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词汇 rangers
释义 rangers
But one parallel, he said, is imagining what it is like at Madison Square Garden when the Knicks and the Rangers play on the same day.
打个比方,他说,想象一下,某天在麦迪森广场花园里,纽约尼克斯队和格拉斯哥流浪者队同时开赛会是怎样的景象。 yeeyan

For the new model, NASA appears to have turned to the Power Rangers for design inspiration, with future models presumably looking more and more like Ian Holm or Lance Hendrickson.
新模型中,美国国家航空和航天管理局貌似从恐龙战队 Power Rangers获得设计灵感,或许将来的模型会越来越像伊安·霍姆 Ian Holm或者兰斯·亨利克森 Lance Hendrickson两位均为影星。 yeeyan

The cottage is open only on weekends. The park staff consists of two rangers, some seasonal part-time workers and volunteers.
故居只在周末开放,公园工作人员以两名护林人员为单元组成,有些是临时工,有些是志愿者。 yeeyan

The forthcoming bankruptcy proceedings will determine not just the fate of the Rangers but also the extent of the league’s power.
即将要来的破产诉讼不仅将决定游骑兵队的命运,更决定了大联盟权力的贯彻程度。 ecocn

The property in question includes the lucrative parking lots for both the Rangers and the Dallas Cowboys football team, who play nearby.
产生疑问的财产包括了提供给游骑兵队和美式足球达拉斯牛仔队球场也在附近收入颇丰的停车场。 ecocn

The Rangers stormed the building and captured Aidid’s lieutenants and some lesser figures.
特种部队强行攻入了大楼,捕获了艾迪德的副官们和一些较低的官员。 yeeyan

Celtic are in with AC Milan, Benfica and Shahtar Donetsk, while Rangers face Barcelona, Lyon and German champions Stuttgart.
凯尔特人和 AC米兰、本菲卡、顿涅茨克矿工队同组,流浪者队则要面对巴塞罗那、里昂和德国冠军斯图加特的挑战。

Due to political pressure, rangers can't evict settlers, many of whom have nowhere else to go.
基于政治压力,护林员不可以驱逐定居者。许多定居者也没有其它地方可去。 yeeyan

Government soldiers patrol the streets of a settlement inside Virunga National Park near Lake Edward. Their mission is to protect civilians and rangers from attacks by the militias.
政府军的士兵在维龙加国家公园内的爱德华湖附近的一处定居点的街道上巡逻,目的是保护平民和护林员免受民兵组织的骚扰。 yeeyan

I have noticed that Australians like a uniform with shorts. Street cleaners, postmen, life guards, park rangers, police and fast food outlets all proudly display their knees.
我注意到澳洲人无一例外喜欢穿短裤:扫大街的、邮递员、救生员、护林员、警察和快餐店的送餐员都骄傲地裸露出他们的膝盖。 yeeyan

I said before I don't want to do a loan again but probably Rangers would be the only club I would go on loan to.
如今,魏斯信誓旦旦地说:“以前我是说过我已经厌倦了这种租借生涯。但是流浪者队是我唯一愿意被租借到的球队。” yeeyan

If you consider the whole area, more than20 rangers have been killed.
在整个国家公园内,被害的护林员已经超过了20人。 yeeyan

Indian billionaire Lakshmi Mittal bought a 20% stake in the Queens Park Rangers in2007.
印度亿万富翁拉克西米·米塔尔 Lakshmi Mittal曾于2007年购买了女王公园巡游者Queens Park Rangers20%的股份。 forbeschina

Park interpreters and rangers, she said, have the skills and experience to be extremely effective climate change communicators.
她说,公园解说员和管理员有技巧和经验成为最最有效的气候变化沟通者。 yeeyan

Tax receipts are way down, but Social Security checks are still going out; Medicare is still covering hospital bills; federal employees, from judges to park rangers to soldiers, are still being paid.
税收收入大幅下降,而社保支票仍在开出;医疗保险仍在偿付医院账单;联邦雇员,从法官到公园管理员到士兵,都仍在发工资。 yeeyan

The elder Bush founded and sold an oil company while the younger Bush profited from the sale of the Texas Rangers, which he co- owned.
老布什创立并卖出了一家石油公司,而小布什从转让共同拥有的 Texas Rangers中获利。 yeeyan

The park rangers“ had no idea what they were, ” but Barker suspected they must be millions of years old.
护林员们“不知道这些都是什么”,但是巴克尔觉得这些东西可能有几千万年的历史了。 yeeyan

The group’s “green rangers” work several days a week raising and tending to saplings later planted on nearby hillsides.
该小组的护林员每周工作几天时间,对后期在附近山坡上栽种的树苗进行护理。 worldbank

The Rangers would not abandon him: they never leave their men on the field of battle, dead or alive.
特种部队士兵们不愿抛弃他:他们从未把他们的战友丢在战场上过,不论死活。 yeeyan

Three rangers and five Congolese soldiers were killed.
三名护林员和五名刚果士兵阵亡。 yeeyan

Rangers armed with silicon putty check the sculpture for cracks every fall but were unable to chip away at the black and green lichen that was spreading across the surface.
每年秋天,公园管理员都会用硅腻子检查雕像的裂缝,却不能清除掉蔓延覆盖在总统面部的黑色和绿色苔藓。 cri

Rangers at the Gloucestershire beauty spot warn that animal lovers should beware because boar can be aggressive and cause serious injury.
格洛斯特郡的风景名胜区的流浪者提醒喜欢动物的人们要小心一点,因为野猪是有攻击性的,会对人们造成很大的伤害。 cri

Rangers progress through a smokescreen created to cover their movement .
别动队员在烟幕环境的掩护下前进。 iciba




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