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词汇 rains
释义 rain·s 英reɪn美reɪn COCA¹⁴³¹¹BNC¹⁹³⁰⁷Economist¹⁰¹⁷⁴

water falling in separate drops from the clouds

vi. & vt. 雨降下; 使降落

of rain fall; cause to fall like rain

water falling in drops from vapor condensed in the atmospheredrops of fresh water that fall as precipitation from cloudsanything happening rapidly or in quick successive;

a rain of bullets

a pelting of insults

precipitate as rain;

If it rains much more, we can expect some flooding


❌ The farmers want the rain.

✔️ The farmers want rain.


❌ We've had many rain this year.

✔️ We've had much rain this year.



❌ He was caught in rain.

✔️ He was caught in the rain.

“在雨中”英语是in the rain,需要用定冠词the。


❌ There was a small rain last night.

✔️ There was a light rain last night.

“一场小雨”,英文用a light rain,不用small。


❌ A big rain washed away much rich soil.

✔️ A heavy rain washed away much rich soil.

表示“大雨”通常应该说heavy rain,而不说big rain或great rain。


❌ Continuous rain overflowed the banks.

✔️ Continuous rains overflowed the banks.



❌ They played football under the rain.

✔️ They played football in the rain.

“冒着雨”应该说 in the rain,而不能说 under the rain。


❌ It rained at five o'clock.

✔️ It began to rain at five o'clock.



❌ If it isn't rain tomorrow, we'll go to the zoo.

✔️ If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we'll go to the zoo.



Today's football match has been rained out.


Today's football match has been rained off.



用作名词 n.
动词+~brave the rain冒雨expect rain盼望雨水have rain有雨水keep off rain防雨make rain人工降雨need rain需要雨水produce rain人工降雨shut out rain遮雨threaten rain预示着要下雨形容词+~acid rain酸雨constant rain连绵不断的雨driving rain暴风雨falling rain飘降着的雨fine rain细雨freezing rain冻雨gentle rain小雨hard rain大雨heavy rain大雨icy rain冷雨light rain小雨man-made rain人工降雨new-fallen rain刚下的雨steady rain连绵的雨terrible rain糟糕的雨the first rain第一场雨thin rain小雨welcome rain及时雨,甘霖名词+~spring rain春雨summer rain夏雨~+名词rain band雨带rain belt雨区rain boots雨鞋rain cap雨帽rain cloud雨云rain drop雨点rain forest热带雨林介词+~in the rain冒着雨,在雨中drops of rain雨点rustling of rain淅沥沥的雨水声on account of rain由于下雨cancel the match on account of rain因下雨取消比赛clothes wet with rain被雨水淋湿的衣服without rain没有雨水~+介词rain of bullets弹雨rain of tears泪如雨下rain of telegrams电报如雪花飘来用作动词 v.~+名词rain cats and dogs大雨倾盆~+副词rain hard雨下得很大rain down大量地流〔落〕下来rain off因下雨而受阻rain out因下雨而取消~+介词rain from从四处撒播rain in torrents大雨如注rain on〔upon〕使雨点般地落到…上rain benefits upon sb给某人种种好处
用作名词n.rain or shine〔rain〕 or no rain

无论如何 anyway

rain down¹ v.+adv.

大量地流〔落〕下来 (of water, etc. fall in large amounts)

rain downLong after the storm, water still rained down from the roofs where it had collected.暴风雨过去很长一段时间后,积在房顶上的雨水仍一个劲儿地从房顶上流下来。rain down sthThe old woman rained down curses on our heads.那老婆子把我们骂得狗血喷头。
rain down² v.+prep.

顺…大量地流下来 (of water, etc. fall in large amounts along sth)

rain down sthTears rained down her cheeks.她泪流满面。
rain off v.+adv.

〈主英〉因下雨而受阻〔取消〕 be prevented from taking place because of rain

rain sth ⇔ offThe meeting was rained off.大会因雨而取消。
Two cricket matches were rained off this weekend, and would have to be played next week.由于下雨,这周末的两场板球赛没能举行,只能在下周比赛了。
rain on〔upon〕 v.+prep.

