

单词 raising up
释义 raising up短语¹¹⁴⁴⁶⁷⁺
Take part in social activities actively: men r responsible for supplying daily good, while women r in charge of raising up life qualities.
积极参与社会活动:男人负责供应日常生活所需,女人则负责提高生活质量。 blog.sina.com.cn

But Lou Engle, a Kansas City pastor and founder of huge Christian youth prayer rallies known as “ The Call”, claims that God is raising up a “ radically committed” generation to pursue big moral issues.
但是堪萨斯城的牧师、大型青年基督教徒组织“神的召唤”的创始人卢•恩格声称,上帝养育了“极为忠诚”的一代人,他们致力于更宏大的道德问题。 ecocn

I am raising up the Babylonians, that ruthless and impetuous people, who sweep across the whole earth to seize dwelling places not their own.
我必兴起迦勒底人、就是那残忍暴躁之民、通行遍地、佔据那不属自己的住处。 bbintl

Standing up on the position arms leaving seat, and tip of both legs raising up.

The foundation for raising up a strong new generation is to manage a happy marriage.
兴起刚强的新世代之基础,在于经营一个美满的婚姻。 jukuu

Then this paper gives some proposals on how to promote the progress of product development by raising up the cooperate level.
进而,在此基础上给出了通过提高技术协作水平,促进产品开发成功的一些建议、措施。 cnki

Raising up, inspiration, then laying down, expiration.
上举,吸气,然后放下,呼气。 lwkoo

There were still many people raising up their hands.
仍有人举起手来。 ebigear




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