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词汇 rambling
释义 ram·bling 英ˈræmblɪŋ美ˈræmblɪŋAHDrămʹblĭng ★☆☆☆☆COCA²⁴³⁴²BNC³⁰²⁵⁶iWeb¹⁹¹⁴⁵Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
spreading out in different directions;

sprawling handwriting

straggling branches

straggly hair

of e.g. speech and writing tending to depart from the main point or cover a wide range of subjects;

amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things

a rambling discursive book

his excursive remarks

a rambling speech about this and that

of a path e.g.;

meandering streams

rambling forest paths

the river followed its wandering course

a winding country road

来自 ramble,蔓延。ramble漫步
rambl-ing动名词⇒adj.杂乱无章的⁵⁴;闲逛的动词ramble的现在分词.近义词 winding卷wordy冗长的errant错误的prolix罗嗦的migrant移居者chatty爱闲聊的confused困惑的spread out伸开trailing蔓生的straggly蔓延的meandering曲径excursive游览的transient短暂的desultory散漫的planetary行星的wandering漫游的roundabout绕道的straggling离散的digressive离题的shaggy毛发蓬松的discursive散漫的pointless无意义的tedious单调乏味的irregular不规则的incoherent不连贯的aberrant脱离正道的sprawling不规则伸展的…all over the place到处inconsequential不合逻辑的long-winded气长的,不易气短的…

用作形容词It was a scrappy,ramblingspeech.那篇讲话杂乱无章,毫无条理。
We’re all busy, and we’ve all received long, ambiguous andramblingemail.我们都很忙,然而我们都收到过那种长篇大论、模糊不清、杂乱无章的电子邮件。
Thisramblingpropensity strengthened with years.岁月增添,游兴更浓。
Lord, I was born aramblingman.老天,鄙人生来就是浪子。adj.disconnected, wordy
同义词 circuitous,disjointed,incoherent,long-windedconfused,diffusedesultory,digressive,discursive,incongruous,irregular,periphrastic,prolix
反义词 coherentconnected,direct,straight,straightforwardadj.sprawling, spread out
同义词 covering,scattered,spreading,straggling,strewn,trailingat length,gangling,here and there,irregular,random,unplanned
反义词 connected,direct,straight,straightforward
circuitousadjective going around, indirect
ambagious,back road,by way of,circular,collateral,complicated,devious,labyrinthine,long way,long way around,meandering,oblique,roundabout,tortuous,winding around
complexadjective difficult to understand
crookedadjective bent, angled
agee,anfractuous,angular,asymmetric,awry,bowed,catawampus,circuitous,cockeyed,contorted,crippled,curved,curving,deformed,deviating,devious,disfigured,distorted,errant,gnarled,hooked,incurving,indirect,irregular,kinky,knurly,lopsided,meandering,misshapen,not straight,oblique,out of shape,rambling,roundabout,screwy,serpentine,sinuous,skewed,slanted,snaky,spiral,tilted,topsy-turvy,tortile,tortuous,twisted,twisting,uneven,warped,winding,zigzag
deliriousadjective mentally imbalanced
aberrant,bewildered,confused,crazed,crazy,demented,deranged,deviant,deviate,disarranged,disordered,distracted,disturbed,flipped,flipped-out,hallucinatory,incoherent,insane,irrational,lightheaded,lunatic,mad,maniac,maniacal,manic,off one's head,out of one's head,out of one's skull,rambling,raving,unhinged,unreasonable,unsettled,wandering
departurenoun deviation from normal, expected
aberration,branching off,branching out,change,declination,deflection,difference,digression,divergence,diversion,in thing,innovation,last word,latest thing,new wrinkle,novelty,rambling,shift,straying,turning,variance,variation,veering,wandering
desultoryadjective random
aimless,chance,chaotic,deviating,erratic,haphazard,orderless,rambling,unmethodical,unstable,unsystematic,without purpose It was easy to get lost in the rambling house.
在布局凌乱的大房子里容易迷路。 hjenglish

Mr Papandreou was at first reported to have dropped the idea of the referendum, but then spent much of a rambling speech to parliament justifying it.
电视上首先就报道了帕潘德欧里放弃公投的想法,然后就是他冗长的放弃公投国会的辩证演讲。 yeeyan

