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词汇 Rajapakse
释义 RajapakseCOCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺
Among other populist measures, Mr Rajapakse has restored the subsidy.
Rajapakse先生恢复了作为其他平民主义措施之一的补贴。 ecocn

For that reason, says President Rajapakse, the real test of whether the Tigers are defeated will be their willingness to lay down their arms and negotiate.
因此,拉贾帕克萨总统称,能否真正战胜“猛虎”的考验在于,“猛虎”是否情愿放下武器与他们进行交涉。 ecocn

On October16th President Mahinda Rajapakse told a special envoy from Japan, Yasushi Akashi, that he would escalate the war again if his troops were attacked.
10月16日,总统马欣达·拉贾帕克萨 Mahinda Rajapakse告诉日本特使明石康 Yasushi Akashi,如果政府军受到攻击,他将逐步升级战争。 ecocn

Together, the brothers Rajapakse control over70% of Sri Lanka's budget.
Rajapakse兄弟联手控制了超过70%的斯里兰卡预算。 ecocn

When Kosak and Rajapakse compared the mathematical patterns derived from their observations to patterns produced by a self- organizing computational model of the genome, the datasets fit.
Kosak和 Rajapakse把他们观察的结果与自我组织的计算机模型形成的样式进行比较,发现两种数据吻合。 yeeyan

Mr Rajapakse, however, has proposed as his solution a modest devolution at the village level.
然而, Rajapakse先生却把权力下放到村庄一级作为他的解决方案。 ecocn

A pity, then, that Mr Rajapakse looks so incapable of peacemaking.
那么,很遗憾, Rajapakse先生看来没有能力做一个和平制造者。 ecocn

Asked about this, Mr Rajapakse says the Tigers will be forced to talk— and, in a gesture he uses when nettled, shoves his bare feet firmly back into his sandals.
被问及这一点,拉贾帕克萨总统说“猛虎”将被迫与之进行交涉——同时,他使用了一个自己在焦急的时候常用的姿势,将他裸露在外的脚牢牢的磕进他的拖鞋里面。 ecocn

But Mr Rajapakse has plunged further into the past.
然而 Rajapakse先生陷入更深的过去。 ecocn

In a region where democratic dynasties are common, the Rajapakse clan is unusual.
在一个正在经历民主时期的国家,这多么普通,拉贾帕克萨家族却是很特别的。 ecocn

In his white costume, scarlet scarf and sandals, President Rajapakse cultivates the image of a beneficent guru.
在他白色的民族服装下,拉贾帕克萨总统身着绯红色的领带和凉鞋,陶醉在仁慈的印度教导师的塑像之中。 ecocn

Kosak and Rajapakse have delivered the most comprehensive evidence yet of the relationship between gene position and activation.
Kosak和 Rajapakse发表了有关基因位置及功能的联系的综合证据。 yeeyan

Mr Rajapakse exploited a Sinhalese fear that the federalism Mr Wickremesinghe championed was a prelude to splitting the country.
拉贾帕克萨利用了僧伽罗人对维克拉马辛哈支持的联邦制的担忧,他们担心施行这一制度是国家分裂的前奏。 ecocn

Mr Rajapakse's lack of enthusiasm for foreign peacemakers and their suggested compromises is well known.
众所周知,拉贾帕克萨对外国调解人以及他们提议的妥协缺乏热情。 ecocn

President of Sri Lanka Mahinda Rajapakse will also visit China.

Recent reports have even suggested that he struck a secret deal with the opportunistic Mr Rajapakse.
近期的报道甚至暗示他已经同机会主义者 Rajapakse先生达成秘密协议。 ecocn

The second secret to Mr Rajapakse's election was that, at the Tigers' command, north-eastern Tamils did not vote.
Rajapakse的当选的第二个秘密是,由于猛虎组织的命令,东北部泰米尔人没有投票。 ecocn

Thus he prevented pro- Wickremesinghe Tamils from voting, ensuring Mr Rajapakse's election.
这样,他阻止了亲维克拉马辛哈的泰米尔人参加选举,以确保拉贾帕克萨能当选。 ecocn

To sustain public expenditure, the governor of the central bank, another crony of Mr Rajapakse, has printed lots of new money.
为了维持公共支出, Rajapakse先生的另一位密友,中央银行总裁发行了许多新的纸币。 ecocn

Wary of political allies, Mr Rajapakse has appointed his three brothers to run important ministries.
谨防政治联盟, Rajapakse先生任命他的三个兄弟掌管重要部门。 ecocn

Yet no sooner was Mr Rajapakse elected than both sides were shelling and murdering each other.
然而, Rajapakse当选之后,双方立即展开对对方的轰炸和屠杀。 ecocn

Yet Mr Rajapakse perhaps need not care.
然而 Rajapakse先生不需要关心这一点。 ecocn

Yet Mr Rajapakse may gamble that, with annual remittances of$2.5 billion from Sri Lankans working in the Middle East, the economy can ride this out.
然而 Rajapakse先生可能进行投机——每年来自在中东工作的斯里兰卡人的25亿美元汇款能够帮助经济虎口脱险。 ecocn

If Sri Lanka is to have peace, it may not be under Mr Rajapakse.
如果斯里兰卡将会得到和平,也可能不是在 Rajapakse先生的统治之下。 ecocn




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