

单词 rampantly
释义 rampantly 英'ræmpəntli美'ræmpəntli 高COCA¹³¹⁶⁶³BNC⁹⁷²³³⁺iWeb⁵⁴⁷⁵³

in an uncontrolled and rampant manner;

weeds grew rampantly around here

近义词 wild野生的
Tobacco Board in the province for the party members refused to absorb week, family rampantly: this post is not to pay taxes.
在要求省烟草局吸收周当党组成员遭拒绝时,慕狂妄地表示:不给这个职务就不交税。 kekenet

Trees of more than one hundred years old could be seen everywhere; different kinds of plants grew rampantly here and there.
百年以上树龄的古木比比皆是,各种植物也生长得非常茂盛。 myechinese

“ These statistics tell the tale of an industry that is rampantly misusing antibiotics in an attempt to cover up filthy, unsanitary living conditions among animals, ” Slaughter said.
“统计数据讲述了一些过去的事情,人们在肮脏的养殖环境中疯狂地乱用抗生素,企图维持动物的健康,”斯拉特说道。 yeeyan

After the cold war, a trend of “ New Nationalism” thoughts went rampantly in the Japanese politics, which sought for a big power position in the international politics.
冷战结束后,日本政坛泛起一股“新国家主义”思潮,其目的是谋求日本在国际政治中的大国地位。 cnki

As the impetuous development of computer software industry and Internet, the software piracy and cracking which is aiming at software are running rampantly.
随着计算机软件业和互联网的迅猛发展,针对软件的盗版与破解也随之泛滥起来。 fabiao

Conservationists claim that businessmen then flocked to the island and began rampantly abusing this quota.

The hot weather used to bring various diseases, which could spread rampantly.
在那时热天气经常会带来很多疾病,有的甚至是传染性很强的疾病。 qdtranslation

The plant are said to deprive nearby plants of water and grow rampantly, destroying the grassland unless measures are taken against it.
据说这种植物会把土壤中的水分吸光,让附近的植物无法生长,如果不采取措施加以控制,它将毁灭草原。 yeeyan




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