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词汇 raising funds
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The capital needed may be acquired through government and bank loans, the use of foreign capital, and raising funds from other channels. Labor force is even out of question.
要钱,可以通过政府发债、银行贷款、利用外资、民间集资等方式解决。要人,更是不成问题。 iciba

After Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy, both banks had trouble raising funds in the markets and turned to the central bank, which lent them£62 billion$103 billion in emergency aid.
在雷曼兄弟破产后,这两家银行在筹资方面遇到困难并求助中央银行。 中央银行借给他们共计620亿英镑1030亿美元作为紧急援助。 ecocn

BNP Paribas, France's biggest bank, denied reports that it was having trouble raising funds in the markets.
此外,法国最大的银行法国巴黎银行否认了其在市场融资方面出现困难的传言。 ecocn

I would like to thank all of you for your help in raising funds to help Sichuan.
我想借此机会感谢大家对四川灾区的慷慨解囊。 hicoo

It seems significant that executives at the Thai exchange, the region’s fourth largest by market value, have recently started to talk of raising funds to expand and compete with rivals.
很明显,该地区市值第四大的泰国交易所主管最近已经开始讨论扩大资金,以此来同对手进行竞争。 yeeyan

Protecting children from violent acts is just as important as fighting illiteracy and raising funds for children with HIV/ AIDS.
保护孩子不被暴力所伤和消除文盲,为患有艾滋病的孩子集资是同等重要的事情。 gounahaozi

We can ponder over the ways and means for raising funds before the construction work starts.




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