at least, again, according to the official account.
根据官方的纪录,我的哥哥逃离了抓捕,后又跑路到不知哪里。 yeeyan

My wife ran off with my best friend last week. Gosh, I miss him!

One day, Hubbard and Northrup ran off together.
一天,哈伯德和贝蒂一起跑了。 yeeyan

She shouted at him and he ran off. But one evening, when we were out, he got back in through the front window.
她对他大叫,然后他便逃跑了、但有一个晚上,我们都不在的时候,他又从前面的窗户那里钻进来了。 yeeyan




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