The colonel’s writ, as recorded in his“ Green Book” of rambling political philosophy, replaced the rule of law.
上校的法令,以及记录着他杂乱无章的政治哲学的“绿皮书”,取代了法治。 ecocn

The proposed rules, vague and rambling, do not amount to an outright ban on explicit illustrations of minors, but do prohibit their distribution to children under18. Yet the wording is unclear.
提案内容不甚明确且表述随意,没有明令禁止插画中出现露骨的未成年人色情场景,但禁止向未满18岁的少年儿童出售该类出版物,然而提案措词亦含糊不清。 ecocn

The proposed rules, vague and rambling, do not amount to an outright ban on explicit illustrations of minors, but do prohibit their distribution to children under18.
提议的法令或模棱两可,或漫无边际,都没有直接禁止未成年人黄色插图,但禁止了向18岁以下儿童传播这类作品。 ecocn

To see him, I should say, that instead of rambling with his sweetheart on the hills, he ought to be in bed, under the hands of a doctor.
瞧着他,我得说,他不该陪他的心上人在山上闲逛,他应该在医生照料下,躺在床上。 putclub

Which is why, despite Minot's aspiration, its study has remained fodder for the rambling final chapters of cognitive- science textbooks and those at the dusky end of distinguished scientific careers.
因此,尽管迈诺特对此研究充满热忱,这还是使得该领域的研究被用作了认知科学课本中散漫的最终篇章的编写素材,并且充当了卓越科学生涯的衰败成果。 ecocn

“The economy and the world just got the better of him,” Rebecca Duke said in a rambling press conference.
“属于他的经济和一切世界刚刚转好”丽贝卡杜克在漫无边际的新闻发布会漫无边际的说。 yeeyan

But, tired of playing, he had desultorily come round the fence, and was rambling up behind her.
可是,他已经弹得累了,就漫无目的地绕过树篱,慢慢向她身后走来。 hjenglish

Faced to the cool wind of night, my feeling, just like the moonlight, was rambling.
迎著清凉的夜风,我的思绪也像这月光一样,上天入地、漫无边际了。 hjenglish

If the research problem is framed in the context of a general, rambling literature review, then the research question may appear trivial and uninteresting.
如果研究问题被限定在一个概括的,不着边际的文献回顾里,研究问题就会显得琐碎和无趣。 yeeyan

Loved by locals for horseback riding and rambling walks, this picturesque setting, one British builder now thinks, is also ideal for something else — a new U.S.-style subdivision of 170 tract houses.
作为当地人骑马散步的深爱之地,这风景如画,在英国一位开发商的眼里,似乎有它更理想的用途——于此建设170套美式住宅,供人居住。 yeeyan

My holiday afternoons were spent in rambling about the surrounding country.
每逢假日的下午,我总要漫游周围的乡村。 hxen

Pruning rambling roses: once- flowering ramblers such as Goldfinch are best pruned in November when the stems are still pliable.
修剪蔓生蔷薇:开花后的蔓生蔷薇品种如金翅雀等最好的修剪时间是在11月间,这时它的枝条仍然柔软。 yeeyan

Remember to limit yourself to about30 seconds without rambling on and on.
切记限定自己在30秒内完成表述,不要东拉西扯。 yeeyan

Some of the best parts of“ Netherland” are Chuck’s rambling political and cultural monologues, delivered as Hans drives him around the boroughs.
《荷兰》的一些最好的部分就是恰克漫谈政治和文化时的独白,是在汉斯开车带他时发表的。 yeeyan

Suddenly, the story becomes a rambling psychological study of the author himself.
忽然,小说开始进行作者自身心理的研究,且此内容漫无边际。 ecocn

They write the hero long, rambling letters from afar and either attempt suicide or manage to kill themselves during the course of the novel.
她们从远方给男主角写很长的虚无缥缈的信,然后在小说未完之前就自杀未遂或是自杀成功。 yeeyan

This sweetly scented, rambling rose has dark green glossy leaves and large clusters of semi-double, creamy-white flowers in early summer.
这款芳香的蔓生蔷薇,其叶深绿有光泽,其花簇生,花瓣呈不完全双轮排列,其色乳白,开放在初夏时节。 yeeyan




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