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词汇 Rajoy
释义 RajoyEconomist⁵⁵⁷³
And Mr Rajoy has also toned down his anti- Zapatero rhetoric.
拉霍伊先生也已经缓和了反对萨帕特罗的言论。 ecocn

“ You have received a clear mandate from your people to decide on and quickly apply the necessary reform measures, ” she told Mr Rajoy after the election.
“你已经从你的人民那里得到了权力去决定并且迅速的实施必须的改革措施,”她在大选后告诉拉霍伊。 ecocn

Rajoy said at a press conference held in Madrid that Morocco's decision to send troops to Perejil was an“ unfriendly act” that violated the friendship treaty the two countries signed in 1991.
西班牙第一副总理拉荷义在马德里举行记者会中说,摩洛哥决定派遣部队到佩雷吉尔,是一项「不友善行为」,有违一九九一年两国签署的友好协定。 jukuu

And the man charged with answering them will be Mariano Rajoy, leader of the centre-right People’s PartyPP.
当然被质以此问的将是马里亚诺·拉霍伊——人民党的新一轮领导人。 ecocn

As for the People’s Party, it is savouring a return to power in elections due by March next year, even though its leader, Mariano Rajoy, has often been equivocal about reforms.
至于人民党,尽管其领导 Mariano Rajoy对于改革也是言辞含糊,它却对将在明年3月的选举中重掌政权一事津津乐道。 ecocn

But once the PP takes over, Mr Rajoy will hold nearly untrammelled power.
不过一旦人民党掌权,拉霍伊将拥有几乎不受阻碍的权利。 ecocn

But they do not solve Spain's short-term problems, as Mr Rajoy will discover once he is in the hot seat.
然而它们并不能解决西班牙的短期问题,同时拉霍伊将只会发现他接到的是一个烫手山芋。 ecocn

Either way, the task of finessing ETA's end may now fall to Mr Rajoy.
无论如何,采取手段终结埃塔的任务现在可能要落到拉霍伊的头上了。 ecocn

If, in a general election, the PP can repeat the10% lead over the governing Socialists it won yesterday, Mr Rajoy should enjoy both an absolute parliamentary majority and a clear mandate for reform.
如果,在大选中人民党能够复制昨天的胜利,即再度领先执政的社会党10个百分点。 拉霍伊将能享有议会的绝对多数并能获得对改革的明确授权。 ecocn

In a poll asking who won the debate, he beat the opposition People’s Party PP leader, Mariano Rajoy.
一项关于谁会在辩论中获胜的民意调查发现,萨帕特罗首相击败了反对党人民党领导人马里亚诺•拉霍伊。 ecocn

Latest polls show that the PP is some15% ahead of Zapatero's socialists, which should give Rajoy an absolute majority in parliament and the freedom to introduce undiluted reforms quickly.
最近的民意测验显示,人民党领先于萨帕特罗领导的社会党大约15%,这会让拉霍伊在议会中占有绝对的优势和特权,来迅速实施全新的改革。 yeeyan

Likewise, Mariano Rajoy, the PP’s leader, focused his party’s election campaign on the economy and jobs, Spain’s two main concerns, but the PP gathered only560,000 of the spare votes.
同样,马里亚诺·拉霍伊,人民党的领导人,把该党的竞选运动聚焦在经济和就业机会这两个西班牙人的最关注的主题上,但人民党仅仅得到的这富余票中的56万张。 ecocn

Mr Rajoy realises that what Spaniards most want are jobs and a sound economy.
拉霍伊先生提出西班牙人民最想要的是工作和一个健全的经济。 renren

Mr Rajoy’s enigmatic personality fits the Spanish archetype of the gallego, a native of his home region of Galicia.
来自加利西亚地区的拉霍伊先生有着高深莫测的性格,很适合西班牙的加耶果风。 ecocn

Mr Rajoy may, however, need them to oversee a discreet disarmament process.
然而,拉霍伊需要这些人来监督谨慎的缴械行动。 ecocn

Mr Rajoy has indicated that he plans to tackle this issue.
拉霍伊先生表示他计划要解决这个问题。 ecocn

Mr Rajoy wants to cut business taxes to generate growth and jobs, but must also meet tough budget- deficit targets.
拉霍伊希望削减营业税来刺激增长和创造就业机会,但还必须实现严格的预算赤字目标。 ecocn

Mr Rajoy welcomed the end of violence yesterday.
昨天,拉霍伊对于终止暴力冲突表示欢迎。 ecocn

Mr Rajoy's instincts are reformist, and an absolute majority would no doubt make his life easier.
拉霍伊先生骨子里是一位改革派,在议会占到大多数毫无疑问会让他的工作更容易一些。 ecocn

One problem is his lack of inspiration and punchiness. But the colourless Mr. Rajoy is little better.
问题之一是他缺乏灵感和力量,相反面容呆板的拉霍伊表现稍好。 ecocn

Reminders of the grim outlook have come daily since Mr Rajoy's victory.
自拉霍伊胜出以来,残酷的现实每天都在提醒着他。 ecocn

Spain holds a general election on November20th, which will almost certainly bring Mariano Rajoy's opposition conservative People's Party to power.
西班牙将在11月20曰举行大选,几乎可以确定拉霍伊 Mariano Rajoy的在野保守派人民党将会执政。 ecocn

Spain's general election was won by the opposition centre-right People's Party, led by Mariano Rajoy.
在西班牙大选中,由马里亚诺拉霍伊领导的反对党,偏右翼的人民党获胜。 ecocn

The affair has reopened an internal war between Esperanza Aguirre, head of Madrid's PP- run regional government, and the party leader, Mariano Rajoy.
这次事件重新开启了马德里人民党执政的地区政府领导人——兰萨•阿吉雷与人民党领导人马里亚诺•拉霍伊之间的内战。 ecocn

Today, although his Socialist Party is still languishing behind Mariano Rajoy's conservative People's Party PP in the polls, he chose to shorten the suffering.
今天,虽然他的社会党在民意调查中仍然远远落后于马里亚诺•拉霍伊的保守的人民党,他还是选择了缩短难熬的时间。 ecocn

Yet Mr Rajoy knows that, with the markets in a euro funk and bond yields at eye-watering highs, mere promises count for little.
但拉霍诺知道,在市场患上了欧元恐惧症、债券收益率之高令人咂舌的时候,仅靠承诺无济于事。 ecocn

A Rajoy government will try to repeat the trick of the first PP government of José María Aznar after 1996.
Rajoy政府将设法重复第一届人民党政府 José María Aznar政府1996年后的做法。 ecocn

Mr Rajoy will quickly pass an austerity package and cut corporate tax.
Rajoy很快就会通过财政紧缩的一揽子计划,并且削减公司税。 ecocn




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