

单词 rampaged
释义 ram·page·d 英'ræmpeɪdʒ美'ræmpeɪdʒ COCA⁷⁹¹⁰²BNC⁷⁰⁰⁵²Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
violently angry and destructive behavior
act violently, recklessly, or destructivelygo on the rampage暴跳如雷
近义词 row排ado麻烦stir激起riot暴乱rage狂怒tear撕掉fury愤怒tumult骚乱racket球拍fracas喧噪uproar骚动hubbub嘈杂rumpus吵闹charge责任storm暴风雨go wild狂怒fuss大惊小怪commotion骚动disturbance扰乱run riot胡作非为go berserk变狂暴violent disorder暴乱run amok横行胡作非为…

用作名词He went on therampageafter an argument with his wife.与他妻子争吵之后,他暴跳如雷。
The capture tiger is on therampagefor several days.捕获的老虎几天来一直处于狂躁不安中。
We must fight a global war to control this mosquitorampage.我们必须在全球范围内展开这场控制虫害的战争。用作动词The mobrampagedthrough the village.这伙暴徒在村中横冲直撞。 Beat Ettlin and his young family cowered under the bedclothes as the6ft(1.8 metre animal rampaged through their home in Canberra.
当这个6英尺1.8米的动物窜进堪培拉他们的家里,比特.伊特林和他的小孩恐惧地躲在被窝里. yeeyan

IT IS two months since gunmen rampaged through the labyrinthine Shershah car- parts market in Karachi, leaving13 shopkeepers dead.
位于卡拉齐市的谢尔沙阿小汽车配件市场,布局杂乱无章,就在两个月前,持枪歹徒在这里胡作非为,造成13家商店老板死于乱枪之下。 ecocn

On May29th, after an accident in which an American army jeep killed five people, several hundred locals rampaged through Kabul, looting and burning the offices of foreign businesses and aid agencies.
5月29日,也就是在一起由美军吉普车引起的造成5人死亡的事故后,几百名当地人在 Kabul横冲直撞,他们洗劫并烧毁了外国商业机构和援助组织在当地的办公室。 ecocn

A bull leapt out of a bullfighting arena in northern Spain and rampaged through the crowd, injuring at least30 people, local media reported.
据当地媒体报道,在西班牙北部某地,一头公牛跳出斗牛区,疯狂地冲入人群,至少30人受伤。 blog.sina.com.cn

It was one of at least10 targets of the gunmen who rampaged through the city, bringing it to its knees for three days.
它是枪手在孟买全城疯狂袭击的十个目标之一,全城为之瘫痪了三天。 iciba

Looters rampaged through a number of upper-class neighbourhoods in Cairo, while in Alexandria there were reports of widespread looting of supermarket chains.
掠夺者已经狂暴的冲过开罗的一些高级住宅区,同时在亚历山大港有报道说非常多的超市连锁店已经遭到了洗劫。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, life has rampaged elsewhere on the Internet's real-time stream.
同时,生活也在互联网的实时洪流中横冲直撞。 yeeyan

Riot police in vans chased large groups of youths wearing ski masks and hoods as they rampaged through the city streets.
乘坐警车的防暴警察追逐着大批头戴头盔和帽兜、在街道上闹事的年轻人。 yeeyan

The boat turned to the South and rampaged along.

The mob rampaged through the village.
这伙暴徒在村中横冲直撞。 wordwendang

While Arshavin flickered and frustrated on the left for Arsenal, Florent Malouda rampaged like a man possessed in the same role for Chelsea.
当阿尔沙文在左路梦游进攻屡屡受挫的同时,令人生气的马卢达好像着了魔似地在球队里扮演了同样的角色。 tianya




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