释义 |
R and D高 基本例句 研究与开发; 研发 The new rules ban all teams from carrying out any work on the technical, R and D or manufacturing side of the team, as part of the new age of F1, following proposals by the teams within FOTA. 新的规则将会禁止所有车队在此期间展开任何关于技术、研发或者制造方面的工作,这是作为 F1的新时代, FOTA车队的提议。 ferrari-china.com And I've found some good people for R and D, too. 我也替研发部门找了些好人才。 examw Joan works in the R and D/span> department. 琼斯在研发部门工作。 line-edu.com This paper describes a30- year overview of R and D on flyash utilization technology in Shanghai. 本文叙述上海粉煤灰利用技术30年来的概况。 cnki |