释义 |
au·to·ra·di·o·graph·ic 英'ɔ:təu'reidiəu'ɡræfik美'ɔ:təu'reidiəu'ɡræfik BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹ 基本英英记法例句 adj.自动射线照相的¹⁰⁰
Adjective: of or relating to or produced by autoradiographyautoradiograph-ic…的⇒adj.自动射线照相的 Hence, autoradiographic method could be replaced by silver staining, a simpler and more sensitive one, in PCR SSCP to study gene mutation of asbestos related lung cancer. 因而,简便、灵敏而且危害性小的银染检测方法,可以代替放射性自显影用于 PCR-SSCP分析,研究石棉肺癌的基因突变情况。 cnki The distribution of afferent fibers and terminals in the sympathetic ganglion and the cardiac wall of the cat were studied with autoradiographic technique. 本文用放射性同位素自显影法研究交感传入纤维及其末梢在猫星状神经节、腹腔神经节和心脏的分布。 cnki |