使雨点般地落到…上 (cause to descend quickly or in quantity on sb/sth)

rain on〔upon〕 sb/sthShells rained on the enemy positions.炮弹像雨点般地落在敌军阵地上。
I lay still as the blows continued to rain on my head.拳头如雨点般落在我的头上,我躺在那儿一动也不动。
Misfortunes have rained heavily upon the old man.那老人接连遭遇不幸。
Take care not to let these goods be rained on.当心别让这些货物淋到雨。rain sth on〔upon〕 sb/sthThe crowd rained kisses on the popular actor.人们纷纷亲吻这位受欢迎的演员。
The smokestacks rained black soot on the city.烟囱里冒出的黑色煤灰雨点般地从城市上空落下。
Angrily, he rained blows on the door, but no one came.他气愤地用拳头拼命砸门,但是没有人来开门。
They rained bombs and rockets on the enemy gun emplacements.他们以炸弹和火箭袭击了敌人的炮兵阵地。
Shells were rained on them, but no one thought of his own danger.炮弹像雨点般地落下来,但没有一个人想到个人安危。
rain out v.+adv.

〈主美〉因下雨而受阻〔取消〕 be prevented from taking place because of rain

rain sth ⇔ outThe Saturday night rally in the stadium was rained out.星期六晚上在体育场举行的集会因下雨而取消了。rain-s复数⇒n.雨⁷⁰;雨水v.下雨²⁶;雨点般落下n.一场雨⁷⁰;雨水;雨季;雨天;阵雨;降雨;淫雨;大西洋北纬4-10度的多雨地带;降落物;雨点般降落的东西;电子流;落下;一阵;季节性降雨;R-郑智薰韩国艺人v.下倾盆大雨;有雨;大量地给;厚施;雨一般地落下;散下;使大量降落;频频地送;雨水般地淌下;祸不单行;煞风景;破坏原定的计划;赛事;倾注 _null.郑智薰;来自韩国的音乐人近义词 fallhaildropspitn. drizzlesteamv. drizzle
用作名词n.Rain was beating on the windows.雨水正敲打着窗子。
They put the oil cloth on the roof to block out rain.他们把油布铺在房顶上,防止雨水渗漏。
The rain kept falling for a few days.雨不停地下了几天。
The rain greatly advanced the spring crops.那场雨使春季作物的成熟期大大提前。
When the rain stopped, the floods began to fall away.雨停的时候,洪水开始退去。
The sun broke through after days of rain.连日阴雨之后,太阳终于露出来了。
It feels like rain.像是要下雨了。
Following the heavy rain, the storage tanks were filling up again.那场暴雨过后,蓄水池又满了。
I had not bargained for the heavy rain, and got very wet without a coat.我没料到会下这样大的雨,没穿雨衣,浑身都湿透了。
The crops were beaten down by the heavy rain.庄稼被暴雨冲倒了。
The ground became softer after a heavy rain.大雨之后地面松软了。
Early in April, just before a rain begins, broadcast tomato seeds.四月初的头场雨前,要把西红柿种子播下。
Owing to a heavy rain, all our plans fell through.由于下了一阵大雨,我们的所有计划都泡汤了。
We decided to brave a rain of bullets.我们决定冒着枪林弹雨出去。
His face was bathed in a rain of tears.他泪流满面。
It is probable that rains will fall tomorrow.明天大概会下阵雨。
The rains that year were good, they were coming nicely just as the crops needed them.那一年的雨季真没说的,正当庄稼需要水的时候就下雨了。用作动词v.
It+~+AIt's raining.天正在下着雨。
It will rain in the afternoon.午后将会下雨。
He went out though it was raining hard.尽管雨下得很大,他还是出去了。
It has rained over.雨停了。
It never rains but pours.不雨则已,雨则倾盆。
S+~+ n./pron.It rained large drops.雨点很大。
We'll have to cancel the cricket match, it's raining cats and dogs.雨下得太大了,我们将只得取消板球比赛了。

rain的意思是“雨”,通常用作不可数名词, a rain指“一次雨、一阵雨、一场…样的雨”, rains指“几场雨,大阵雨”。

the rains指“雨季”, rains可受May,July等修饰。

“小雨”是light rain,“大雨”是heavy rain。




“因雨取消会议、比赛”等常用被动结构,英式英语常用rain off,而美式英语则常用rain out。


用作名词There will berainin all parts of the country.全国各地将有雨。
The boys went for a walk despite of therain.尽管下雨,孩子们还是去散步。
Therainbeat against the windows.雨水拍打在窗户上。
Too muchrainaccounted for the poor crop.太多的雨水导致庄稼歉收。
There is plenty ofrainthis year.今年雨水充足。用作动词If it doesn'traintomorrow, we'll have a picnic.如果明天不下雨,我们就去野餐。
It began torainas soon as he left home.他刚刚离开家就下起雨来。
Tearsraineddown her cheeks.眼泪顺着她的面颊如雨点般落下。
The suitcase burst open and its contentsrainedon the floor.手提箱裂开了,里面的东西纷纷落在地板上。 Acquired at the same time of year, these images show the dramatic impact of heavy rains that pushed rivers over their banks and onto nearby floodplains in2010.
在一年的同一时间拍取,这些照片给我们展示出大雨的影响,让河水溢过河堤并在2010年泛滥到附近的平原上。 yeeyan

