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Raju ˈraɪuː Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³ 基本例句 n.罗州在北朝鲜;东经 126º43' 北纬 35º02' In the aftermath, four non- executive directors quit, hoping to salvage their own credibility, and Mr Raju's creditors came knocking. 之后,4名非执行董事通过辞职来表明其诚信,而拉于的债主们也开始来敲门了。 topsage On January7th Mr Raju confessed to cooking Satyam's books for years, and admitted that a $1 billion cash pile did not in fact exist. 1月7日,拉贾承认过去几年中操纵公司账户,虚报十亿多美元现金余额。 ecocn Ramalinga Raju, chairman of Indian Satyam Computer Services, admitting that he artificially inflated the company's earnings for years. 印度萨特亚姆电脑服务公司董事长拉马林加·拉朱承认过去数年间他一直虚报盈利。 zjdaily.zjol.com.cn Thanks to Raju Hirani, for making the film so well, to Vinod for doing such a great job as a producer and to Reliance BIG Pictures for the kind of release they gave the film. 拉朱 Hirani下,为使电影这么好,做的一种释放这样一个伟大的工作作为生产者和依赖大的图片,他们给了电影维诺德。 blog.sina.com.cn The Raju family's stake had dwindled to 5% or less on the eve of Mr Raju's January7th confession. 在1月7日所承认的前一天,家族的投资已经减少到了5%甚至更少。 bbs.translators.com.cn “ It was like riding a tiger, not knowing how to get off without being eaten, ” Mr Raju wrote. 拉于说:“这就象骑虎难下,不知道什么时候会反被老虎吃掉。” topsage “ There are significant opportunities for private industry to partner in the homeland security and sub- conventional warfare space, ” Raju said. Raju说,“私营工业在国土安全和亚伙伴常规战的空间有重要的合伙机会”。 www.etiri.com.cn Raju Venugopalan, a senior scientist at the U. S. Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, said Wednesday that physicists 'are very excited' by the European lab's results. 欧洲粒子物理研究所也表示,这些结果和效应与美国布鲁克海文国家实验室利用大型粒子研究设施所取得的研究成果有些类似。 umiwi ALMOST every day Raju Narisetti, managing editor of Mint, a business newspaper launched in Mumbai and Delhi this month, gets an e-mail from a Western journalist looking for a job in India. 自从印度财经类报纸 Mint本月在孟买和德里开始发行,其执行主编 Raju Narisetti的办公桌上来自西方记者的求职信几乎每天一封。 ecocn But as subsequent revelations have made clear, it was still firmly in Mr Raju's grip. 但是像后来显示的情况,它仍旧稳固地在的把手。 bbs.translators.com.cn But as subsequent revelations have made clear, it was still firmly in Mr Raju’s grip. 但当随后真相大白之后,权力还牢牢地掌握在 Raju先生手上。 ecocn He and a group of friends slap Gyarasi,35; Raju tried to stop him. 他和一群朋友掌掴35岁的Gyarasi; Raju上前阻止。 yeeyan In fact, it turns out, it was Mr Raju's last desperate attempt to plug the hole in Satyam's balance sheet with Maytas's assets. 事实上,事后人们发现这是拉于试图用梅塔斯的资产来堵上萨蒂扬资产漏洞的最后挣扎。 topsage Its auditing procedures and board of directors are well-regarded and Mr Raju’s confession shocked investors. 该公司的审计程序和董事会均享誉盛名,因此 Raju的言论令投资者非常震惊。 ecocn Meanwhile Mr Raju, his brother, and Satyam’s chief financial officer are in custody, charged with criminal conspiracy, cheating and forgery. 同时,拉贾及他兄弟,萨蒂扬的首席财务官以共同犯罪、欺骗、伪造等罪名被警方拘留。 ecocn The child from mumbai story Anil later Jimmy to speak about Jimmy and entertainers, Raju Rajesh Khanna play on the streets to guitar and drums for instrument performance. 故事从孟买的小孩 Anil后来的 Jimmy讲起, Jimmy和艺人 Raju Rajesh Khanna扮演在街头以吉他和鼓为乐器演出。 www.970097.com The tiger carried Mr Raju deep into the woods. 这只老虎已把拉于带入深山老林。 hicoo They thought it was a brazen attempt to siphon cash out of Satyam, in which the Raju family held a small stake, into firms the family held more tightly. 他们认为这是拉于家族试图通过其所牢牢掌控的公司来吮干其仅占少数股权的萨蒂扬的现金的无耻行为。 topsage |