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词汇 Rajan
释义 RajanEconomist¹³⁷⁹¹
As Rajan argued in a prescient2005 paper, financial development, which was supposed to make the system safer, could in fact make it riskier.
拉詹在2005年发表的一片极富预见性的论文中认为,本应让经济体系更稳固的金融业,事实上却让它陷入重重风险。 yeeyan

Mr Rajan thinks, therefore, that it is no coincidence that America in the early 2000s saw a boom in lending to the poor, including those folks that banks used to sniff at.
因为, Rajan相信美国的银行在21世纪初纷纷给穷人贷款,包括对那些银行以前都不屑一顾的人都大开信贷之便,这不是一个巧合。 ecocn

“ For skin problems, we select a plant like indigo, and mix turmeric with the plant,” dyeing technician Rajan Kay told the BBC.
染色工艺师瑞占?凯对英国广播公司的记者说:“针对皮肤问题,我们选择了槐蓝属之类的植物,并将姜黄根粉与之混合。” kekenet

“ The cautionary tale from Japan is that keeping interest rates low without doing anything to fix structural problems may have little effect,” says Mr Rajan.
瑞占说:“从日本的前车之鉴中可知,只维持低利率而不着手解决结构性问题可能不会有什么效果。” ecocn

“ Yes, we are considering Rubina's future, ” Qureshi was quoted as saying. He put the reporter in touch with his brother-in- law Rajan More.
该报援引库雷希的话说:“是的,我们正考虑鲁比娜的未来。”他让记者与其妹夫拉詹?摩尔联系。 yzedu

According to Mr Rajan, this would take strategic decisions out of the hands of bureaucrats and entrust them to people with greater political legitimacy.
据 Mr Rajan说,这将使战略决定权从官僚手中转交给具有更高政治合法性的人负责。 ecocn

According to Mr Rajan, therefore, well- intentioned political responses to the rise in inequality that many found disturbing ended up having devastating side effects.
所以根据 Rajan的说法,贫富悬殊加剧令许多人不安,而政府对此的善意回应最终却带来了毁灭性的副作用。 ecocn

After the2001 recession they generated“ excessive growth of sectors that rely on either fixed- asset investment or credit”, argues Raghuram Rajan of the University of Chicago.
2001年经济衰退后,产生了一些部门依靠固定资产投资或信贷而过度增长,芝加哥大学 Raghuram Rajan说。 ecocn

But Mr Rajan goes further than most when he argues that this growing gap lay behind the credit boom whose souring precipitated the financial crisis.
但 Rajan比大多数人往前了一步,他提出,这日渐扩大的差距是信贷繁荣的原因,而信贷“变质”将世界经济推入了深渊。 ecocn

But Mr Rajan says that even the weaker commitment by the G20 leaders makes him“fairly certain that the next selection process will not be a closed one.”
但 Mr Rajan说即使是20国领导人更无力的承诺也让他觉得下一次不会是一次封闭的选拔。 ecocn

Economist Raghuram Rajan explains this point in a recent article at Project Syndicate.
经济学家拉古拉姆•瑞占在辛迪加项目 Project Syndicate发表的最新一篇文章中解释了这一点。 yeeyan

Mr Acemoglu argues that the expansion in credit came far too late for Mr Rajan’s hypothesis.
Acemoglu认为,按照 Rajan的假设,信贷膨胀出现得太晚了。 ecocn

Mr Rajan reckons that technological progress increased the relative demand for skilled workers.
Rajan先生认为,科技进步导致对熟练技工的需求相对上升。 ecocn

Mr Rajan disagrees with the growing voices predicting a recession next year.
一种日益高涨的预测是,全球经济明年将出现衰退。对此拉詹并不认同。 neworiental

Raghuram Rajan, a former IMF chief economist and professor at Chicago's Booth School of Business, is one worry wart.
Raghuram Rajan先生,国际货币基金组织前首席经济学家和芝加哥布斯大学商贸学院教授,为此感到担忧。21cbr

So he thinks Mr Rajan is right to focus on politics but that they did not play out in quite the way he believes.
所以他认为, Rajan把焦点放在政策上是正确的,但是演化推进过程却并非 Rajan所认为的那样。 ecocn

Mr Rajan argues that fast growing poor countries tend to generate more saving than they can use because of their underdeveloped financial systems.
Rajan认为高速发展的穷国较之消费,更倾向于扩大储蓄,因为它们的金融体系相当落后。 topsage

Nonetheless, Mr Rajan's worries about the medium term are reasonable.
尽管如此,拉吉安对中期的担忧仍是合理的。 ecocn




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