

单词 ramble
释义 ram·ble 英ˈræmbəl美ˈræmbəlAHDrămʹbəl ★☆☆☆☆高四六GIS宝八TCOCA²⁷⁰⁴⁰BNC⁴²⁴⁹⁸iWeb²⁰⁴⁴¹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

an aimless amble on a winding course
continue talking or writing in a desultory manner;

This novel rambles on and jogs

move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment;

The gypsies roamed the woods

roving vagabonds

the wandering Jew

The cattle roam across the prairie

the laborers drift from one town to the next

They rolled from town to town







可能来自 roam,漫游,-le,表反复。插入字母 b,比较 number,numerate.引申诸相关词义。ramble on继续漫步ramble about闲逛
GRE红宝书源于: amblev 缓行; 溜蹄
源自roam 漫游, 闲逛, 徜徉;同amble,发音是一个步,象是散步或漫步;
分割记忆:r+amble 慢跑→漫步
ram=roam,闲逛,漫步+b=m,roam末尾的m的双写+le动词反复形式→闲逛,漫步⇒漫谈。GRE难词记忆ramble→ marble n.大理石→漫步在大理石路上联想记忆r + amble慢跑⇒漫步近义词 go去cast掷roll卷gad闲逛jog慢跑roam漫游rove漂泊walk步行trip旅行swan天鹅drift漂流amble溜蹄go on继续tramp徒步range范围wander漫步stroll闲逛cruise巡航saunter闲逛blether胡说traipse闲逛hike徒步旅行straggle分散airing公开发表vagabond流浪汉stray走失的家畜digress走向岔道perambulate巡行ramble on继续漫步go for a walk去散步constitutional宪法的meander缓慢而弯曲地流动…

用作不及物动词I likeramblingaround in the country.我喜欢在乡间漫步。
The old manrambledabout the past.老者在聊过去的事情。
Speakers whorambleare almost inevitably bores.信口开河的演说家几乎是不可避免地要讨人嫌恶。
The cloudsramblein the sky everyday.云彩每天都在天空中游走。
The wild rosesrambleover the fance.植物的蔓延生长。用作名词We went for aramblethrough the woods.我们散步穿过树林。
We often go for aramblein the park after supper.晚饭後我们常常在公园里漫步。
The book is aramblethrough the place of roads in British culture.这本书是对公路在英国文化中影响的一些闲谈。
This is the best season for aramblein the suburbs.这是去郊区漫游的最好季节。
My holiday afternoons were spent inrambleabout the surrounding country.每逢假日的下午,我总要漫游周围的乡村。
I am fond of writing somerambles.我喜欢写写随笔。noun.aimless walk
同义词 constitutional,excursion,hike,perambulation,peregrination,roaming,roving,saunter,stroll,tour,traipse,trip,turn
反义词 runverb.wander about;travel aimlessly
同义词 amble,digress,meander,roam,saunter,straggle,stroll,traipse,zigzagclamber,climb,cruise,depart,divagate,diverge,drift,extend,fork,gad,gallivant,perambulate,percolate,peregrinate,promenade,range,rove,scramble,snake,sprawl,spread,spread-eagle,straddle,stray,trail,turn,twist,walk,windbat around,be all over the map,branch off,excurse,get sidetracked,knock about,knock around,sprangle
反义词 run,join,stay,straighten,be directverb.talk aimlessly, endlessly
同义词 babble,digress,meander,wanderamplify,blather,chatter,depart,descant,divagate,diverge,drift,drivel,enlarge,expatiate,gossip,maunder,prose,protract,straybeat around bush,be diffuse,dwell on,excurse,get off the subject,go astray,go off on tangent,go on and on,harp on,lose the thread,rant and rave,rattle on,talk nonsense,talk off top of head,talk randomly
反义词 go directstay,abridge,compress,condense,curtail,decrease,lessen,reduce,shorten,be direct
ambleverb walk casually
ankle,boogie,dawdle,drift,gander,hoof it,loiter,meander,mosey,percolate,sashay,saunter,stroll,toddle,wander
ambledverb walk casually
ankled,boogied,dawdled,drifted,gandered,hoof it,loitered,meandered,moseyed,percolated,rambled,sashayed,sauntered,strolled,toddled,wandered
amblingverb walk casually
ankling,boogying,dawdling,drifting,gandering,hoof it,loitering,meandering,moseying,percolating,rambling,sashaying,sauntering,strolling,toddling,wandering
constitutionalnoun walk taken for health benefit
departverb diverge from normal, expected
abandon,cast,desert,deviate,differ,digress,disagree,discard,dissent,excurse,forsake,ramble,reject,repudiate,stray,swerve,turn aside,vary,veer,wander
digressverb stray, deviate
aberrate,be diffuse,beat about the bush,circumlocute,depart,divagate,drift,excurse,get off the point,get off the subject,get sidetracked,go by way of,go off on a tangent,long way,meander,ramble,roam,swerve,turn aside,veer,wander,wander away An unguided ramble into its recesses in bad weather is apt to engender dissatisfaction with its narrow, tortuous, and miry ways.
天气不好的时候,没有向导带路而独自漫游到谷内幽深之处的人,容易对蜿蜒其间的狭窄的泥泞小道产生不满情绪。 hjenglish

