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词汇 rainforests
释义 rainforests ˈreinfɔrists COCA³⁸⁸³²BNC¹⁶⁸⁷⁴Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
n.热带雨林rainforest的名词复数原型rainforest的复数 The number of fires destroying Amazon rainforests are increasing, a study has found.
一项研究发现,摧毁亚马逊雨林的火灾数量在增加。 yeeyan

This Amazon River tributary snakes through one of the last tropical rainforests on Earth.
亚马逊河蜿蜒流过地球上最后的热带雨林之一。 yeeyan

Additionally, rainforests are being cut down at an extremely rapid rate to both pasture cows and grow soybeans to feed cows.
此外,雨林以极快的速度在被砍伐以建奶牛牧场和种植大豆喂养奶牛。 yeeyan

ANY attempt to put an economic value on fresh air, clean water or tropical rainforests can offend the delicate sensibilities of those who argue that the conservation of nature is a moral duty.
任何企图给新鲜空气、清洁水源及热带雨林赋予经济价值都会冒犯某些人脆弱的敏感,他们认为保护自然是人类的道德责任。 yeeyan

Countries with rainforests also need to have due regard for their preservation and for the Indians who live in them when allowing mining and oil exploration.
拥有热带雨林的国家还需要考虑雨林的维护,以及在采矿和勘探被允许之后,对居住在雨林中印第安人的生活的保护。 ecocn

Dense rainforests cover the south-western part and this is the area to go to when you want to see wildlife.
在西南部覆盖着浓密的雨林。如果你想感受野外生活,这地方就最好不过了。 yeeyan

Efforts to tackle illegal destruction of the world's rainforests have been a success, according to a new report that details a significant fall in unauthorised logging.
一篇新的报道详细讲诉了非法伐木正在急剧下降,解决非法砍伐世界热带雨林的努力已获得成功。 yeeyan

From waterfalls to fjords, rainforests to mountain peaks, freshwater lakes to volcanoes, we are discovering together the incredible beauty and variety of our planet.
从悬瀑到峡湾,从雨林到山峰,从淡水湖再到火山,让我们一起去探索地球上的梦幻美景,发掘我们生存的星球的多姿多彩。 i21st

Marshes produce more biomass even than tropical rainforests because flow of the tides allows two different types of bacteria to flourish.
沼泽甚至可以比热带雨林制造出更多的生物,因为潮汐流可以允许两种不同的微生物繁殖。 yeeyan

Monkeypox occurs primarily in remote villages in Central and West Africa, near tropical rainforests.
猴痘主要在中非和西非靠近热带雨林的边远村庄发生。 who

Of course, we need to stop destroying the rainforests.
当然,我们需要停止破坏雨林。 yeeyan

Our lives are richer for having stayed in a tribal longhouse in Sarawak, Borneo, spotted orangutans in the majestic rainforests of Malaysia, and cycled through the tranquil villages of Laos.
因为有了在沙捞越和婆罗洲的部落长屋过夜、在马来西亚的壮丽雨林中辨认猩猩,以及单车穿越老挝的宁静村庄的经历,我们的人生更加丰富。 yeeyan

Redmond said gorillas were crucial in maintaining the lifecycle of the rainforests in the Congo basin.
雷德蒙说,大猩猩对维系刚果盆地热带雨林的生态循环至关重要。 yeeyan

Saving rainforests is one of the most effective ways to fight global warming, as well as helping to preserve some of the Earth's most imperilled species and ecosystems.
拯救热带雨林是对付全球变暖的最有效的办法之一,而且也有助于保护一些地球上处境最危险的物种和生态系统。 yeeyan

That would be the end of the rainforests of the seas.
这个令人担忧的事将是珊瑚礁这一海洋雨林毁灭的原因。 ecocn

The article discusses a mostly overlooked hypothesis that, if right, would explain how big rainforests— like the Amazon— actually drive the entire global water cycle.
这篇文章讨论了这个通常被忽视的假设,如果新的假设是正确的话,就能解释像亚马逊这样的大雨林是如何推动全球的水循环了。 yeeyan

The scientists calculated the threat to rainforests from drought or forest fires as the world warms by looking at16 different climate change models from research centres around the world.
通过观察来自世界研究中心16个不同的气候变化模式,科学家把对雨林的威胁归结于因全球变暖所致的干旱和森林火灾。 yeeyan

The rainforests inhale massive amounts of warming gases and keep them stored away from the atmosphere.
雨林吸附了大量的温室气体,使温室气体固定下来,远离大气层。 yeeyan

There are also concerns that cheap soya feed imported from South America is fuelling destruction of the rainforests.
还有人担心,从南美进口的廉价大豆饲料对毁坏雨林无疑是火上浇油。 yeeyan

This scarlet macaw is found in the subtropical rainforests of Central and South America.
这种绯红金刚鹦鹉常见于中美洲和南美洲的亚热带雨林。 yeeyan

What is striking about the global cost- abatement curve is what a bargain it seems to be to lower emissions by protecting rainforests.
这个全球减排成本曲线突出的地方在于,它显示了通过保护热带雨林来减少温室气体排放可获得的回报。 ecocn

Rainforests are threatened, disease is exacerbated, and hardest hit are poor populations and women around the world.
雨林受到威胁,传染病更加恶化,极大的打击了全世界的穷人和妇女。 yeeyan

Rainforests currently hold more than half of all the plant and animal species on Earth.
目前地球上,超过一半的动植物物种都生活在热带雨林之中。 yeeyan




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