

单词 railroad car
释义 railroad car短语³¹¹³⁴

a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad;

three cars had jumped the rails

近义词 car汽车railcar有轨车railway car铁路车辆
He went across Fourteenth Street on the car and got a transfer south on Broadway.他乘有轨电车穿过十四街,在百老汇大街转车朝南。
A gray bird flew above them, above the electric wires for the street car line, and perched on the metal cornice of a roof.一只灰鸟从她们的头顶上飞过,越过有轨电车线,最后停歇在一家屋顶的金属横檐上。 This paper makes a detailed analysis of flowchart and program of railroad car's type identification for port's tipple in which the PC has been used.
本文对港口翻车机系统中应用可编程序控制器鉴别车厢类型的流程与程序作了详尽分析。 cnki




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