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词汇 Rajapaksa
释义 RajapaksaEconomist⁷⁹⁰¹
But there is little doubt that the final outcome will place Mr Rajapaksa’s United People’s Freedom Alliance UPFA close to a two-thirds majority.
最终结果将会使拉贾帕克萨的统一人民自由联盟 UPFA占据接近三分之二的国会席位,这一点是没什么悬念的了。 ecocn

Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, the defence secretary and brother of the president, has admitted that6, 261 soldiers were killed and 29, 551 wounded in three years of fighting.
身为斯里兰卡总统兄弟的国防部长戈塔巴雅•拉贾帕克萨已经承认,在过去三年与泰米尔猛虎组织的交战中,共有6,261名士兵战死,29,551人受伤。 ecocn

He and the rest of the opposition claim that the vote-count was also rigged—though, even if true, this may not have affected the result, so thumping was Mr Rajapaksa’s margin.
丰塞卡将军及其他反对派们均声称计票过程存在舞弊。 而在拉贾帕克萨总统的算盘里,即便发现其舞弊了,也影响不了大局。 ecocn

Mr Rajapaksa also dissolved parliament, paving the way for elections, in which his party is expected to do well.
Rajapaksa同时解散议会,为举行大选铺平道路,他所在政党在选举中前景乐观。 topsage

But an election looms, and President Mahinda Rajapaksa is lifting at least some of these.
但选举来临,马欣达•拉贾帕卡萨总统正重新提及当中的一些话题。 ecocn

But local leaders fear plots will instead be handed to henchmen of the president, Mahinda Rajapaksa, most of whom come from the Sinhala- dominated south.
但是,地方领导人却害怕密谋会取而代之、土地落入总统马欣达的亲信党羽手中——他们大都来自操着僧伽罗语的南方。 ecocn

Gotabaya Rajapaksa, another sibling, who is the defence secretary, has noted that the president has visited China five times in office and three times before.
该国国防部长,也是总统的另外一个兄弟哥达巴雅·拉贾帕克萨 Gotabaya Rajapaksa提到总统在任内曾五次出访中国,之前还有三次访问。 yeeyan

In a more understated speech than had been expected, President Rajapaksa attempted to allay some of these concerns by drawing a clear distinction between the Tigers and the Tamil people.
在拉贾帕克萨总统的一次低调发言中,他明确指出了猛虎组织和泰米尔普通民众的区别,试图以此来减轻泰米尔人的忧虑。 ecocn

In recent months President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s regime has won a war and lost the love of many allies.
就在最近的几个月里,拉贾帕克萨总统的王国打赢了一场战争却失去了很多盟友。 ecocn

In the third of his big set-piece victory speeches early this month, Mr Rajapaksa asserted that the war had been fought to liberate the Tamil people.
在这月早些时候的第三次胜利大演讲中,拉贾帕克萨一成不变地坚称此次战争是为解放泰米尔人民而战。 ecocn

Just as the Tigers won the2005 election for Mr Rajapaksa, by enforcing a boycott of the polls in areas they controlled, so Tamil voters could now unseat him.
2005年,塔米尔选民在其控制的区域实行强制性的选举抵制,帮助猛虎组织赢得了 Rajapaksa的竞选,现在他们可以像当时一样再把他赶下台。 ecocn

Mangala Samaraweera, a parliamentarian who defected to the opposition from Mr Rajapaksa’s party, says his former leader will now“ not have the guts” to hold an early poll.
萨马拉维拉,一名国会议员,退出拉贾帕克萨的政党转而加入了反对党。 他表示,他的老领导,现在并没有勇气和魄力提前举行总统大选。 ecocn

Mr Rajapaksa has been in office since2005 and his current term ends in2016.

Oddly, parties flowing with free booze were a common feature of Mr Rajapaksa’s presidential campaign.
奇怪的是,拉贾帕克萨总统的竞选派对却无不充斥着毫无节制的豪饮。 ecocn

Perhaps this does not bother Mr Rajapaksa: defying the West is part of his appeal.
或许这并没有使拉贾帕克萨总统感到困扰:藐视西方正是他魅力的一部分。 ecocn

So, at the end of a typically bombastic speech in parliament, Mr Rajapaksa said he proposed not to extend it.
因此,Mahinda Rajapaksa在国会发表夸大演说结束前,表示他不会提出延长紧急状态。 topsage

Sri Lanka’s president, Mahinda Rajapaksa, prepared to be sworn into office nearly a year after his election.
斯里兰卡总统马欣达.拉贾帕克萨,在其选举近一年后准备宣誓就职。 ecocn

Sri Lanka's parliament voted to allow the president, Mahinda Rajapaksa, to hold an unlimited number of terms instead of the current two.
斯里兰卡议会投票决定取消总统拉贾帕克萨的任期限制,而不是现在的两届。 ecocn

Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa has said that his clear victory in Tuesday's presidential elections has answered his critics.
斯里兰卡总统拉马欣达拉·贾帕克萨表示,他在周二的总统选举取得的明确胜利,已经对他的批评者作出回击。 yeeyan

Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa this morning delivered a victory address to parliament, declaring that his country had been “ liberated” from terrorism.
斯里兰卡总统拉贾帕克萨今天上午向国会发表了胜利演说,宣告他的国家摆脱了恐怖主义,获得了“解放”。 yeeyan

The third force in Sri Lankan politics, the JVP, which was trounced by Mr Rajapaksa’s party at recent provincial and local government polls, wants to back a winning horse.
作为斯里兰卡政治中的第三大力量,人民解放军阵线在最近的省级和地级政府的民意测验中受到拉贾帕克萨总统党人的谴责,它们希望在能够在大选中获胜,为自己扳回一局。 ecocn

The government of President Mahinda Rajapaksa has hinted it is prepared to go beyond the bounds of the constitution to offer Tamils the hope of a workable deal.
然而总统暗示可能提供给泰米尔族一份超出现行宪法的可行的协议。 ecocn

The irony in this is that, unknown to most of the public, President Mahinda Rajapaksa and I have been friends for more than a quarter- century.
而最具讽刺意味的是——虽然公众并不知道——我和总统的交情已经有四分之一个世纪了。 yeeyan

Under pressure from Western governments, which pay for most of the camps’ food, Mr Rajapaksa promised that 70-80% would be freed by the year’s end.
在西方政府要求增加难民营事物供应的压力之下,拉贾帕克萨总统承诺70%-80%的难民将会于今年年底前释放。 ecocn

With the opposition divided, his rival in the presidential election in January in detention and his popularity still high, President Mahinda Rajapaksa already seems monarch of all he surveys.
由于反政府武装分裂,大选竞争对手被捕,马欣达∙拉贾帕克萨总统自身的高支持率,他俨然已成为国家的君主。 ecocn

Yet the government of President Mahinda Rajapaksa is making even moderate Tamils at home and overseas feel its victory as their defeat.
然而总统马欣达•拉贾帕克萨领导的政府甚至使温和的海内外泰米尔人也认为此次胜利便如同失败一般。 ecocn

Yet contemporary portraits of the barely- clad female form offend the eye of Mr Rajapaksa’s po-faced regime.
尽管那些几乎没穿衣服的当代女性画像艺术冒犯了拉贾帕克萨的一本正经的体制。 ecocn




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