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词汇 ralston
释义 ralston
At Ralston's family's request, his hand was cremated and his journey came full circle when he returned to the place where he'd been trapped for six days to scatter the ashes.
再后来,拉斯顿再次回到他受困6天的地方,把他那截断手的骨灰撒在了那里。 至此,他的旅途总算圆满完成。 yeeyan

On the sixth day of his ordeal Ralston realized that amputating his arm was the only way he would survive.
痛苦的煎熬已进入第六天。 拉斯顿意识到,只有切断自己的胳膊,才是生还的唯一机会。 yeeyan

“ Oh, no, ”said Dr. Ralston.
“哦,不。” 拉尔斯通医生呻吟道。 yeeyan

“ The US has become the most powerful, significant world force in terms of cultural imperialism and expansion, ” says Ian Ralston, American studies director at Liverpool John Moores University.
“在文化扩张方面,美国已成为世界上势力最强大,影响最广的国家。” Ian Ralston这样说。他是利物浦约翰墨尔大学的美国研究会理事。 yingyu

Bill Ralston, a spokesman for Natural Dairy, said that his firm's bid was being unfairly treated because it was Chinese.
天然牧场发言人比尔.拉尔斯顿说,他们公司的竞标受到了不公平对待,因为竞标者是中国。 yeeyan

But Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey says after hours of interrogation, Sgt. Ralston admitted he fabricated the whole story.
但费城警察局长查尔斯·拉姆塞说,经过数小时的审讯,拉尔斯顿警司承认整个事件都是自己编造的。 yeeyan

In 2003, Ralston, then27, was climbing alone in Blue John Canyon in southeastern Utah.
2003年,27岁的拉斯顿只身来到位于犹他州东南的布鲁庄峡谷攀岩。 yeeyan

James Ralston of Smith& Nephew, a British device- maker, even argues that it will help America's regulators catch up with their counterparts across the Atlantic.
英国设备制造商 Smith& Nephew的 James Ralston甚至认为美国监管者的这一举动将会帮助他们追赶上大西洋对面的同行。 ecocn

Since his May10 release from the hospital, Ralston has been recuperating at his family's home in Centennial, Colo.
自5月10日出院以后,拉斯顿就一直在他科州中部的家中进行恢复。 blueidea

the Americans have appointed a former NATO commander, General Joseph Ralston, to help co-ordinate such a task.
事实上,美国已经指定前北约指挥官约瑟夫•罗尔斯顿将军协调此事。 ecocn

The only person who probably wouldn't benefit from attaching a ruler to a knife is Aron Ralston.
在这个世界上,不会因这个刀尺组合工具而受益的恐怕只有亚伦-罗尔斯顿 Aron Ralston,美国著名登山家一人了。 yeeyan

Today, Ralston continues to take action.
今天,拉斯顿还在继续着新的行动。 yeeyan

We tried reaching Ralston so he could explain, but were unable to.
我们试图联系拉尔斯顿,希望听听他的解释,但一直联系不上。 yeeyan

Ralston has said he believes he survived his ordeal so he could become an inspiration to others.
拉斯顿说,他相信,他的这次幸存经历会给别人的鼓舞。 iciba

Ralston says beyond recuperation, he's looking forward to getting “ back to Aspen, to doing what I love doing up there. Returning to work, and getting back outdoors.”
拉斯顿说,除了康复之外,他现在最大的愿望是“回到阿斯坪,去做我在那里喜欢做的事。回复工作,回归自然。”应为:户外。 kuenglish

Ralston likens the pain he felt when he cut the nerves in his arm to sticking his entire arm in a vat of hot magma.
切断神经时,拉斯顿形容自己所感受到的那种痛苦,就像被人把整条胳膊活生生地按进炽热的熔岩中一样。 yeeyan

Ralston's will to survive and determination to recover from the incident have become an inspiration to many people.
拉斯顿的求生意志以及他要从这次经历后回复往日生活的决心将鼓舞很多的人。 blueidea

Ralston's journey that spring changed the young man both physically and mentally.
拉斯顿当年春天的那次旅行,从身体到心灵,都彻底改变了这个年轻人的一切。 yeeyan




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