In Ethiopia, it says poor food security and nutrition conditions in some parts of the country may get worse because of the late start of the rains and the approaching hunger gap.
该机构说,埃塞俄比亚一些地区食品安全和营养条件差的局面可能会加剧,原因是那里的雨季推迟和饥荒期即将来临。 iciba

The already dire situation in North Korea has been exacerbated by a bitter winter and a summer of record rains and floods.
朝鲜早已悲惨的局势已经由严酷的寒冬、暴雨和洪水创纪录的夏天而进一步恶化了。 yeeyan

The rice dampened and molded during the summer rains.

When the long rains fall from March to May things are much quieter, there are fewer tourists and accommodation prices come down, but also note that some places close completely.
从三月到五月是长长的雨季,一切都沉静下来,这时几乎没有游客,食宿价格也会下跌,但要注意有些地方是完全关闭的。 yeeyan

Almost as quickly as they appeared, these small plants die away. But they have developed special ways of ensuring the life of another generation when rains come again.
这些小植物很快就消失了,几乎就象它们长出来时那样迅速,但它们已发展了特殊方式来保证在下次降雨来时下一代的生命。 ebigear

By certain signs we may presage of heats and rains.

During 1972 record rains in parts of the U.S., Pakistan and Japan caused some of the worst flooding in centuries.
据1972年记载,降雨导致了美国、巴基斯坦和日本的一些地区暴发了世纪罕见的洪灾。 yeeyan

In typical years, the rains open up in the east, centered on Punjab province, roughly near the cities of Lahore and Faisalabad.
在典型的年份,降雨从东部地区开始,在旁遮普省汇集,大约就在拉合尔和费萨拉巴德市附近。 yeeyan

Like when it rains, they go up to the ceiling and lie there facing up.
其它的还有比如在下雨天,他们会跑到天花板上面,在那里脸朝上躺着。 yeeyan

Officials say floods caused by monsoon rains have killed more than 300 people in Pakistan over the last three days.
巴基斯坦官员说,雨季大雨造成的洪水已在过去3天里夺走至少300人的生命。 eol

Pakistan's monsoon rains normally emanate from moisture swept in over India from the Bay of Bengal.
巴基斯坦的季风性降雨通常来自由孟加拉湾闯入印度的湿润空气。 yeeyan

Parts of Canada and the United States are experiencing heavy rains and flooding, while droughts are hurting crop production in Western Australia and China.
美国和加拿大的部分地区大量降雨造成水患。澳大利亚西部和中国则因为旱灾而导致农作物受损。 putclub

REGULARITY and repetition— of returning rains, of seasonal temperatures, of the cycles of life and death— are the essence of agriculture.
再次来临的大雨、季节性温度以及生死轮回的规律性和重复性是农业的本质。 ecocn

The day after the chipping debate, the rains continue.
凿点讨论之后的第二天依旧下雨。 yeeyan

The cash available for food in southern Somalia looks likely to run out well before the next rains.
索马里南部用于购买粮食的现金看起来很可能在下次降雨之前早已告罄。 ecocn

The mountains trap rains and fogs generated over the ocean.

There are those who think this drought will finish in October with the coming of the long rains and everything will go back to normal.
有人认为当漫长的雨季在十月到来后,干旱就会结束, 所有的一切都将恢复正常。 yeeyan

Water evaporates from the oceans, rains down on the land, pours back to the seas.
海水蒸发形成水蒸气,后成为雨水降落到地面,最终又流回海洋。 ecocn

Wild horses graze on grass from recent rains.
野马在近期降了雨的草地上吃草。 ecocn

Rains are frequent here in spring.

Rains have been up to two weeks late with temperatures reaching the high40C in some areas.
由于气温高达40摄氏度,某些地区的雨季推迟了两个星期之久。 yeeyan




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