In some cases, the best design is no design, as with a love letter, which is simply an outpouring, or with a casual essay, which is a ramble.
一些情况下,最好的行文安排就是没有安排,像情书,是感情的自然流露,或者像随笔,那是作者思维的游弋。 yeeyan

Maki thanks for the opportunity for letting me ramble on and share my two cents.
非常感谢你给我这个机会让我在这可以侃侃而谈,分享我这微不足道的经验。 yeeyan

You have heard me ramble on a lot in the preceding paragraphs, and I hope I have done a decent job of outlining the challenges and solutions.
在上文中,我已经谈了很多问题,我希望我已经清楚地说明了挑战和解决方案。 ibm

“ I am afraid I interrupt your solitary ramble, my dear sister?” said he, as he joined her.
他走到她身边说道:“我怕打扰了你清静的散步吧,亲爱的姐姐。” hjenglish

“ Let's do it right this time,” I said. “ Let's fly to Nice and stay where we couldn't afford to before. Let's ramble down Memory Lane.”
“让我们把这次旅行做到圆满。”我说,“我们坐飞机去尼斯,去住以前住不起的酒店。一起徜徉于往事感怀之间。” yeeyan

A casual encounter during some country ramble it certainly had been, and he was not greatly curious about it.
肯定是有一次在乡下漫游时偶然相遇的;因而他对此并不感到十分奇怪。 hjenglish

At the Marriott, for example, guests ramble amid breadfruit and frangipani trees and photograph one another by an enormous, amoeba- shaped swimming pool.
比如,在万豪酒店,客人们可以在面包果树和鸡蛋花树之间徜徉,在硕大的不规则形状游泳池边相互拍照。 ebigear

At weekends they usually ramble through country towns and markets.
在周末,他们通常在乡村小镇和集市闲逛。 blog.sina.com.cn

Don't talk for too long or ramble. Two minutes is the absolute max.
不要讲太长时间或信口漫谈,时长最多不超过2分钟。 kekenet

I left the town and began to ramble about the fields.
我出了城,在田里走。 ebigear

I've been in meetings where the CEO allowed himself to ramble, rant, and berate for a half hour straight.
我参加过这样的会议,总裁允许自己连续半小时地漫谈、咆哮、和严责。 yeeyan

If they gossip or ramble about other people or things they heard they look to the left.
如果你们闲聊关于其他人或者事情的时候向左上方看。 ebigear

In a format in which style can be as decisive as substance, Obama managed to overcome a tendency in earlier debates to ramble.
在在这场风格和内容同样重要的辩论中,奥巴马努力克服了之前辩论中出现的散漫倾向。 yeeyan

In our walk along the moor: you told me to ramble where I pleased, while you sauntered on with Mr Heathcliff!
在我们顺着荒野散步的时候,你吩咐我随便去溜达一下,而你却跟希刺克厉夫先生闲逛啦! putclub

It relies on low- powered convection currents to ramble wherever it is easiest to drift to, and is then trapped by gentle, patient cul-de-sacs in the hills.
它依赖于弱势力的对流,而对流总是会闲逛到它最容易漂浮的地方,然后卡在温和耐心的小山丘这个死胡同里。 yeeyan

Once you've gotten the spotlight you've only got so much time before someone else will want it, so don't ramble on too much.
一旦你得到了发言的机会,成了聚焦点,在别人打断插话之前的这段时间就属于你,你要好好把握,不要讲太多闲话。 yeeyan

One day in the second grade, our class went on a weekend ramble in the countryside.
读二年级时,有一天,我们班到乡村进行周末漫步。 ebigear

Real people chitchat, ramble, and say what comes into their minds with little filtering.
现实生活中,人们聊天,漫无目的,想到什么说什么,不用过滤。 yeeyan

The book is a ramble through the place of roads in British culture.
这本书是对公路在英国文化中影响的一些闲谈。 ecocn

The moors, where you ramble with him, are much nicer; and Thrushcross Park is the finest place in the world.
你和他溜达的那片旷野要比那儿好得多,而且画眉园林是世界上最好的地方。 putclub

This is the best season for a ramble in the suburbs.

Who has the patience to listen to some high school student ramble on about his teachers?
而且,关心这种评价的人也不会很多,有谁耐烦来听一个中学生的胡说八道呢? edu.sina.com.cn

Within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about, with peacocks in their pride, gibbons at play, and hornbills whispering.
在浓密的没有边际的森林里,野象和野牛惬意地漫步,孔雀舒展着美丽的羽毛,长臂猿穿行其中,犀鸟轻轻耳语。 hjenglish




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