

单词 rak
释义 rak ˈræk COCA¹⁶²³⁰⁷BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Rikets Allmanna Katverk Swedish-Geographical Survey Office 瑞典语地理勘测办公室
His opponents in the military- appointed interim government ordered his Thai Rak Thai Party disbanded and he was banned from politics.
在军人任命的政府中担任要职的政敌命令他信领导的泰爱泰党解散,并且禁止他参与政治。 www.voanews.com.cn

It's located in the Bang Rak district and there is nothing scenic or charming about this area.
酒店位于曼谷内,但是周围没有美景或迷人的名胜古迹。 taskcn

Many of them don't survive, but Rev. Jong- rak Lee of Jesus- Loving Union Church has set up a way for saving some of these unwanted babies.
弃婴的生存率较低,而“主爱共同体教会”牧师李钟落为救助弃婴想出了新办法。 examw

Mr. Thaksin and more than100 executives from the former Thai Rak Thai Party face five year bans from politics after being charged with fraud during elections in2006.
他和前泰爱泰党的100多名主要成员被控在2006年的选举中有舞弊行为,5年之内不得参与任何政治活动。 ebigear

Mr Rak, 28, said he'd had a very positive response to his incredible photography.
照片显示出每只蜘蛛眼睛上微小的斑点和身体上的每根毛发。他说,他那不可思议的摄影作品得到了非常积极的反应。 yeeyan

Taksin Shinawat, a mobile phone and media tycoon, founded the Thai Rak Thai party after the economic crisis of1997.
移动电话和媒体大亨他信•西那瓦在1997年的经济危机后建立了泰爱泰党。 laborpoetry

They explained in elaborate detail why Thai Rak Thai TRT, the largest, was being disbanded, whereas its main opponent, the Democrat party, was cleared of all charges.
法官们详细解释了为什么解散国内最大的政党泰爱泰 TRT,而对它的主要对手民主党免于起诉。 ecocn

His Thai Rak Thai party was dissolved.
他的泰爱泰党被解散了。 ecocn

It also found it not guilty of using a smaller party to frame Thai Rak Thai and obstructing a candidate from registering in Songkhla.
同时法院也裁决民主党利用一家小政党来诬陷泰爱泰党,以及阻止一个候选人在宋卡市登记的行为并不构成犯罪。 tianya

Last year fresh yellow-shirt protests helped to bring down the successor to Mr Thaksin’s banned Thai Rak Thai party.
去年,新生的黄衫军的抗议活动帮助他信的继任者解散了泰爱泰党。 yeeyan

Many former Thai Rak Thai Party members moved to establish the People's Power Party.
许多前泰爱泰党的成员组建了人民力量党。 ebigear

On the left we believe that the poor had good reasons to vote for Thai Rak Thai, given that there were no better alternatives on offer.
在左翼立场上,我们相信,由于不存在更好的选择,穷人们有正当的理由投票支持泰爱泰党。 laborpoetry

Parrot on the eve of martha Rak Emma Laura Diane Kanga Java Gold“Cupid” boron chemicals.
鹦鹉个ORAC mothra劳拉坎加爪哇黄金前夕艾玛黛安丘比特化学硼。 flashmyspacecomments

Thai Rak Thai was a“ populist” party, which offered pro- poor policies and village level Keynesian economic stimuli by pumping state money into local projects.
泰爱泰党是个“民粹主义”政党,它推行亲穷人的政策,并且通过为地方项目注入国家资金而推行村级水平的凯恩斯主义式刺激。 laborpoetry

Thai Rak Thai won a second term of office in2005 with an overall majority in parliament.
泰爱泰党在2005年依靠议会中的全面多数赢得了第二个任期。 laborpoetry

Thaksin's original party, Thai Rak Thai, and its successor, the People Power Party, were both dissolved following the application of this article.
他信创办的泰爱泰党和后来的人民力量党都按此条例被解散了。 ecocn

Whenever an election is held, Mr Thaksin's rural, populist Thai Rak Thai party will surely do well, whether or not he is allowed back into the country to lead it.
无论何时选举,也无论是否允他信回国来领导,他信的以农村和平民主义为旗帜的泰爱党一定会赢得大选。 ecocn




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