

单词 railway
释义 rail·way 英'reɪlweɪ美'reɪlweɪ;英ˈreɪlˌweɪ美ˈrelˌwe ★★★☆☆牛高4COCA¹²¹²⁹BNC¹¹⁶³iWeb⁴⁷⁸⁷Economist²²⁹⁶

track with rails for trains to run on


a system of tracks with its engines, stations, etc.

line that is the commercial organization responsible for operating a system of transportation for trains that pull passengers or freighta line of track providing a runway for wheels;

he walked along the railroad track

词根词缀: rail铁轨 + way路
用作名词 n.
动词+~build〔construct, direct, extend〕 a railway修筑〔铺设,指挥,延长〕铁路conduct〔manage〕 a railway经营铁路electrify a railway使铁路电气化nationalize the railways将铁路收归国有open a railway to traffic使铁路通车work on the railway在铁路上工作形容词+~broad〔narrow, normal〕 gauge railway宽〔窄,常〕轨铁路modernized railway现代化铁路new railway新铁路private railway私人铁路scenic railway观景小铁路,游乐轻便铁路automatic〔electric〕 railway全自动〔电气〕化铁路elevated railway高架铁路underground railway地下铁道名词+~cash railway货款传送线rack railway齿轨铁路single line railway单线铁路~+名词railway line〔tunnel, track铁〕铁路线〔隧道,轨道〕railway network map铁路网示意图railway station火车站介词+~by railway乘火车on the railway在铁路上~+介词a railway across…横穿…的铁路a railway between the two cities两城市间的铁路
非常记忆rail轨道+way路⇒铁路系统监视着这条轨道上的道路钱博士rail横杆,特指铁轨+way道路→装有铁轨的道路⇒铁路rail横杆,特指铁轨+way道路→装有铁轨的道路⇒铁路。蒋争熟词记忆railn.铁轨wayn.路⇒铁路近义词 跑道踪迹小路line线or或者rail栏杆tube管子track轨道route路线rails铁路cable电缆tracks轨道train列车subway地铁railroad铁路electric电的railwayC铁路monorail单轨铁路train tracks火车轨railway line铁路线railroad line铁路线cable railway悬索铁路railroad track铁路轨道railway system铁路系统electric railway电气铁路switchback在Z形路轨向原来的方向返…rail transportation system铁路运输系统…
用作名词n.The railway slopes up slightly at this point.铁路从这儿开始微微向上倾斜。
My brother is working on therailway.我兄弟在铁路系统工作。Prailwaymann.铁路职工



用作名词Therailwaylines run parallel to the road.铁路线和那条道路平行。
It takes a lot of labour to build arailway.修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。
The goods were consigned to you byrailway.货物已由铁路托运到你处。noun.railroad
同义词 line,rail line,tracktrain line
public transportationnoun public transit service
LRT,busline,light rail,mass transit,metro,rail rapid transit,rapid transit,subway,urban transportation service
railroadnoun train line
elevated railway,line,metro,monorail,rail line,railway,streetcar line,subway,tracks,trolley line,tube,underground railway Paul Theroux travelled the length of Asia in1974, a trip that resulted in The Great Railway Bazaar.
鲍尔.塞罗柯斯在1974年做了一次贯穿亚洲的旅行,写成“铁路大集市”这本书。 yeeyan

The government is quadrupling the size of its main airport and a high-speed railway will eventually connect to Shanghai.
政府将其主机场规模扩建了四倍,同时一条高速铁路将最终将重庆和上海连接起来。 yeeyan

The railway slopes up slightly at this point.

There seems to be no accounting for railway eccentricity, thought I as I once more returned to my book.
铁路上的反常似乎也不是什么奇事,我一面这样想着一面还是看我的书。 yeeyan

As with other state resources in North Korea, the railway system has military uses.
就像朝鲜其他的国有资源一样,铁路系统也有军用功能。 yeeyan

But I like to think I have it down to an art, my technique honed from years of watching The Railway Children, Sleepless in Seattle and that scene in Dumbo when the mother elephant is locked away.
但我喜欢把它和艺术联系起来. 经过多年看各种电影的磨励,我的这种本领已是炉火纯青.多年来我曾看过铁路孩童>,无眠西雅图>以及在傻瓜>. ebigear

Can you find some information about the Airport Railway?
你能找出一些关于机场铁路的信息吗? hjenglish

Even without a railway network, the region is tying itself together.
即使没有铁路网络,该地区也在自发地一体化。 yeeyan

Experts on railway restructuring around the world say that a mix of reforms done in Japan and Argentina could solve key problems.
研究全球铁路重构的专家们认为,日本和阿根廷的一系列改革分别解决了一些关键问题。 yeeyan




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