

单词 raise eyebrows
释义 raise eyebrows短语¹⁰⁶¹⁰⁰⁺
And while the transfusion of human blood is a common practice, uses of human milk raise eyebrows.
在输血已很常见的今天,食用人奶却惹来非议,有些人觉得用人奶做奶酪很怪异。 qeto

Yet, some of the banks’ practices might raise eyebrows today.
或许,当时银行业的做法可以为今天所借鉴。 yeeyan

At least two things about this document raise eyebrows.
至少有两件关于该文件的事情令人目瞪口呆。 ecocn

Backstage at the Golden Globes, Hall said he went public about his illness because he knew his physical appearance at the ceremony would raise eyebrows.
在金球奖后台,霍尔说,他之所以要公开自己的病情,是因为他知道,自己因病养成的这副样子也一定会让人们好奇。 yeeyan

Being overly optimistic will raise eyebrows with your investors or banker.
过度的乐观会让你的投资者和银行家皱其眉头。 yeeyan

But outsiders should not take heart: if warm Sino-Russian relations raise eyebrows in some quarters, a big falling out could be far be more troubling.
但外界对中俄长期友好并不乐观:如果关系良好的中俄关系在一些领域出现个把小问题,小题大做只能带来更大麻烦。 blog.sina.com.cn

Even the belated stress tests raise eyebrows: they will be undertaken by the utilities themselves and checked by two regulatory agencies that previously failed to supervise the utilities properly.
即使迟到的压力测试令人侧目:压力测试将由公用事业单位自己进行,并且由两家管理机构检查,这两家机构先前未能有效监督公用事业。 ecocn

Frozen foreheads barely raise eyebrows these days, but there was once a time when injecting a toxin produced by bacteria into one's face would have been considered odd.
现在,整得僵硬麻木的额头只会引人侧目,但在以前,把细菌产生的毒素注入一个人的脸会被认为不可思议。 blog.zjol.com.cn

His effusive praise of George Bush, seen by many at the time as hopelessly out of touch, will raise eyebrows.
他对布什总统溢于言表的赞美之词看很多人看来完全是不可理解的,因此人们对此表示反感。 ecocn

Such a policy might raise eyebrows in many places.
在很多地方,类似政策可能引人注目。 yeeyan

That part of the project could raise eyebrows, because copyright law is unclear in the digital books arena.
不过这种做法多少令人有些疑虑,因为版权法在数字图书领域还是有些含混不清。 yeeyan

Wall Street as the real world is a concept that could raise eyebrows.
作为一个真实的世界,华尔街是一个令人吃惊的概念。 yeeyan




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