

单词 raining
释义 rain·ing 英'reɪnɪŋ美'renɪŋ COCA¹³³²⁴BNC⁹⁶⁶²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
falling in drops or as if falling like rain;

watched the raining apple blossoms

用作形容词It wasraining, so we took our umbrellas.由于下雨的缘故,我们就带着伞。
Next time it israiningreally heavily, go for a walk with your partner.下次,真地下了很大雨的时候,和对方一起去散步。as in.pouring
同义词 discharging,draining,flooding,flowing,gushing,running,rushing,showering,spilling,spoutingspurtingrainyas in.soppy
同义词 aqueous,clammy,dank,dewy,drenched,dripping,drizzling,foggy,humid,misty,moistened,muggy,pouring,rainy,saturate,saturated,showery,slimy,slippery,slushy,snowy,soaked,soaking,sodden,soggy,sopping,soused,stormy,teary,teeming,water-logged,watery,wringing-wetas in.wet
同义词 dank,foggy,humid,misty,muggy,rainy,slippery,snowy,soaked,sodden,soggy,stormydrenched,dripping,drizzling,moistened,pouring,saturate,saturated,soaking,sopping,soused,teemingaqueous,clammy,dewy,showery,slimy,slushy,soppy,teary,water-logged,watery,wringing-wet
pouringadjective streaming
soppyadjective wet
wetadjective damp, moist
wetteradjective damp, moist
wettestadjective damp, moist
aqueous,clammy,dank,dewy,drenched,dripping,drizzling,foggy,humid,misty,moistened,muggy,pouring,raining,rainy,saturate,saturated,showery,slimy,slippery,slushy,snowy,soaked,soaking,sodden,soggy,sopping,soppy,soused,stormy,teary,teeming,water-logged,watery,wringing-wet It is always raining, or about to rain, in the mountainous city; the only difference from ancient times is that now the fog, mixed with smog, obscures the tops of the skyscrapers.
这座山城时常下雨,要么就是雨雾蒙蒙。如今,这里与古代的唯一区别是,掩盖了摩天大楼屋顶的水汽参杂了今天的雾霾。 yeeyan

It was raining, he hailed a cab for me, and we hugged without looking at each other.
这时候天上下起了雨,他帮我叫了一辆出租车,我们拥抱告别,彼此没有任何眼神的交流。 yeeyan

It was raining after school, so she waited under the zinc roof that covered the walkway from the school’s front entrance to the street.
放学后下起了雨,于是她呆在从学校正门通向大街、盖着锌皮棚子的走廊里等着。 yeeyan

It was raining nonstop, wetting the old couple, though they were under an umbrella.
雨不停地下着,尽管这对老人打着伞,但还是被雨淋湿了。 ebigear

It was overcast, but not raining yet.
天阴沉沉的,但没在下雨。 putclub

It's the weather.It was warm and sunny this morning, and now it's chilly and raining.
都是这鬼天气闹的,早上还阳光灿烂挺暖和的,这会儿却下雨了,阴冷阴冷的。 ebigear

The day of his funeral was overcast and raining.
为他举行葬礼的这天,天阴得很,而且下着雨。 ebigear

A new study says that some drops of rain are falling faster than they should be. Which ultimately means that it may be raining less than we think.
一项新的研究声称,一些雨滴下落的速度比正常的要快,这就使得实际的降雨量比我们预想的要少。 yeeyan

Amazon's cloud seems to be down raining? so we're experiencing some issues too.
亚马逊的云似乎宕了下雨了? ,所以我们也遭遇到同样的问题。 yeeyan

God closed the door of the ark for us. Soon, it started raining and pouring.
上帝为我们造的方舟关好大门,不一会儿,天空开始下雨,倾盆大雨紧接而至。 yeeyan

Hi, how are you, it’s raining, I love you, bye.
嗨,你好吗,外面在下着雨,我爱你,拜拜。 yeeyan

I feel, perversely, like it should be raining, but it's a perfectly clear dark sky.
我自以为是地觉得应该在下雨,但却是个非常晴朗的黑暗夜空。 yeeyan

It has been raining since morning.

It was always raining, she remembers, and nothing much seemed to happen.
在她的记忆里,小时候那里总是下雨,生活也一成不变。 oobang

It was raining that day in Detroit when it came in, I remember it well. It sat in a carrier all by itself.
车运来那天底特律下着雨,我记得很清楚,我一路和它一起呆在货车里。 yeeyan

It was cold and raining, but we danced away and enjoyed every minute of it.
天很冷,还下着雨,不过我们不断地跳着舞,享受其中的每一分钟。 yeeyan

It's really, in a sense, the physical image is of rain; it's raining, so it's leaking all over it.

It's been raining since early morning, so it should fair up later this afternoon.

She would go shopping if it stopped raining yesterday.
如果昨天雨停了,她应该会去逛街买东西了。 kekenet

The lake dries up during summer and autumn and this photo was take right before raining season.

This mass of dark cloud is raining.

We have to play inside because it is raining.
因为天下雨,我们不得不在屋里玩。 ebigear

We will go for a picnic even though it is raining now.
虽然现在在下雨,我们还是准备去野炊。 hjenglish

Well, you wake up in the morning and it is raining and being the conscientious and reliable young people that I know you to be, you probably forget to do it.




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